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Sisters of Rebirth

The Sisters of Rebirth is a monastic order of female Tieflings that devote themselves wholly to their devotion of Zan-Nathar. The Sisters own nothing but their own habits which take the form of a white hooded cloak. Their convent "The Unpruned Rose" is owned by the order as a whole not anyone member. They are a very private group and rarely if ever let outsiders enter the compound of their covenant.

There are a grand total of four occasions in which this happened. The first was during a time in Verdeckt when the birth rate of the population dropped to such a low level that if something wasn't done the people of Verdeckt would have died out. The sisters allowed only the women of Verdeckt to enter their compound but none into the main buildings. After a ritual that lasted around an hour the women where asked to leave, after which the birth rate of Verdeckt exploded and the crisis was averted.

The second was during a time of famine they allowed the people of Verdeckt into their compound not the main buildings though, however they erected temporary structures to shelter the people.The people were fed from the reserves of the covenant and they where able to support them until the famine ended. It was later learned that while the people where sheltered behind the walls of "The Unpruned Rose" the sisters tended to the fields of the people behind their walls and their fields are now overflowing with abundance. The people also realized that the sisters barely ate a thing while they where there.

The third was when the war with the Dwarves was getting particularly heated they sent representatives to both sides in hopes to broker a peace. It took some time but eventually peace was achieved. They let both belligerents use their compound as neutral ground to sign the peace treaty yet again not letting anyone enter the main buildings of their convent.

The forth and final time was before the establishment of the nation of Verdeckt they allowed Tiefilng refugees to stay at their convent as a place of sanctuary. It was the Sisters of Rebirth that negotiated with the Sphinxes to let the Tiefling stay and build of the small settlements of the Sphinxes into the great nation of Vardeckt as it exists today. The sisters where asked to be part of the new fledgling nation but they refused and locked their gates and never looked back.


One elected Mother Superior and the sisterhood from which the Mother Superior is elected from. The Mother Superior is adorned in the typical white hooded cloak of the convent but with gold embellishments. The "Tainted Sisters" are those women in the convent that have yet to be full initiated into the convent. They wear a black hooded cloak when first brought in to the sisterhood but as they advance their cloak get lighter and lighter until it reaches light gray at that time they are in the process of being formally incorporated into the sisterhood. This process is known as their "Cleansing".



Public Agenda

To maintain the birth rate of the women of Verdeckt by providing the means to maintain the fertility of the mothers of Verdeckt. They also act as a motherly figure for the dispossessed and abandoned.


Their convent known as "The Unpruned Rose" a large compound located deep in the mountains to the far west of central Verdeckt.


It is unknown of how the Sisters of Rebirth where founded or even by whom. What is known is that that they have existed in there current location well before the founding of Verdeckt that much is known for sure. According to the records of Verdeckt the sisters have been there at least as long as the Sphinxes have due to the treaty that they made with them which the Sphinxes still have in their possession. It is openly known that the members of the Sisters of Rebirth are not allowed to show their faces to anyone outside their sisterhood. If they do exit their walls or have to interact with those outside their order they wear masks with openings for their eyes and holes by their noses and mouth but other then that the masks are featureless. They tend to those near them or behind their walls as their children and seek to protect them as such being the catalyst for many peace proposals. Its almost like they are intent on keeping the surroundings peaceful, odd?

Divine Origins


Cosmological Views



The Sisters of Rebirth are broken down in to numerous sub orders that are assigned with various roles to better serve the sisterhood at large. These orders are further divided into three larger groups that are referred to as "The Three Paths". "The Three Paths" are divided into smaller groups known as "The Fellowships". "The Fellowships" are given certain roles within the convent to handle. "The Three Paths" are "The Path of the Scale", "The Path of the Soul", and "The Path of the Wing"   The Path of the Scale: The Defensive arm of the Sisters of Rebirth. Emphasis on the word defensive they are trained by their elder sisters and lead by their "Mother of the Path" who acts as their general.   The Path of the Soul: The Medical and Domestic arm of the Sisters of Rebirth.     The Path of the Wing:The Information gathering arm of the Sisters of Rebirth.

In our corruption the world is purified

Unknown - ongoing

Religious, Monastic Order
Alternative Names
Maidens of Zanathar, Bearers of Carnal Sin
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Daughters of Zanathar, Holy Courtesan
Government System
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Mixed economy
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities


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