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Novice Catherine Belrose (a.k.a. Catty)

Theme Music

Mental characteristics

Personal history




As a child Catherine learned a great deal of things, from her parents she learned how to cook, tend to the house and how to negotiate prices and haggle. From a wizard named Lorimar she learned how to read and write, how to read the stars and predict the weather but most importantly, the basics of magic.   Eventually she went to the capital city where she joined the Traxiaria, the best academy of magic in the realm. She studied under the guidance of master Kyo Seong, the lead expert in enchantment magic and second best transmuter. Her master teached her all the spell schools but she gave extra emphasis on enchantment and transmutation spells because those were her favorites. From this training Catherine became a competent wizards capable of casting almost all of the basic spells.


Catherine is a certified wizard of the Traxiara, as such she has authorization to serve any of the arcane needs of the people from Noramadia, but being that she is still a novice, this services tend to be minor and constricted to the local region of Batria.   (add extra jobs later)

Accomplishments & Achievements

Catherine managed to come from being a peasant in a small village to becoming one of the best students in the history of the Traxiaria.

Failures & Embarrassments

She graduated from the academy with honors, that would usually make her highly respected, but being that the structure of the Traxiaria is so much in the hands of the nobility, she quickly learned that most of the other students resented her, as well as some of the teachers. That resentment carried far and because of it she is having trouble finding good employment and a steady party to adventure with.   Catherine also acquired a massive debt, the Traxiaria is the best academy of magic in the realm, but it is also the most expensive, in order to attend that school she was forced to endebt herself to Ilytariel of the Golden Eagle bank. The terms of the loan were simple, once she graduated she was going to start paying it back, if she failed to deliver her payments she would forfeit her freedom and become a slave.

Mental Trauma

Catherine's master, Kyo Seong, was a very strict teacher. She demanded absolute perfection from her student and whenever she failed to deliver it she was punished. Those punishments varied from mildly annoying to extremely humiliating or painful, leaving young Catherine traumatized by her master.

Intellectual Characteristics

Catherine is a hybrid between a highly logical person and an emotional one, this is highly effective because it means she usually has the tools for solving any problem, be it with people or not. At the same time it is a torturous combination, ensuring that she will always overthink almost everything all the time.   She also is gifted with excellent memory, although she just shrugs it off as "paying attention", nonetheless people are usually impressed at the speed with which she can memorize things.

Morality & Philosophy

Having ascended from nothing to stand shoulder to shoulder with the elite of the realm, Catherine is a strong believer in meritocracy. Being that she suffers from the contempt and disgust of many nobles because of her origins, she has started to harbor a hatred towards the nobility as well, she longs for a place where everyone would be free to be what they want to be, and live their lives as they want to live it.

Personality Characteristics


Wants to pay of her debt, prove herself as one of the best wizards of the realm and get the recognition she feels she rightly deserves.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Extremely good memory, quite agile for a wizard and quite capable of casting most low level spells. She is also an excellent cook and decent alchemist.   She is completely incapable of baking pies, the only explanation being that she is cursed by the gods. Quite incapable when it comes to melee combat.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves books and learning, she is also very found of puzzles and games that rely heavily on logic. She also enjoys cooking and spending time with her few friends.   She dislikes nobles and those that feel they are owned success, she also dislikes working with anything that is beneath her level of skill and intelligence. She is particularly terrified of her master, fearing that anything she does could result in some sort of punishment.

Virtues & Personality perks

Fast thinker, good reactions, empathetic.

Vices & Personality flaws

Reckless, stubborn, proud.


Contacts & Relations

Credor - Ilytariel
Master - Kyo Seong
Best Friend - Victor

Social Aptitude

Charismatic, proud and confident. She nonetheless is more than able to override her natural tendencies and slip into a more charming personality, thanks to the training of her master.

Hobbies & Pets

An eagle familiar named Aldori.

Wealth & Financial state

Catherine owns herself a small house in one of the more humble residential districts of the city. Aside from that her only wealth is her equipment and the small money prize she won from being the top student for so many years. Since she is massively in debt almost all of her gold has to be sunk into repaying that debt.
Chaotic Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Novice Wizard
Year of Birth
742 20 Years old
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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