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Acolyte Victor Ryane (a.k.a. Vic)

Theme Music

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Drive Victor was born in Luneria, he is the son of a wealthy family that owns many lands and businesses in the region. Being the third male child born to the family he wasn't owed much and little was expected of him, he grew up soft cultivating a strong love of books and stories. He was a good student and always had good grades, taking that as a sign of high intelligence his family dispatched him to be trained as a wizard.   Victor was indeed very good at memorizing text and being aware of the things around him, but he lacked the finely tuned problem-solving skills that were so important for a wizard, because of that he was rejected at the wizard academy. But the academy did think he had potential, only in a different field of study. He was recommended for the clerical school of the Traxiara, his family accepted the deal leaving him with no choice on the matter and just like that he was learning to become a cleric of Elara.   Victor did quite well in his training even though he was not particularly interested in it, his master was very harsh and would make sure he would get every lesson down no matter what. He had to spend almost all his hours studying to reach the expectations of his master, leaving him with precious time to pursue his hobbies and spend time with friends. He struck an unlikely friendship with Catherine, the loner that was the best student of the wizard's academy. She was usually somber and would bark at anyone that got too close, but Victor patiently talked to her, he always had a power of understanding and disarming them with his kindness and patience. He quickly found out that the woman was feeling lonely and dislocated and the only human contact she really had in the academy was a psychopath, Victor lent her an ear and made her time in the academy be more bearable, to which she was very grateful, in her own twisted way of course.   As the time of his graduation neared he found himself with more and more time on his hands, he was not sure if it was because his master was more relaxed, or if it was because he himself had gotten so much better that he had little to complain about. In either case he had more time to take again his old hobbies, he started going to the garden and sketching the plants and trees he could find, he could spend hours sketching a single leaf, down to the tiniest detail, he also combined his clerical skills with his knowledge of plants to become a competent herbalist and healer.   The rest of his time he spent with Catherine, it seemed to him that the better she got the more strict her master would become, she was freaking out almost daily, dreading her next punishment instead of actually concentrating on studying. Victor had to calm her down and put her back to study. Eventually, he graduated and became a certified cleric. Victor’s family actually wanted him to come back to Luneria and serve as their house cleric, he was going to accept it but Catherine asked him what he wanted to do, and for the first time in his life he defied his family and choose to stay in Batria, at least for a while longer.   His father wanted to disown him for his disobedience, but his mother calmed him down and they negotiated a time frame for him to eventually come back, because of that he keeps receiving money from his family and was able to purchase excellent equipment for himself. He registered in the guild of adventurers and found himself a party on the same day. Between adventures he still found time to pursue his hobbies and to go visit Catherine in the Academy, she was going to graduate soon and then she would probably not need him anymore, or at least that was what he was thinking. For now, he was just happy to be able to spend time with her, and help her where she needed him.




Victor was trained as a cleric of the goddess of magic Elara in the Traxiaria. He was not the best student, but he was still a competent one.


He works as an adventurer for the Guild of Adventurers, for now he only gets small jobs, like killing goblins or clearing out bandits from the roads.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Managed to become a friend of the very difficult to deal with Catherine.

Morality & Philosophy

Believes that everything happens for a reason and that there is a place and time for everything. He believes that everyone is born with a role to play in life.

Personality Characteristics


Victor wants to break free from his dependence of his family, he lived his whole life for them up to now but motivated by the life story of his friend Catherine he chose to challenge them and live his life for himself. He has no idea of where this path is going to take him, but he is eager to find out.

Savvies & Ineptitudes


He is very good at drawing, has an uncanny knowledge of plants and can diagnose almost all diseases as well as treatment for them. He is particularly proficient at reading and understanding people, being able to get the most hardened criminal to break down and cry on his shoulder.  


He lacks initiative, even his uncanny ability of understanding people comes from a place of self-doubt and lack of sense of self-worth, he always puts others in front of himself, meaning that he thinks of himself as second always.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves drawing and taking care of his small garden, likes spending time with the other members of his party and with Catherine, also enjoys spending nights on the nearby theater watching plays and listening to music.   He hates Catherine's pies, dislikes people that do harm to others, and has started to dislike people that try to control him.

Virtues & Personality perks

Insightful, kind, empathetic.

Vices & Personality flaws

Soft, trusting, easily manipulated.


Contacts & Relations

Best Friend - Catherine

Wealth & Financial state

His parents are nobility and they are quite rich. He himself has a good amount of money, some of it he gained from his parents and the rest from his own work as an adventurer. He lives in a nice house in one of the best neighborhoods in the city.
Lawfull Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
741 21 Years old
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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