Crosswind Pride Vehicle in Valeguard | World Anvil
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Crosswind Pride

Though now heavily modified, the prototype vehicle that would become the Crosswind Pride was created by Turlington-Wells-Ingols Industries as a street-sweeping automaton. After construction, the protoype was sold to the city of Birmendary's Municipal Services Department in 1888.
"Its initial appearance was as though someone blended an elephant and a lawnmower with some power tools in their garage."

Not long into its testing period with Birmendary Municipal Services, the prototype was involved in a traffic accident due to operator error. It was later sold at deep discount to the Crosswind Pride Investment Company. The prototype was taken to the Gnomish inventors at Applied Sciences, who made extensive modifications.  
Crosswind Pride - Mark II
Several important modifications were made by Applied Sciences, Inc.:
  1. The street sweeper vacuum system were uninstalled and the large filth tank replaced with seating and storage.
  2. The coal power plant was replaced with a Mayolitic Convertor.
  3. The wheels were replaced with all-terrain treads.
Additionally, a top cupola was added and an exotic ShockBolt launcher fitted.
Note on the Mayolitic Convertor (max speed: 40 miles per hour; fuel efficiency: 40 miles per gallon of mayo)

Crosswind Pride - Mark III
  After some time in service, the Crosswind Pride underwent a number of minor modifications, the most notable of which was the reduction in vehicle height.

Crosswind Pride - Mark IV
  The next phase of planned modifications to the Crosswind Pride were scrapped before work began, and the vehicle would instead be modified to the Mark V.

Crosswind Pride - Mark V
  The largest series of modifications in the Crosswind Pride's history since its initial conversion were completed by the Gnome Depot before the Crosswind Pride Investment Company's expedition into Northridge Hold. Ultimately, the Mark V marked the completion of the Crosswind Pride's transition from civilian street sweeper prototype to paramilitary armored conveyance.
Modifications included:
  • Further refinements to the Mayolitic Converter, increasing fuel efficiency and maintaining the same top speed despite additional modifications which raised the vehicle's weight significantly.
  • Further lowering of the total vehicle height and reinforcement of the drive and suspension systems
  • Heavy armor plating added to previously-identified vulnerabilities
  • The installation of a 140mm (5.5") rifled cannon, capable of firing a variety of ammunition types
  • The installation of Daern's Magical Contrivance, a system which greatly expanded the interior living and working space of the Crosswind Pride.

Power Generation

Mark II Mayolitic Converter


All-terrain caterpillar tracks

Weapons & Armament

Forward-mounted 140mm (5.5") rifled cannon, firing Armor Piercing (AP), High Explosive (HE), and Fragmentation (HE-F) rounds Cupola-mounted Shockbolt-launcher
~20 tons
40 mph on-road / 30 mph off-road
Complement / Crew
4 (driver, gunner, spotter, navigator)


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