Black Forest War

Diplomatic action


In the year 340 OV the govenor of the capital of Ofrary sought to take control of larger parts of the Black Forest (the woods in and around Kipburn). They did this by sending intimidating guards to Kipburn, seeking to "negotiate" through intimidation.

In the year 340 OV the govenor of the capital of Ofrary sought to take control of larger parts of the Black Forest (the woods in and around Kipburn). They did this by sending intimidating guards to Kipburn, seeking to "negotiate" through intimidation.


At the time, Ofrary was expanding borders and wishing to use the cave systems hidden within the thick woods to search for more iron, coal, and precious metals. The Black Woods have historically been understood to be under Kipburn's ownership and envied for the quality trees. The expanding capital had also, unfortunately, been irresponsible with their own logging ventures.


While there has never been a documented war or violent movement in Vaeruin Ursine history, The Midcomb Guard was instrumental in deploying protective forces and making difficult decisions that many younger Kippers could not, or would not, make.


For over a year, during one of the longest and harshest winters in Vaeruin history, Kipburn met the intimidation tactics of Ofrary guards with some of their own. Traps were set throughout the woods that the bearfolk knew like their own paw pads. There were refusals after refusals to negotiate by The Midcomb Guard (the elders) which escalated into a refusal of letting anyone from or associated with Ofrary to pass through the woods. Those caught trespassing were documented to be kept as "collateral" for the trees stolen or damaged during the year, only to be returned once the trees were "returned".


After a year of guards and citizens of Ofrary reporting missing, main road to Atrary closing, and even the Sleuth of Applemar placing their own roadblock in solidarity in the West road, the govenor relented. The Black Woods would be and will always belong to Kipburn.


No deaths were documented, but the songs sung in the Duras in Kipburn tell less censored tales.

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