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Holcan City

Jewel of Azkazan

Home of the Tabaxi

A Tabaxi city located on the continent of Azkazan. One of the first ports of call for travellers from the continent of Urmum.  


Currently the city is home to three factions, all of which believe in running the nation differently. As time has progressed, these tensions have been growing, and soon things may reach a tipping point unless a definitive legit claim to the throne can be found.  
The current ruling faction of Holcan City, run by the Prince Regent: Prince Quetzal. Whitesnake is a monarchy that has historically protected the nation from various threats, most notablly the Yuan Ti. However in recent years they have been seen as aging and out of touch, with civil unrest growing and calling for change.  
Pantera is the religious faction of Holcan City, run by Priestess Stormcloud. The Priestess and other members of the faction wish to use thier powers to protect the city where they feel that the current Monarchy cannot. While they are not vehemently opposed to Whitesnake's rule, Pantera believe that the city would be in better hands under their religious guidance.  
La Tigre
A more unruly faction within the City, La Tigre is a civilian-led rebellion that wishes to see power restored to the people. Many see this faction as reckless and inexperienced in the ways of leadership, however the leaders of this faction are adamant in the desires to see democracy and change brought to Holcan City  

The Crown

The resting place of the lost crown of Empress Blood Moon(?) was recently discovered - the lost ruins of Nixtlalac. Whoever holds this crown would have an irrefutable claim to throne. Deep within the ruins lies the crown, awaiting a group of adventurers to brave its trials and claim it...

Places of Interest

The Lily Pad

One of the main bars in the city, run by a Tabaxi named Wigwam.
Large city
Location under
Owning Organization


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