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Vaw Deville

Vaw Deville was once the head of a renowned Artisian Merchant family.  His family, the Grinze, were known for their metal working, gemsmithing, and making of fine high end jewlry.  Grinze Gems and Jewels was located on the 4th ring of Emon.  It was happily ran by Grinze, his younger brother Freddie Jr, and Grinze's beloved wife Chrysaor.      


With the Civil war affecting the entire Realm, there was a division amongst the people never seen before.  Some followed Eridanus and some followed Nova.  This split families, it split friends, it split the entire nation.  The Grinze familiy were solid supporters of Nova.  As they were the most repspected in their field, many people looked to them for guidance.  However, their rival Miriam Delarosa, owner of Refined Regalia, decided to use this for her benefit.  She had been envious of the Grinze's success for a long time.   When word was released from the castle that Nova and Celeste were "responsible" for the death of their brother Rigel and their father King Hyperion, it only caused more anarchy.  Miriam used this to sway people against the Grinze family.  To her dismay, it still didn't affect them!  In a jealous rage, she took matters into her own hands.  She hired assassins to take out the family and destroy their shop.      


The Kumaine were a group of contract hit men.  Not top tier, but also not bottom of the barrel.  They were the group hired by Miriam Delarosa.  They arrived in the middle of the night.  They broke into the home of the Grinze family and slaughtered them.  They made a show of it.  It was a nasty, brutal affair.  It was not quick. It was not easy.  It was entirely traumatizing.  The Grinze family had fought back.  Especially, Chyrsaor, as she had been trained as a child as a warrior, before meeting and marrying Grinze.  She was able to kill 2 of the invaders, but the other 4 bested her.  When the Kumaine were done with their fun and work they moved onto the shop itself.  Grinze Gems and Jewels was thouroughly picked clean and razed to the ground.      

The Silent Image Cinema

  The Grinze family were MAJOR patrons of the arts.  They went to watch the different shows religioulsy.  They also were often contracted by the Theatre to commission different pieces for performances, high value guests and patrons, and decor.  Their ties were very stong with the Theatre, ocasionally even recieveing use of one of the Balcony seats, trypically reserved for royalty and other high ranking members of the kingdom.  Monsieur Eloi, the manager of the theatre was considered a close friend.    

Secret Societies

Grinze awakens, brutalized and barely alive.  He sees his brother and wife are both gone.  Somehow, he barely made it?  A mistake on their part for sure.  Lost in grief, pain, and horror, he slowly makes his way to the only person he can think of at the moment- Amand Eloi.  Eloi is more than surprised by Grnize's recounting of events.  Eloi also knows that The Kumaine will return to finish their work and correct their mistake.  He offers Grinze a different path.....One of enacting revenge and service to an unkown.  Grinze accepts.  He follows Monsieur Eloi thrrough a hidden passage, deep beneath the theatre into the Vault.  There he agrees to shed his persona and become a Faceless to enact his revenge.


Vaw Deville


Towards Chrysaor




Towards Vaw Deville


The Many Faced God

Known simply as Death oftentimes.  The worship of him is unique as they believe evyone who worships a different diety actual worship their God, just with one of His many different faces or personas.   Everyone experiences death.  They believe iin providing it when and where it is seen fit.  That being said, they are firm believers in fairness.  They do not seek out deaths in revenge or retribution.  The prices they ask for many actually not even be coin.  Example: A nobel wants the son of his adveersary killed.  The Faceless may require the death of his own son as payment.  The noble is of course free to choose to accept or decline.  A poor woman wanting vengeance on her old employer for stelaing her wages and booting her may only be charged a modest sum she can afford.  Much of these prices are at the discretion of the Faceless.    


"Valar morghulis" - all men must die "Valar dohaeris" -all men must serve  

Grinze & his contract

Grinze wanted the death of the assassins that raped, tortured, and murdered his family as well as the person behind it.  He no longer had any any wealth to barter with so he offered himself into service.  The Many Faced God accepted this even though typically acts of personal revenge were not allowed.  Grinze begged to keep his memories in tact until the deed was done.  This request was granted.  After completion of the contract, the memories within Grinze started to slip away like grains of sand or rain dripping from the clouds until finally all that was left was a hazy image of a woman.  Beautiful with blond hair, a bright smile, and stunning eyes.  An echo of the emotion he once felt lingers.  Logically he knows he wasn't supposed to retian his former identity, but his soul just couldn't let go of this final piece.  Even so he has a sense of peace now.

