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The Order of the Four Schools: The School of Endless Battle

The School of Endless Battle, as the name suggests is the belief that the natural state of the world is conflict. Headed by Zunite The Supreme God of Conflict this school favors martial values and freedom threw battle and revelation threw blood, sweat and tears. The primary divine domain of this school is war. Whether for good or for ill.


The pantheon is headed by Zunite the Supreme God of Conflict who is viewed as the War master of the school. Zunite is the definition of a war loving soldier viewing every life taken as a sacrifice to his own greatness. He views that the natural state of all things is conflict, and among those conflicts he is most proud of the conflict as the Eternal War, he brags that it is his masterpiece of conflict.

Beneath the patriarch Zunite there are the children of the War God. Kaktaicn, The God of the Battlefield, Zunite's first born and also his aid de camp in all campaigns waged by the War God. Kaktaicn although the first born is very different from his father and views conflict as a trial all mortal beings must go threw in order to better themselves and that a war is a analog for life.

Pak'Tul,Goddess of Slaughter is Zunite's only daughter and relishes in the spilling of blood. Pak'Tul is also known as Carmilla. She is touted as the first vampire and the mother of all the vampires of Vagus. This may very well be true do the blood rights the followers preform.

Ru'ul God of Soldiers is Zunite's youngest, however unlike his elder siblings he views the act of war to be chaos. Not like his brother who views the battlefield as a place to be venerated as holy ground,or his sister that views the blood spilled as holy water. Ru'ul views these things as necessary evils but what he reveres is those fight by your side emphasizing each individual as a holy messenger of his own will. The officers are his prophets and the soldiers his preists.


To place emphasis on the importance of war and the benefits it brings(ie. Sparta or Jingoism)

Public Agenda

To spread warrior culture


Various Military facilities, The grand temples of the School of the Endless battle are known as Arsenals. A notable arsenal is the one located in the militarized district in Stone Tree

Faith and Steel, Devotion and Respect threw suffering

Unkown - Ongoing

Religious, Pantheon
Alternative Names
Cult of The Warmonger
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations

Articles under The Order of the Four Schools: The School of Endless Battle


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