Familiars: Gifts of the Child Gods

In the year 810, on the 25th day of Skelsefest...

Child Gods appeared to the million or so inhabitants of Vaeruin and offered them boons in exchange for loyalty.


Ialdir's Familiar - Kanína

A small, 2-3 foot hybrid creature. A rabbit mixed with unicorns, deer, elk, moose, or other horned creatures. Their horns can be as tall or wide as a foot.

A hare's movement seems plagued by the flicks and judders of restrained energy, as if carrying an ache that can only be relieved by running. The rest of the time it's as though they're absorbing the earth's energy, tapped into a ley line, shivering with pent-up static.

Ydbris' Familiar - Köttr

A small, 2-3 foot hybrid creature. A cat mixed with reptile or primal-aged creatures.

A cat has absolute emotional honesty: persons, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not.


Olris' Familiar - Helsi [h2

A small, 2-3 foot hybrid creature. A hellhound mix.

Maybe I'll trust him to fight my monsters while I sleep. Maybe I don't have a choice.

Aborh' Familiar - Toothbold

A tiny undead made of flesh and bone.

Imageine waking up one day with no teeth in your mouth. You wouldn't need to run to the mirror to know they were gone.

Not much is known about your familiars, except that they are by your side and seemingly here to stay.

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