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Where pure souls are gifted the eternal reward of Elysium or the endless hunts of Byzantium, evil beings are sent to Tartarus. A wretched place to hold wretched souls, the deep pits of this plane are inhospitable by nature. They are a punishment for those who have done wrong in life, with personal torments visited upon the damned. There isn't an entire abscence of hope however, as redemption can be found for those who truly seek it. This is decided by the arbiter of this plane: Hel, The Jailor. HIs influence and word is law, and his task of maintaining and managing this populace of sinners is neverending.  

Points of Interest


Castle Dreadfall

The home of Hel. Few are granted rights to entry, and those unfortunate souls that are taken there have likely wrong Hel personally in some way.  

Cthon Hall

An adminstrative building, where the council assists Hel's work by cataloguing and managing the individual denizens of Tarturus  

The River Styx

A long river of blood that leads into Tarturus from the material plane. It deposits the damned souls into their new life of torment. Also has some good fishing spots  


An area of Tarturus closer to Castle Dreadfall and Cthon Hall, this is an area of relative tranquility, where redeemed souls can live in relative comfort in service of Hel and the council
Plane of Existence


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