The Midcomb Guard


As bearfolk in Kipburn age, the society looks to them for wisdom, guidance, and strength. While not all old Ursine are asked to be apart of Midcomb Guard, it is something that is highly esteemed. Many bearfolk who associate with Sleuths consider this the capstone of their earthly journey.


The structure is quite simple and democratic. The bearfolk of each Slueth vote when it feels appropriate (usually yearly, or when an Ursine becomes of elderly age or performs an action deserving elder status). Each Sleuth is in charge of their own Elders, and these elders make up the Midcomb Guard. However, within this guard is a hierarchy that is voted from within.


When an elder is especially esteemed, they may be voted as the Sage, or the leader of Midcomb Guard. It is an honor for your Sleuth to house the Sage. Furthermore, a Sage has the final say over any domestic or civil issues between the participating Sleuths.

Public Agenda

The Midcomb Guard's job is to ensure the physical safety of bearfolk across Vaeruin, first and foremost. It also ensures the property safety and the fair wealth dispursement. While the members within the guard may disagree about property lines or whether or not to purchase goods from other cities, most every elder is united to protecting and growing their Sleuth's Ursine culture.

Freedom, above all else.


The Midcomb Guard was established early on when the first groups of Ursine came through the Boiling Void. Even with low numbers of bearfolk, and even with the strong desire for personal freedom, it was apparant that some organization was needed.


This was especially important in the year 340 OV, when the govenor of the capital of Ofrary sought to take control of larger parts of the Black Forest (the woods in and around Kipburn). While there has never been a documented war or violent movement in Vaeruin Ursine history, The Midcomb Guard was instrumental in deploying protective forces and making difficult decisions that many younger Kippers could not, or would not, make.

"For freedom, for welfare, and for fairness."

Founding Date
201 OV
Geopolitical, City council
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Notable Members
Historical Events:
Black Forest War

Articles under The Midcomb Guard