Myranor Settlement in Valeguard | World Anvil
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Cilia (Mayor Cat) Head of state Town council - head of government     Bear Jack Baldwin, crazy old coot (M/H)   Judge Robert Gratchley: Slender, short golden hair and hazel eyes. Vodi, dwarven head of Myranor Mines Babcock, mining foreman of Myranor Mines (M/H) Edmugh, human head of Grimstone Morning Corp.   Leader of Myranor's Followers of Suriel - Wigmar (H/M): Uneven blonde hair, amber eyes, and a magical mark on his arm.     The Tilted Brew Restaurant and Inn (formerly the Drunken Miner Inn) Cyne Thames (M/H): Male Human innkeep, grand-nephew of River Thames, Neutral. Cyne has a long face, with copper hair and sharp blue eyes. He wears fine raiment and jewelry. Cyne is a practiced gambler. Vidaro: Half-Orc chef Amaran's Security Services   Started as a small mining town ~200 years ago? Began growing rapidly post-1777 CE (start of Aelnon-Sirisea arms race) Didn't see direct fighting during the Great War, but probably lost significant population to conscription. Most of the people who stayed were too old, too young, or otherwise unfit to serve. Population of pacifist Fens (a la Quakers) grew - instead of fighting they worked in the mines and foundries Became a haven town Large town/small city, continuing to grow towards medium city Predominantly a mining town. Food is probably the biggest import, followed by laborers. Town located on a river, in a valley between three mountains. Architecture - primarily human, but increasingly dwarven   Timeline: Founding (explorers found rich ore veins near "magical" well)   Persistent problems with banditry and highwaymen (formed ethos of the town - self-reliance, persistance leadership vacuum forced creation of town council   Festival to commemorate the destruction of the bandits and the formation of the town council; something to do with a weather event, possibly created by council?   Growth due to arms race/ city rises in prominence (Myranor steel becomes a valued commodity). Sanitation and sewer system implemented during growth; workers find the machine and connect the system to it, but it is later forgotten. Rail line built.   Unexplained phenomena - some kind of mythical creature? Festival   Small community theater built as part of city expansion.   Great War begins Conscription draws a significant portion of the population. Increase in Fens population; this makes Myranor more pacifistic. Fens expand theater; annual production Hall of the Dead built for fallen soldiers; Myanor lost a disproportionately high number of their conscripted soldiers. Great War ends Large cultural shift due to the effects of the war; previously militaristic, now pacifistic. Sirisean and dwarven refugees settle in town New theater construction started. Telegraph lines strung.       2.5/3 years ago - hidden inside a larger piece of legislation, a local prankster lawyer managed to slip in two controversial laws: the greetings law, wherein individuals greet each other by touching butts, and the creation of the mayoral seat which can only be held by a cat. Efforts to overturn these laws have been ongoing since.     Introduction of the new Co-op mine and CPIC upsetting the existing balance in town; drawing workers from other companies due to better pay and treatment, but CPIC also facilitating trade for industries and providing work for Teamster's Union.   To come: further ties with Khabai; local cuisine develops;       Goal: become self-sufficient. Resource: ancient magical water purification plant hidden in the mountain feeds "magical" wellhead in town. Resource: on the water (port/trade/fishing) Resource: railroad Task: set-up communication and trade between Khabai and Myranor Task: build farms (using Ash Mountain expertise)   aluminum, chromium, cobalt, copper, gold, iron, lead, molybdenum, nickel, palladium, phosphorus, platinum, silicon, silver, tin, titanium, tungsten, vanadium, zinc; dolomite, limestone, sulfide minerals     Industry in Myranor
Myranor Mines, Inc.
Import: Mining equipment, labor; explosives (Vorcia Chemical Works) Produce: Iron, titanium, vanadium, silicon, aluminum, phosphorus, gold, zinc, copper, silver; limestone and sulfide minerals Export: Iron, silicon, gold, copper, silver; limestone
  Grimstone Mining Corporation
Import: Mining equipment, labor; explosives (Vorcia Chemical Works) Produce: Aluminum, copper, lead, nickel, tin, titanium, zinc, silver, tungsten, molybdenum; dolomite and sulfide minerals Export: Aluminum, copper, lead, tin, silver; dolomite
  Heralds of Harvest Mining Co-Operative
Clashes between two existing mining companies put miners' safety at risk, and a faction of the Miners Guild was dissatisfied with failures to negotiate with the existing mining companies. Company is only 2 years old, just opened their first mine.
Import: Mining equipment, labor; explosives (Vorcia Chemical Works) Produce: Gold, silver, platinum, copper, palladium, nickel, chromium, cobalt; sulfide minerals Export: Gold, silver, platinum, copper
Vorcia Chemical Works
Import: Sulfide minerals and other various mining by-products from local mines, other raw materials; aluminum, vanadium, phosphorus, and limestone (Myranor Mines platinum (HoH Mining Lead (GMC Export: Sulfuric acid, aluminum compounds (water treatment and paper-making), mining explosives, lime
Glade Fertilizer, Inc.
Import: Sulfuric and phosphoric acids (Vorcia Chemical Works other raw materials Export: Fertilizers (primarily phosphate)
Myranor Steelworks
Import: Manganese, metallurgical coal, other raw materials; various metals and dolomite from local mining companies Export: Several varieties of steel, including Myranor steel
Exported materials go to: paper-making, farming, construction, cement-making, water/wastewater treatment, sugar-refining, jewelry-making Services needed: hazardous waste removal, transportation Imports needed: Mining equipment, labor (miners), labor (industrial mages), labor (general), specialty metals and metallurgical coal (for foundry), food
Merchants in Myranor Broadstored General blacksmithing supplies and weapons Bugs, Bears, and Beyond Pets and supplies Chimera Supplies General goods Curious Forge General blacksmithing supplies and weapons King’s Cow Leathers Tanner The Golden Alembic Alchemical supplies, apothecary, and herbalist The Hunter’s Mark Fletcher Wizards of the Coast General arcana supplies and services   Service Providers in Myranor Amaran's Security Services Private security Breads, Buns, and Beyond Food; bakery and eatery Cambion Café Food; full-service restaurant Lucio’s Tavern Food: bar and grill   Attractions in Myranor Barad Ithilir Theatre Current play: The Sublime Enchiridion of Tali Seeking patrons (a total of 55,000 gp for repairs and expansion) Goreskull Arena Sportsball   Commerce in Myranor Merchant’s Guild Miner's Guild Myranor Teamsters Union   Factions: (3) competing mining companies Guilds
Large town
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