Fifth Great Empire of Orin Organization in Valeguard | World Anvil
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Fifth Great Empire of Orin


  The three major elements of the Imperial state are the central government, the military, and provincial government.

Central Government

The Emperor of the Fifth Great Empire of Orin is the head of state and government for the Empire. While decisions are made solely by the Emperor and his chosen subordinates, he is counseled by the Imperial Advisory Council (IAC). The IAC is a ten-member council composed of the following members:
  • Director of the Imperial Diplomatic Ministry
  • Director of the Imperial Finance Ministry
  • Director of the Imperial Population Bureau
  • Director of the Imperial Communications Bureau
  • Director of the Imperial Bureau of Reach Development
  • Director of the Imperial Medical Corps
  • Director of the Imperial Engineering Corps
  • Chief of Staff of the Imperial Guard
  • Chief Justice of the Imperial Court
  • High Priest or Priestess of the Imperial Church

The People's Assembly - ostensibly the Imperial legislative body - is composed of two representatives from every dwarven clan. The actual authority of the People's Assembly is negligible, as the Emperor holds the true power of the state. As such, membership in the Assembly is generally sought after by individuals seeking prestige and social standing, rather than actual authority.

Imperial Guard


Provincial Government

The Empire is divided into a dozen provinces, known as Reaches ("Iztoz"), and each is administered by a Reach-Commissar ("Iztoz-Kolcib"). Imperial Reaches are largely self-governing, though the Reach-Commissars and the subordinate administrators of the Reach bureaucracies coordinate closely with their central government colleagues.

Imperial Bureacracies

The Imperial bureaucracy resides primarily in the Imperial capital city, Heart of Civilization.

Imperial Diplomatic Ministry

Imperial Finance Ministry

Imperial Population Bureau

The Imperial Population Bureau handles matters of taxation and the Imperial Census Bureau.

Imperial Communications Bureau

  The Imperial Communications Bureau handles inter-clan and inter-bureaucracy communications, and administrates the Imperial Postal Service and the Imperial Internal Security Bureau.

Imperial Bureau of Reach Development

Imperial Medical Corps

Imperial Engineering Corps

Strength through Solidarity, Prosperity through Unity

Founding Date
17 CE
Geopolitical, Empire
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Imperial Tender (PP/GP/SP/CP)
Notable Members

  • 1864 BCE

    The Crimson Revolution begins in the Theocracy of Evras

    Zuri Bundral (Dwarf/male), followed by Clans Bundral and Gar Bhinam, leads a revolt against the Theocracy of Evras.

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  • 1804 BCE

    Clan Emberfall is formed
    Cultural event

    Zuri Bundral marries Thuda Gar Bhinam (leader of Clan Gar Bhinam), forging Clans Bundral and Gar Bhinam into a new clan, Clan Emberfall. Shortly thereafter, Zuri Bundral changes his name to Zuri Emberfall.

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  • 1760 BCE

    The First Great Empire of Orin is formed

    Orin Emberfall I forges the First Great Empire of Orin from a number of Free Dwarven clans to prevent their assimilation into the Iron Kingdom.

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  • 1315 BCE

    The First Empire of Orin begins attempting territorial expansion
    Military action

    The First Empire begins the first of several attempts at territorial expansion, all of which are repelled by the Coalition of Chains.

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  • 1297 BCE


    The Coalition of Chains is destroyed
    Disaster / Destruction

    After Azarian II’s defeat, the Coalition falls into chaos and the divided city-states are no match for the Empire.

  • 1297 BCE


    Azarian Velle III flees to Tashalar
    Life, Relocation

    Azarian III, leading the Disciples of Croqesni, flees before the Imperial advance overtakes Khampura and takes shelter in the small Dwarven state of Tashalar.

  • 1275 BCE


    Emperor Orin Emberfall I is assassinated
    Life, Death

    After an exceedingly long life (whereas the average Dwarf lives to around 350, Orin I lived to 481), Emperor Orin Emberfall I is assassinated in his sleep by agents of the Iron Kingdom.

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  • 1275 BCE


    The First Great Empire of Orin is destroyed
    Disaster / Destruction

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  • 1275 BCE


    Clan Emberfall flees into exile
    Population Migration / Travel

    After the death of Emperor Orin Emberfall I, the Empire falls into disarray and the descendants of Clan Emberfall flee into exile.

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  • 1275 BCE


    Azarian III creates the forerunners of Croqesni's Chosen
    Religious event

    In the power vacuum after the death of Emperor Orin Emberfall I and the collapse of the First Empire of Orin, