Dwarf Species in Valeguard | World Anvil
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Dwarves are short, stout humanoids best known for their penchant for living and working underground. Dwarves live relatively long lives (on average 350 years, and commonly longer) and this gives them a perspective on things that differs from the shorter-lived races like halflings and humans.

Dwarves are split into many varying clans, each with its own extensive history, rich traditions, and subtle dialects. A dwarf's clan makes up a large part of their social identity.

Dwarves are often very devout. The God most revered by dwarves is Moradin, though some also worship other members of the Dawn War Pantheon. A small minority still worships the older, more traditional Dwarven Pantheon, though these dwarves are viewed as outliers by their brethren.

Dwarven culture has a strong sense of right and wrong, and in general, dwarves follow their clans rules and laws. Dwarves are often particularly careful with respect to other clans, as family and clan bloodfeuds are not unheard of.

Basic Information


Dwarves are short, stout, and hardy, making them well-suited to their chosen underground living and working conditions. Though regularly between 4 and 5 feet tall, dwarves are broad and compact, often weighing as much as a taller human.

Dwarven skin tones are commonly comparable to earth tones, ranging from deep brown to paler, reddish tints. Most commonly, dwarves have light brown or deep tan skin. 

Dwarven hair strands are relatively thick, but very pliable. Dwarven hair is usually black, gray, or brown, but paler dwarves have been seen with red hair. Dwarven hair is usually worn long, commonly in simple styles or braided.

Dwarven teeth are nigh indestructible with proper dental hygiene.

One subset of dwarves, known as deep dwarves, gray dwarves, or duergar, have skin ranging from dull gray to blue gray, with hair ranging from dull gray to silver. Duergar are also somewhat thinner than the other dwarf subspecies.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dwarves mature at the same rate as humans, but they’re considered young until they reach the age of 50. On average, they live about 350 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Dwarves are most at home beneath Valeguard's surface, or at least beneath heavy stone, concrete, or metal construction. The majority of dwarven cities are carved directly out of mountains or hills. If the ground is unsuitable for excavation or there is insufficient underground space is available, smaller settlements may be built from readily accessible materials such as wood or clay.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dwarves are omnivores. The majority of dwarven food production has traditionally come from farming, both above- and below-ground, though they often keep livestock and poultry for their byproducts and their meat.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Dwarven society is primarily divided into clans. A dwarf's identity is integrally linked to their clan identity, and a dwarf's social standing within their clan is very important. Dwarves cherish their clan identity above all else, and to a dwarf, exile from their clan is worse than death.

Clans are further divided into upper and lower clans, and a clan's standing is important to inter-clan relations. Upper and lower clans are usually differentiated by one main factor - the number of settlements under a clan's control. Lower clans will usually control a city-state composed of a single city, though they may also control a few dozen additional smaller settlements such as trading posts, forts, and the like. Conversely, upper clans will control two or more major cities, and any number of additional settlements. Smaller but particularly influential clans, depending on the size of city, their population, diplomatic prowess, and/or their wealth, may also fall into the upper clan categories. 

It is uncommon for a dwarf to live their whole life without venturing beyond their clan's borders. In some clans, the elders actually encourage young dwarves to explore and experience, and to bring their newfound knowledge and wisdom back to the clan.  Dwarves may venture outside their clan's borders for many possible reasons - some search for treasure (whether out of need, want, or other purpose(s)), while others are commanded or inspired by their deity or deities. A dwarf's clan identity will also influence their decision to travel - a dwarf may intend to bring (or regain) their clan honor, attempt to regain their place in their former clan or forge a new place in a different clan after being exiled, or perhaps quest in their ancestor's name. 

Outside of their clans, dwarves typically find work as skilled artisans, especially weapon-smiths, armorers, and jewelers. A smaller handful may find work as mercenaries or bodyguards.

