
The Arcane Group

The Arcane based group that oversees arcane business in Tirra. They have a long bloody history but it ended up in the hands of Astari , the former Tiefling turned Eldarin Elf .   Council- Astari- Leader, Eclipse (Astari's eldest son), Voltor- Tiefling , Charlotte- High Elf Elf and Melody- Gnome    Former Leaders- Theren Liadon (the lich), Laucian Liadon, The Golden Knight, Varis Liadon and Naivan Liadon


Leader- they lead the organization and are the face. Council- they handle everything else. Members- there everyone else

Public Agenda

They strive to protect the world from arcane means.


It was started by Theren who became the first Lich, it was then was destroyed by the dragons. It was remade, just for it to be mostly killed off again by Zombie Acid. history-of-arcada-timeline-archived-1603568793history-of-arcada-timeline-archived-1603568793

The Arcane can not divide us

Founding Date
The Age of Arcanam
Guild, Mages
Alternative Names
Arcane Council, Lich Maker, Necromancers
Training Level
Leader Title
Notable Members

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