Valeguard The Age of Dwarves Timeline
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The Age of Dwarves

  • 3234 BCE

    The Age of Dwarves Begins
    Era beginning/end

    The Age of Dwarves begins after the first Dwarven nation, the Iron Kingdom, is formed by the Mountain Dwarves of Gonania.

  • 2327 BCE

    The Velle Bloodline Begins
    Life, Birth

    Azan Velle, first of his name, is born to a human woman named Ditan Golux after she is impregnated by an avatar of the god Croqesni.

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  • 2298 BCE

    Azan Velle becomes the head of the city-state of Khampura
    Political event

    Azan Velle becomes the head of the Khampura city-state. He is widely considered the most feared, revered, or respected sorcerer on the Chultan Peninsula.

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  • 2294 BCE

    Azan Velle forms the Coalition of Chains
    Diplomatic action

    Azan Velle forms the Coalition of Chains, a loose coalition of city-states across the Chultan Peninsula.

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  • 1864 BCE

    The Crimson Revolution begins in the Theocracy of Evras

    Zuri Bundral (Dwarf/male), followed by Clans Bundral and Gar Bhinam, leads a revolt against the Theocracy of Evras.

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  • 1804 BCE

    Clan Emberfall is formed
    Cultural event

    Zuri Bundral marries Thuda Gar Bhinam (leader of Clan Gar Bhinam), forging Clans Bundral and Gar Bhinam into a new clan, Clan Emberfall. Shortly thereafter, Zuri Bundral changes his name to Zuri Emberfall.

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  • 1760 BCE

    The First Great Empire of Orin is formed

    Orin Emberfall I forges the First Great Empire of Orin from a number of Free Dwarven clans to prevent their assimilation into the Iron Kingdom.

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  • 1333 BCE

    Azarian Velle, third of his name, is born
    Life, Birth

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  • 1315 BCE

    The First Empire of Orin begins attempting territorial expansion
    Military action

    The First Empire begins the first of several attempts at territorial expansion, all of which are repelled by the Coalition of Chains.

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  • 1298 BCE

    Azarian Velle III becomes First Among Equals of the Coalition of Chains
    Political event

    Azarian Velle III is named First among Equals of the Coalition of Chains after his father, Azarian Velle II, falls in personal combat against Emperor Orin Emberfall I during the Battle of Rhuddlan Woods.

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  • 1297 BCE


    The Coalition of Chains is destroyed
    Disaster / Destruction

    After Azarian II’s defeat, the Coalition falls into chaos and the divided city-states are no match for the Empire.

  • 1297 BCE


    Azarian Velle III flees to Tashalar
    Life, Relocation

    Azarian III, leading the Disciples of Croqesni, flees before the Imperial advance overtakes Khampura and takes shelter in the small Dwarven state of Tashalar.

  • 1295 BCE

    The Akûrian Prophecy is made
    Life, Milestone

    The Centaur Gadriel makes the Akûrian Prophecy to Azarian Velle III in the Withered Woods.

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  • 1275 BCE


    Emperor Orin Emberfall I is assassinated
    Life, Death

    After an exceedingly long life (whereas the average Dwarf lives to around 350, Orin I lived to 481), Emperor Orin Emberfall I is assassinated in his sleep by agents of the Iron Kingdom.

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  • 1275 BCE


    The First Great Empire of Orin is destroyed
    Disaster / Destruction

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  • 1275 BCE


    Clan Emberfall flees into exile
    Population Migration / Travel

    After the death of Emperor Orin Emberfall I, the Empire falls into disarray and the descendants of Clan Emberfall flee into exile.

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  • 1275 BCE


    Azarian III creates the forerunners of Croqesni's Chosen
    Religious event

    In the power vacuum after the death of Emperor Orin Emberfall I and the collapse of the First Empire of Orin, Azarian III raises a holy army (which would eventually become Croqesni’s Chosen) and launches the first in a series of crusades in an attempt to reclaim the lost lands of the Chultan Peninsula from the Empire.

  • 1012 BCE

    The Second Great Empire of Orin is formed

    Orin II sweeps back in from exile, reclaiming the throne and bringing order to the chaos by way of heavy-handed martial law.

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  • 1001 BCE


    The Invention of the Printing Press
    Technological achievement

    Asfrisg Faridotr (Dwarf/female) invents the printing press.

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  • 1001 BCE


    The Cold Uprising begins in the Second Empire of Orin

    Bolstered by the invention and proliferation of the printing press, rebellion quickly spreads.

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  • 999 BCE

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    Emperor Orin II is assassinated by political dissidents
    Life, Death

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  • 999 BCE

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    Orin III is crowned Emperor of the Second Great Empire of Orin
    Life, Achievement/ Win

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  • 999 BCE

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    The Second Great Empire of Orin is reformed into the Third Great Empire of Orin
    Political event

    Acknowledging the complaints of the populace, Orin III vows to reform the Empire; under his leadership, the Empire makes significant strides towards becoming a more egalitarian nation.

