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Kyo Seong

Head Enchantress Kyo Seong (a.k.a. The Lotus)

Theme Music

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kyo was born in Esoul the capital of the Jade Kingdom, Naria. She was born in a poor family, her father was a musician and her mother a dancer, she learned the arts of song and dance from an early age and soon joined her parents on the stage, performing almost daily. Kyo had a particular charm to her, her smile was enough to make a hardened man cry, and soon the family show attracted more and more people, lifting the family from their poverty.   When Kyo was a teenager, her family had come into the good graces of one of the local noble families. They patronaged their arts, getting in return only the prestige of being their patron, and sometimes private performances. The leader of the family, an old man approaching his 70's, grew more and more in love with young Kyo. While many women her age might be disgusted by the affections of an old man, she relished it, here was an opportunity for her to truly make something out of herself, she gave in to his advances and carefully but systematically manipulated him. Through him, she made sure that her family would never again go hungry, she also got herself education under one of the greatest performers in Esoul, through which she grew in skill and influence.   Her new position brought her unprecedented power, but there were those that resented the power she held over the noble house, the sons of the family head wanted to see her removed from her position, as every whisper she breathed diminished their power in the house. Eventually, they made a direct attempt on her life, that failed because some of the conspirators were in Kyo's pocket. The old man was outraged, but he could not bring himself to execute his own sons, instead, he agreed with Kyo's proposal. He built her a massive mansion on the outskirts of Esoul and gave her a large sum of money to provide for her and her family, the plan was that she was going to stay nearby and he could go visit her whenever he felt like it.   What Kyo's patron did not know was that as soon as she moved to the mansion she sold it, then she and her entire family left Naria and headed to Noramadia. The old man was outraged, but finally agreed with his son's opinions of Kyo, and they, for their part, were more than happy to see her gone. Once Kyo arrived in Batria she lost no time in mingling with the nobility of the city, she found herself a very nice mansion and set her family up for life with the money she got from the old man. She also found another lover for herself, this time an heir to a powerful family. Kyo had everything she needed and more, but she felt like she wanted to get more out of life, she did not only want to manipulate others in subtle ways, make them see her way and pass her ideas as theirs, she wanted to bend people to her will and have control. To achieve that goal she would need more than money, more than charisma and charm, she would need magic.   She convinced her new lover to pay for her studies and quickly charmed her way into the Traxiaria. She found out she was not particularly good at magic, but enchantment magic was perfect for her, the essence of that school of magic aligned with much of what she was already so good at. She eventually became a master Enchantress and started her career as an adventurer. She was a slow learner on the other schools of magic, but eventually, she became one of the best transmuters in the kingdom as well as proficient in all other schools of magic, she eventually substituted her master as the Arch Enchanter of the Traxiaria, a position that gave her both power as well as prestige in Batria.   Eventually, Kyo retired from her life on adventuring, she had made more money than she ever could know what to do with, plus her salary at the Traxiaria was enough to cover all of her, considerable, expenses and then some. The academy eventually started pushing students on her, but she had no intentions of teaching people, she found most of the young students to be boring and beneath her, also she did not want to waste her time teaching, she was way more interested in developing new spells, she would usually use the prospect students she had as guinea pigs, and eventually they would quit. That was until she met a particular student, three things caught her attention. The first one, she came from nothing just like her, and somehow someway found her away into being accepted at the Traxiaria, after so many snob nobles that was a refreshing change of pace. Second thing, she had a letter of recommendation signed by Lorimar, he had helped her a lot in the past, she was terrible at evocation spells and Lorimar was a master Evoker, she did not even need to do anything, he helped her off his own free will. The last one, she had taken a massive loan with the Golden Eagle, she knew there was only one woman that would give such a loan, Ilytariel. Kyo knew her well, she also knew the intentions behind the loan, she smiled to herself, she would get a guinea pig that was probably not going to quit, no matter what she did to her. She would be able to repay an old debt she had almost forgotten about and at the same time, she would be able to give a big middle finger to her old rival. Yes... That would do nicely.   Kyo would never admit this of course, but she grew to like her new student, Catherine was tenacious and had a ferocious spirit, she was also kind of a genius, it pissed Kyo off a little bit that she could learn magic so much faster than she ever could, she might not have deserved all the punishments she got, truth be told she probably didn't deserve a quarter of then, but Kyo took solace in the fact that they only made her even better... Probably...   Right now Kyo is thinking about the end, she wants to leave a mark in the world, the spells she is developing are the first step. She also has Catherine now, she is watching her development with great interest, she knows she is having trouble and is willing to help her, but not outright save her, if she needed to be saved then she would not be a worthy successor to her legacy in the Traxiaria.


Straight with manipulative and artistic spaghetti


Kyo is an arch wizard, specialized in enchantment magic. She is also incredibly effective without her magic, having trained in other forms of combat as an art form, she is also incredibly charming and charismatic, a few words from her can make mountains move.


She works as the Arch enchanter in the Traxiaria.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Managed to rise from nothing to become one of the greatest wizards in the Empire of Noramadia, as well as one of its richest people.

Personality Characteristics


Kyo accomplished everything she ever wanted and more, right now she is working on creating new spells, she is particularly interested in finding a way to stay young until the end of her days, she has little interest in immortality, as the things she would have to do to achieve it would outweigh the benefits. She found another unexpected interest in Catherine, she is watching her young pupil developments as and adventurer with great interest. Kyo thinks more and more about what will remain of her once she is dead, she is creating spells in the hopes that her name will live on, but if Catherine becomes someone of note, she will also be remembered as the one that allowed Catherine to become the great wizard Kyo knew she could become.

Likes & Dislikes

Kyo likes her family, she has a crazy sweet tooth, one she fights constantly against in order to keep her killer shape. She has a great love of silk and perfumes that remind her of her home town. She also likes her pupil Catherine, admiring her tenacity and courage.   Kyo dislikes spicy food thinking it for barbarians, she hates those that operate outside of the establishment, laws, and rules give power to those who know how to bend them but never break them, the ones that disrespect the rules can't truly be controlled, a concept that both infuriates her and fills her with fear. She also has a dislike for imperial fashion and a particular distaste of her pupil Catherine, disliking her ease of learning and the fact she is probably going to surpass her one day.

Wealth & Financial state

She is filthy rich, she keeps most of her wealth well hidden, but she is probably richer than the king, although her riches do not translate to as much control as his.
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Arch Enchantress
Year of Birth
704 58 Years old
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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