The God of Endings

The God of Endings

The God has many names he asks others to call him, but only one that was given to him: "Olvdir". This name was given to him by Maroth, the first person to enter Vaeruin.

Divine Domains

Nature, Tempest, Life, Death

Holy Books & Codes

Froldvíta Olvdir, translated roughly "To Know Olvdir", an ancient text written by the earliest Kaesimar. This text is kept in Lastwell's protected library.


Vísdómrlund , a collection of poems and scriptures written and translated by clerics who claim to have personal relationships with the God.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The sigil associated with the miracles and mysteries of the God can be found all over Vaeruin. It is said that when lightning strikes, the point that has been seared into the earth leaves the divine symbol. This rune is often tattooed upon the most devout of clerics who have been chosen by the God.

The sigil has been translated to "Endaberr Fyrsta", or "Endings are Beginnings".


On the 31st day of Skelsfest, a great feast is had in each major region to celebrate the year and guess the changing season. Skelsefest can be translated to "Surprise Feast", a day where Vaeruin's inhabitants create intricate meals and play community games in order to show reverence and thankfulness to the God.


Since the endearing practice began in the year 112 OV, The God of Endings has seemed to abide his seasons by this timeline. The world's weather and season may shift on this day to welcome spring, fall, winter, or summer, or perhaps another year of the same season.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The God created Vaeruin for an unknown original purpose. He existed before Vaeruin was created but from unknown origins. What he has made known, however, is his current desire to welcome as many travellers into his world. For 810 years the God has created nature, the seasons and the weather of Vaeruin.


The preservation of nature and the natural order of life and death seems to be important. While he does not directly intervene in the lives of the inhabitants of Vaeruin, the God makes his displeasure and pleasure clear through acts of nature.


The God of Endings does not seem to be envious of the people of Vaeruin worshiping other dieties, such as original gods of their homeland, though it is not exactly certain if those gods are able to intervene in Vaeruin.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

The God reveals himself to the inhabitants of Vaeruin in various forms. These spirit animals are often appearing ethereal and ghostly. Their eyes are all blue or grey, which is typically unnatural for these animals in the wild.

Beasts of Burden
Great Beasts



The God of Endings is known to be aloof. Out of the millions of suriving and dead inhabitants of Vaeruin spanning over 800 years, it is suspected than less than 1,000 individuals have truly been visited by the God. A visitation could be an interaction with one of the spirit animals or a vision in a storm or blizzard.


More rare, those who truly have spoken or know the God have been given names to call him by. The names hold power only to those who truly know him. Even these few have admitted on historical record that they are not in constant commune with the diety, unlike gods of other planes or worlds. It truly seems that the God of Endings prefers to be fairweather and introverted.

Divine Classification

This is the God of Endings, such as the ending of seasons, natural cycles, stories, or songs.

Date of Birth

All manifestations of the God have blue or grey eyes.


Braided, long locks of blond or black.

Skin Tone/Pigmentation

The God, when in humanoid form, takes on various skin colors.

8 feet in humanoid form
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