Facial characteristics

Dwarves commonly have large noses and a low brow-line. Male dwarves value their beards highly and groom them carefully. Though rare, female dwarves can grow beards as well.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Dwarves are most widespread on the continent of Agonin, particularly to the north and west.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dwarves are accustomed to living and working underground, and as such have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. Dwarves also have an uncanny, nearly telepathic ability to discern details about stonework.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Dwarves are traditionally given their names by a clan elder, and dwarven names have been used and reused throughout many generations. Dwarves cherish their clan surnames; if they are exiled, they are forbidden from using any surname. Particularly renowned dwarves will sometimes be granted titles or descriptive names to be used in addition to or in place of their clan surname. Occasionally, dwarves may use the human-style naming convention of having a family name as a surname.

Male Names: Brundi, Dinain, Dori, Geiri, Gnurli, Hadil, Hori, Sulgic, Suric, Thori, Whrubin, Ziri

Female Names: Akot, Askat, Gerla, Hilda, Kristryd, Layan, Murina, Sueuilda, Veni, Viga

Clan Names: Bloodanvil, Bronzestriders, Bronze Magi, Coalshield, Earthhands, Frostshapers, Goldgleam, Harvesters, Ironforge, Jadehunters, Longcloak, Oceanhammers, Shieldmaiden, Silvercast, Silverguards, Stoutfist, Tharhak, Throwgear, Truehammer

Titles: Strong-dove, The Aged, The Bright, The Tall, The Wise

Average Technological Level

Dwarves are typically considered to be one of the most technologically advanced races on Valeguard, though this is contested by gnomes  and humans. Dwarven inventors have frequently created technologies well in advance of other Valeguardian races, and their prowess with steam power, magitech, and mechanical engineering is unmatched.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Commonly referred to simply as 'dwarven', the dwarven language is generally the same across dwarven clans, and speakers of one dwarven dialect can almost always understand the other dwarven dialects. However, clans will often have phrases or words whose use will mark a dwarf apart from their brethren.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

On average, dwarves maintain neutral-to-friendly relations with the other races on Valeguard. Many dwarven clans rely on foreign trade, and all races are typically accepted in dwarven settlements.

On Elves : Dwarves are wont to consider elves flighty and frivolous, but they also view elves as skilled artisans, graceful fighters, and powerful magic-users. Many dwarves feel some kinship with elves, as both have a deep appreciation Valeguard's natural bounty. Elves are one of the few races that can outlive dwarves, a fact that dwarves and their enduring memories welcome heartily.

On Gnomes : Dwarves view gnomes as smaller, happier kin. Like dwarves, gnomes are technologically-minded and take great pleasure in tinkering and inventing. On occasion, gnomish exuberance can grate on dwarven nerves, and some dwarves view gnomes like the elves - flighty and frivolous. Gnomes live about as long as dwarves, and dwarven-gnomish partnerships and friendships are fairly common.

On Halflings : Dwarves are often stumped by halflings' contentedness and apparent (to a dwarf, anyways) complacency. Despite this, dwarves are often drawn to protect halflings when possible. Halflings' deep and abiding love of food and home, however, are seconded heartily by dwarves.

On Humans : Some dwarves feel slightly threatened by the much larger populations of humans on Valeguard, but overall dwarves admire human tenacity and drive. Dwarves find humans to be excellent trading companions, and dwarf-human friendships are fairly common, though after losing too many shorter-lived friends, dwarfs will start instead to seek out their own kind.

On Orcs : Many centuries ago, dwarves and orcs were considered deadly rivals. However, once communication began between dwarves and orcs, the races determined they had many more commonalities than they had differences. Dwarves and orcs are now the most steadfast of friends and allies.

On Warforged : Dwarves are split in their opinions on the warforged. Some view the creation of artificial life as an affront to the Gods; others instead consider it the highest form of adulation of the Gods, mimicking how the Gods created dwarves (and other Valeguardian races). Most dwarves, however, view warforged as a curiosity, and will commonly bombard the warforged with questions ranging from cultural to mechanical.
350 years
Average Height
4-5 feet tall
Average Weight
150 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Various earthen tones
Geographic Distribution


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