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Mental characteristics

Personal history

Toobie was an unremarkable child. In his clan, names were given based on a great deed or particular personality trait. Children in his clan usually had earned a name by the time they reached their 8th winter. Toobie had done no great deeds, nor did he stand out in any way. Thus, his parents and other adults called him simply "to be determined" or "to be" for short.   When he was 12 years old, he was set on earning himself a name. He determined that he would do a great deed of hunting. He "borrowed" his father's longbow and ventured into the forest by his village. For 3 days and nights he stalked and tracked, never finding anything of note. On the 4th day he saw smoke in the sky in the direction of his village. He made to return as soon as possible.

Forest ranger guide. Coffee enthusiast. Last survivor of his clan...maybe

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Chaotic Neutral
Charcoal colored fur
6 foot 1 inch
160 pound

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The Toobie Journal - Leaving Tinker Town

We commandeered the boat in the Tinker place. We now had the boat at our disposal. Tilo was all up in a tizzy about his religious artifacts. Would we try to kill the Tinkerer, or just go back to Kain's bargain and lie about killing the Tinkerer. While we were discussing this, the Tinkerer came up. There was a bit of talk and all that but ultimately it came to blows. I shot him with an arrow and it hit him but nothing happened. We found out that regular stuff couldn't hurt him. Tilo used his fancy sword and I used my arrow of slaying. We eventually killed the Tinkerer. He turned out to be this weird cat demon thing. I got my arrow of slaying arrowhead back. We went back up and destroyed the demon portal. We didn't know that the demon portal would explode when we hit it. Tilo and I got sucked into hell and spat back out again. It hurt a lot. My legs got broken and maimed. Mara put me on the broom to escape. Tilo found some weird heart object. They did a weird thing where they replaced his heart with the artificial heart. I was unconscious the whole time.   I put on the ring. I now regen HP randomly. Also I'm now fast as fuck boiii. Gadgan got more evil. Mara is now an angel. Tilo got something. We arrived at the shore. Gadgan unfurled some carpet with apricots.


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