
I am the paragon, the embodiment, of the restorative seasons Of winter and autumn. Of sleep and fire. The celestial body that controls the tides and currents. I am the oldest twin, and a child of my father's first union. I was gifted with the power of knowledge, restorative destruction, and the low tides. Pledge your loyalty to me and you shall receive boons.

Serious followers of Olris call themselves Múspell, a name given to represent the influence the god has over tidal currents and restorative destruction. These followers admire Olris for his aggressive leadership and wisdom, being the oldest of the Gods.

Divine Domains

Restorative destruction (seasons Of winter and autumn sleep and fire. Olris is the celestial body that controls the tides and currents, particularly low tide.


Restorative Destruction

Olris embodies quick and hot decision-making much like how a fire might jump a stream to eat up the woods, or decide to burn one house completely down and leave another smoldering and salvageable.


The seasons of winter and autumn bring sleep, focused energies, and death. While these qualities might seem antithesis to the quick heat of a brush-fire, Olris would remind about the quickness ones' body decides to lose a limb to frostbite, or to sleep and decide to never wake. Or the snow to decide to fall under the weight of itself to crash mercilessly into a mountain town.


These decisions, he would argue, are necessary for new life and new decisions. Fire culls the weak brush that would never survive the summer months, allowing stronger brush to flourish in its place. An avalanche pools mineral-rich snow to melt into a valley to sustain life for a hundred years, or uncovers a prosperous mine.


Celestial Body Olris: Low Tide

In a game of tug of war, Olris and Ydbris give and take the tides. Low tides help creatures catch sealife or crustaceans, uncover tidal pools, and bring balance. Depending on the species and water depth in a particular area, fish may concentrate during ebb or flood tidal currents. Inhabitants of Vaeruin use the tides to determine when to send ships out from Ofrary or other ports.


The anticipation of low tide turning into high tide sparks impatience, a need for urgency, and a promise.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Fire, Ice, Masculine physical features (penis, testicles, plumes, tusks), darkness, celestial body (sphere).


Olris has six arms that holds a large circular celestial body, which is also apart of himself. He presents himself most often as a humanoid or a creature being eaten up by fire. He is cloaked in darkness and the chill of winter. He is well-endowed, well-muscled and presents as masculine in any form he takes (penis, testicles, plumage, tusks).
Divine Classification
Lesser Diety