
Divine Origins

Followers of Olris have begun gathering in a religious sect called the Múspell. The Múspell are those who have chosen the child god Olris as their primary diety and seek to receive the blessings promised from the diety.


Orgins of this sect come from Ofrary, but more specifically the Governor of Ofrary, Petrus the Green. Petrus is responsible for the group's creation and popularity, connecting wealth and financial compensation to members of the Múspell. Petrus claims that Olris gave him a "divinely inspired promise" that those who pledge their loyalty to him will financially prosper and their works will endure.


Though this sect is early in it's creation, Petrus speaks often of expanding the sect to other Capitals.

Cosmological Views

Olris, the child god of winter and fire, is the diety that the Múspell seek to emulate.   Olris is the oldest of all child gods, though only just barely ahead of his twin. He holds a celestial body in his six-arms that governs the tides and the migrational patterns. The pull of the world flows from the slowly turning body.

Tenets of Faith

Múspell practice these tenets:  
  • Olris, child god of renewal and restorative destruction, is the truest choice of loyalty.
  • The highest goal is the survival of the state, the person, the soul.
  • Whatever we believe now is only an approximation of reality and that every new observation brings us closer to understanding reality.
  • We believe that there are no universal principles with which all individuals may guide their actions. Instead, a person must always be aware of the actions of the persons around them and must use a pragmatic approach to resolve problems as they arise.


Olris, as explained by Petrus and other high-ranking Múspell, does not seem to care about specific tenets or books of spirituality. This explains why persons’ actions are judged according to the ethics of responsibility rather than by moral principles set by the child god.


Rituals of the Múspell include:

  • Daily thankfulness meditation, providing a small offering of worth into fire, such as a part of a meal or a few coins.
  • Scalding or sweating skin through fire or heat as a metaphor for "internal refining".
  • Similiarly, freezing or frosting one's self or a wound to promote healing.
  • Considering a yearly ritual of Raun Slá, or "Test Forge", where worshipers invite Olris to test by destruction their works or worth. The items offered of those who are found worthy will endure and become stronger or more valuable.

Granted Divine Powers

Petrus the Green, founder of the Múspell, has claimed that he has inhereted "bottomless wealth" for Ofrary.   Another early member of the Múspell has claimed that he can walk through roaring bonfires unharmed. This claim has not been verified.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Governor of Ofrary, Petrus the Green, has encouraged and invited all citizens to pledge their loyalty to Olris in order to recieve rewards and wealth.   It is not illegal to worship or be loyal to other child gods at this time.
Religious, Organised Religion
Controlled Territories
Notable Members