Myranor Air Transport Organization in Valeguard | World Anvil
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Myranor Air Transport

Myranor Air Transport (MAT) is the parent organization for Myranor Air Cargo (MAC) and Myranor Air Express (MAE). MAT handles all administrative duties for its subsidiaries, and manages the operation of Myranor Aerodrome.


Business Management
  • Manager: Oshin Rine (male Half-Elf)
  • HR (Humanoid Relations): Veni Longcloak (female Dwarf)
  • Advertising and Marketing: Elidia (female Elf)
  • Bookkeeper: Damien Kniffin (male Halfling)
Maintenance and Repair
  • Shipwright/Carpenter: Moy Shi (male Human)
  • Electromage: Dori Coalshield (male Dwarf)


Myranor Aerodrome   (3) Aerostat(s) (lighter-than-air aircraft): Lorry-class Freighter (modified MAC Orion Porter I-class Aerial Lighter; MAC Crown Porter IIa-class Aerial Lighter; MAC Prosperity   (1) Aerodyne(s) (heavier-than-air aircraft): Kite-class Courier Ornithopter (modified MAE Skywarden
Corporation, Commerce
Controlled Territories


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