
Adversaries are mysterious entities who have been chosen by Olvdir, The God of Endings, to fulfil specific tasks or investigate developing situations in Vaeruin in order to report, represent honestly, and finally support the outcome given by Olvdir. The process can mimic the theater of a court proceeding, with the Adversary representing the colloquial "devil's advocate" to an omnipotent Cosmic Entity.


It is thought that Olvdir amuses himself with this process out of curiosity for the reasonings of lesser minds that are bound to time and mortality. Clerics and historians that have written of Olvdir's temperament remark him as seeming to strive for empathetic connections over benevolent ones.


Adversaries discover the truth, driven by their tasks, and each advocate has the responsibility for presenting the facts from a partisan point of view. They are mostly aligned with the goals of Olvdir and the spirit and magicks of Vaeruin.


For example, an Adversary who was tasked to investigate instances of people attempting or succeeding to summon or communicate with otherworldly entities, or break open the seal of Vaeruin, might infiltrate a cult and gather concrete evidence over time. They are not necessarily tasked to stop the events, but to observe and gather information. When the Adversary felt they had enough information, they would then bring their evidence to Olvdir in absolute.


The "court session" that would play out would require the Adversary to represent their position and suggest an outcome. An Adversary may be presenting their position to just Olvdir, or even against another Adversary who was chosen to investigate similar or the same situation with Olvdir making the final decision. They may even potentially be required to argue forcefully against Olvdir himself, should the Adversary take a position opposite of the God.


In the example given above, the Adversary successfully argued against the cultists and they, and the surrounding area, and all who were involved, were smote.


An Adversary's responsibility is to fulfill the role or tasks given by The God of Endings by any means necessary. These tasks may be simple or complex and take mere days or a lifetime, but they all support the central goal of bringing to light anything that might go against or harm the "spirit of the law" of Vaeruin.


At any point in time, there may be many Adversaries or a singular, lone wolf. They may or may not know of each other, but it is rare that they would work together due to conflict of interest. There are no ranks or titles to distinguish or identify one another.


While not sworn to secrecy, an Adversary will often keep their title secret in order to not taint the truth.


The name means "to oppose," or "thwart", two things that many people associate the comings and goings of an Adversary. It is usually safer for the Adversary to remain anonymous until necessary.

Public Agenda

Most laymen do not know of Adversaries or think about them in daily life, especially in current times. However, in religious more powerful or political circles, an Adversary is recognized as a bad omen or a dangerous fellow to keep around. Historically, if an Adversary has been known to an area, there is a real potential for bad things to happen.

"Agree with the Adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the Judge, and the Judge, and thou be cast from this World.


Maroth, the Mother of Vaeruin, is considered the first Adversary to Olvdir. Her ferocious argument against opening the portal and allowing other beings into Vaeruin that lead her all the way to battle and defeat is regarded as a legacy.


It is possible that after she was exiled that Olvdir felt an absence of the opposition that the Mother of Vaeruin offered.

The Balance

Secret, Occult
Alternative Names