As far as anyone can tell, he is as middle-aged man of unknown race. His face is always fully covered by an animated mask. Underneath, he has no facial features. He is charismatic and loves to speak in alliterations.

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A secretive society deep beneath the Silent Image Cinema.    It's oporatives are spoken of in the dead of night as nothing more than the Faceless.  These bardic agents fill covert roles within the Realm, collecting information and skills like a dragon collects it's treasures.

The Faceless

Members of the Annonymous. These individuals give up their former lives and identity to adopt the Faceless mantle. Quite literally. Their faces and identity are removed. Only the strongest connections remain as vague foggy memories. They live in the lower hidden section of the theatre called the Vault. There they have a full living area, including private rooms, restrooms, music rooms, and even the Sanctum. In the Sanctum many Faceless worship the Many-Faced God, or the God of Death.
Chrysaor (Wife)

The Vault

A secret enterance in the Silent Image Cinema gives way to The Vault. You must pass through multiple traps and doors to gain enterance. There you enter into a modest dining room. It opens unto the rest of the vault which consists of bedchambers, bathrooms, music rooms, The Sanctum, and the Repository.  

The Sanctum

Pews line either side of a path leading to the dais. At the front is a statue depicting the Many-faced God. Carvings in the wall illustrate other iconography of his worship. Behind the statue, paths, filled with traps, lead to the Repository.  

The Repository

The recieving room is nothing more than a chamber witha large fountian. The water flows smoothly and seems to have a subtle glow in the dim chamber. People will dip their hands in the water and pour the cupped water down their faces as a ceremonial gesture. Stepping down rough hewn stairs into a deeper chamber, is the most valuable room in the entire building. The Repository is deep. Stone walls have cutouts around the entire room filled with faces. Faces of all different races, genders, ages, etc. These hollows rise as far as the eye can see, and even farther. The ceiling seems to be of shadow as it rises so high. There is a raised platform in the center with a pedestal upon which rests a ceremonial dagger, bowl, and chalice. This is where people become the Faceless. Liiterally carivng away their faces and previous identities in a ritualistic ceremony and giving them to The Many- Faced God.

The Silent Image Cinema

The most grand Theatre in the Realm.  It is prestigiously located in the 3rd ring of Emon.  It's patronage includes Royalty, Sidereal Knights, and Nobles alike.  It boasts lavish decor, and top-tier food, drink, and of course entertainment!  The back hosts multiple studios, dressing rooms, and various prop rooms.  To be a member of the troupe is one of the most sought after positions.  Every person from the main talent to a prop manager is of the highest quality.  It is run by The Director, Miseur Armand Eloi.  He is also the surface contact/member for the Anonnymous.

The Vault Traps


Entry from the Theatre to the Vault.

  1. The first door is unlocked with a small button hidden with the elaborate carved art on the wall
  2. Press the 3rd brick from the top, left side of the door
  3. Pull the torch bracket
  4. Step on specific stones on your way to the next door (poison gas)
  5. Place hand on door and whisper "Valar Morghulis"

Entry to the Repository

  1. Make the Faceless gesture (Cup hands as if pouring water down face)
  2. Press Jewels in the correct sequence (Garnet, Saphire, Amethyst, Emerald)
  3. Spin the dial to the correct music notes
  4. Follow the correct steps to the next door, wrong moves causes floor to lower with spikes impaling tresspasser)
  5. Climb down into a pit, must hum the correct melody or the snakes resting below will strike, must also climb up the other side
  6. Press hidden runes on the floor, otherwise spears spike from walls
  7. This room is pitch black,  It has poisonous and venous creatures burrowed in the walls and cubbys, there is a false passage,  There is a set line that must be followed to traverse.  It is not visible in the darkness.  It must only be memorized as light casues the creatures to attack
  8. Choose the correct key among a wall of thousands
  9. Turn carved statues in correct order to unlock
  10. Use the correct levers
  11. Whistle tune
  12. "Valar Dohaeris"


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