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Interdimensional Demonic Master Blacksmith

Charles is a large demon from outside the realms and planes of Uurphasia. He came to this world through the rift at Imerilith's Tear, becoming on of the several depowered demonic residents there. He stayed there for a number of years, quickly establishing himself as the small town's blacksmith, taking in any of the smaller demons that came through the rift to work for him. Though he was not the powerful being he used to be, he did still have great skill when it came to smithing. Not only that, but he did also have a way with augmenting and reforging magical items. He would provide the various fastenings and supports for building construction, helping to improve the storefronts used by the other demons. This curried good favour with the caretakers of Imerilith's Tear, which Charles took advantage of to bring in contraband from outside the town.   He eventually met Yasha The Crow and the rest of The Lost during the events of Season 2: Ray of Hope, where they rid the town of the mind controlling effects of Jorv. Yasha offered Charles a job at The Perch, which he gladly accepted. It took some convincing the caretakers, but finding that Jorv had infiltrated them left them with some guilt, which Charles leveraged to get permission to leave   He is now establishing himself as the primary blacksmith for The Lost at their base, The Perch
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