The Sliver Mercenaries

The Mercenary Guild

This is a mercenary guild and the only one with permission to act outside of the law. This is because of the leader Tazac Sliverborn , the only pure sliver Dragonborn .


Leader (Huntmaster)- they lead the guild and hand out the missions, Captain- they are second in command and helps control the guild, Member- they are the rest of the guild that's been there a while, Enlistee- this is the rank for those that have just joined and they are given the more easy jobs.

Public Agenda

They protect those who can't protect themselves.


The guild started in the Age of Peace to keep the peace, then they became fiend killers to thin out those who come from the outer planes and now they handle the monster killing.

The sliver dragon scarified every, so shall we!

Founding Date
The Age of Peace
Guild, Fighter / Mercenary
Alternative Names
Sliver Dragons, Mercenaries
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Government System

Non-aggressive pact

Nation One reported the dead member to the guild and showed the newly found fairy dragon egg to them. Later, two members of N1 joined the guild.


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