Scene: Olvdir's Death

“Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings.”

A million beings have gathered from all around Vaeruin to witness the death of the creator. For months prior, whisperings of the God's intents filled the streets and buildings. Why would the creator leave? How long has he been planning this? What will happen now?


The Boiling Void is the grand stage. The sky grows dark, reflecting celestial bodies that he hand picked for this world. In the sky, familiar twin moons are missing. A deep, rumbling thunder vibrates your very inner parts. Your sol.


"I leave you, my children, to be guarded by my children. Do not weep; I do not die in fear, and so neither should you live in it."


A humanoid, an 8 foot tall being wades in the shallows of the pool now. The sky is full of wind, flaky snow, and lazy warm rain. Alongside, and within, and all around the god are his forms. He is a humanoid, but he is also an Ox, a Wolf, an Eagle. He is a Fox, a Hummingbird, and a Mammoth. He is the warm breeze and the tornado. He is the sun stroke and the blizzard.


And now he looks at each of you, whether you are here or not, and strides into the Boiling Void.


"It is complete. Vaeruin, my creation, is complete."


He wades into the center of the void, unaffected by depth, and he waits for what seems like an eternity. Is this hesitation? His ghostly blue eyes - are they searching?


Then he is gone. He sinks through the very same void that those present were birthed through.

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Scene: Olvdir's Death
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