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  • 985 BCE

    Emperor Orin III decrees the dismantling of the Dwarven caste system
    Cultural event

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  • 670 BCE

    Brode Akillson invents Gunpowder
    Technological achievement

    While researching alchemy, Brode Akillson (Dwarf/male) discovers gunpowder. Shortly thereafter, he designs the first crude gunpowder weapons.

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  • 668 BCE

    Emperor Orin III forms the Imperial Guard
    Military action

    Wary of the power of the new gunpowder weapons, Emperor Orin III reforms the Empire’s military, transforming the highly-divided and combative Clan armies into the monolithic Imperial Guard.

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  • 555 BCE

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    Emperor Orin III dies of natural causes
    Life, Death

    Emperor Orin III dies in his sleep without a direct male descendant.

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  • 555 BCE

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    Thomir Emberfall is crowned Emperor
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Thomir Emberfall, cousin of the now-deceased Orin III, is crowned Emperor.

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  • 223 BCE


    Emperor Thomir Emberfall dies of natural causes
    Life, Death

    Like his cousin before him, Emperor Thomir Emberfall dies without a direct male descendant

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  • 223 BCE


    Dalkam Emberfall I is crowned Emperor
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Dalkam Emberfall I, cousin of the now-deceased Thomir Emberfall, is crowned Emperor.

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  • 177 BCE


    Dalkam Emberfall I changes his name to Orin Emberfall IV
    Life, Identity

    After several competing claims to the throne are made, Dalkam Emberfall I changes his name to Orin Emberfall IV and decrees another restructuring of the Empire.

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  • 177 BCE


    The Third Great Empire of Orin is reformed into the Fourth Great Empire of Orin
    Political event

    The newly-renamed Emperor Orin IV announces his determination to continue and expand the reforms initially instituted under Orin III.

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  • 175 BCE

    Emperor Orin IV decrees the abolition of the Dwarven caste system
    Cultural event

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  • 167 BCE

    162 BCE

    Emperor Orin IV signs the Official Decree Regarding Self-Determination into law
    Political event

    Emperor Orin IV decrees that any of the 143 formerly-assimilated Dwarven clans can, by intra-clan referendum, choose to transition to being an Imperial vassal, or even outright secede from the Empire. Of the 143 clans, 95 announce immediate referendums.

    The Decree is extremely divisive among Imperial leadership, and it is eventually revoked in 162 BCE. However, following referendums by 141 of its 143 clans, the Empire retains only 71 of its assimilated clans. Another 47 clans choose to secede, and the remaining 23 elect to become semi-independent vassals. While the vassals are (of course) bound by their obligations to the Empire, almost all of the newly-independent clans elect to retain close ties to the Empire.

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  • 165 BCE

    The Ash Mountain Clan is formed

    Fragments of several clans which decided to remain Imperial vassals break away and take up residence in the Greater Rorack Range. One of these clans renames itself the Ash Mountain Clan and begins construction of Ulzharrag Proper.

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  • 112 BCE

    The Fourth Great Empire of Orin is widely considered the first Great Power on Valeguard
    Political event

    Despite having lost direct control over close to 50% of its lands and populace in the referendums, the Fourth Empire has forged strong ties with many of its neighbors and grown into the region’s mercantile, diplomatic, and military powerhouse. Several clans have voluntarily rejoined the Empire.

    By this time, the Imperial Guard's variety of traditional melee and ranged weapons were augmented by several gunpowder weapons, which included incendiary arrows, rockets, fire lances, early cannons, and a variety of explosives.

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  • 75 BCE

    The Imperial Guard fights the Battle of Ewer Stronghold, marking the start of the Shield Wars
    Military action

    The Imperial Guard fights the Battle of Ewer Stronghold. Marking the start of what would be later known as the Shield Wars, this battle is the first of numerous smaller campaigns and battles fought by the Imperial Guard to defend Imperial vassals and allied independent clans from opportunistic neighbors.

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  • 72 BCE

    Ilik Emberfall is born
    Life, Birth

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  • 52 BCE


    Ilik Emberfall takes command of the Chasm-forgers and wins the Battle of Falcon Hill
    Life, Publicity

    During the Crimson Campaign, General Herrick Stoutbraid, commanding officer of the Imperial Guard army Chasm-forgers, and the majority of his command staff are slain during the Battle of Falcon Hill. Ilik Emberfall, a junior officer and nephew of the Emperor, takes command and swipes victory from the jaws of defeat.

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  • 52 BCE


    Ilik Emberfall is promoted to General of the Imperial Guard
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    When the Chasm-forgers return home victorious, Ilik Emberfall gains notoriety and is promoted to General in command of the Chasm-forgers.

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