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Clesp Brevous

Goblin cleric of twilight Clesp Brevous

Her name is Clesp Brevous, Goblin cleric of twilight, molded by the streets indoctrinated by the church.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Curvy and softly built

Body Features

4'5, chubby for a goblin 145 lbs,

Facial Features

Soft rounded face, with medium sized lips.

Identifying Characteristics

On her left eye she has a holy symbol that's in the shape of a eight pointed star , has purple warts, muted purple lipstick, and green eye shadow.

Apparel & Accessories

Light armor sliver tassets and silver vambraces , has muted purple leotard, and brown cape, and a light crème collared pouch.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Abandoned in the city of Ovandor, Clesp Brevous, small and frail, grew to learn the ways of the streets. Being forced to learn to pick pockets, run heists, and steal from the street vendors in order to survive, all was going well for her. As time passed she began making a name for herself at the local thieves guild. Her mentor and owner of the guild, Avil, taught her everything she knew. He eventually decided she was ready for a far more important and dangerous job. The rundown was given to her and two others, well Known thieves in the guild, who were going to accompany her on this heist to steal an exceptionally rare and valuable ring that belongs to a royal of the city. Avil was like a father to Clesp, and though she had never seen his face, she would do anything in her power to continue to impress and please him. This mission was dangerous and could lead them to a certain death. The castle that housed the ring was heavily guarded by some of the greatest sorcerers and complex traps making the heist that much harder. The trio gathered their things and was on their way. With much deliberation and strategy meeting, the castle came into view. One would stand guard near the entrance, while Clesp and the other infiltrated the palace. After taking out most of the guards, they came to the safe which held the ring. Clesp was inches away from having the ring in her grasp when a sorcerer of unparalleled power appeared in front of them. He cautioned them to leave or face consequences they were not prepared for. Lacking the knowledge to identify the sorcerer as someone far more powerful than herself, Clesp and her thief companion, they decide to engage the sorcerer in a duel. A fight they both quickly realized was a huge mistake. The mysterious sorcerer cast a corrosive curse that immediately killed Clesp's companion and placed a curse on her left eye. Thoroughly beaten and dying, the sorcerer walked up to her and told her that she was warned, mocking her attempts to fight him. He pities her and picks her up, taking her to a nearby church and dumping her on the stairs. A nun finds her some time later and brings her in to try and nurse her back to health. With no way to repay her debt to the church she swears an oath and becomes a cleric.

Gender Identity





The thief's guild, and the Great church of Ovandor.


The Grey order.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Achieved a name for herself in the thieves guild.

Failures & Embarrassments

Loosing contact with the thieves guild and loosing to the mysterious sorcerer.

Mental Trauma

Having her comrade killed in front of her, Being left to die on the church stairs.

Personality Characteristics


She doesn't want anyone to be alone like how she was growing up on the streets of Ovandor


Family Ties


Religious Views

Not religious but uses the deity of twilight.

chubby, patient , short goblin who likes to eat, and cares a lot about her friends.

View Character Profile
Chaotic neutral
Right eye brown left eye blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Mid tone brown
145 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I'm twerking"
Known Languages
Goblin, and common.

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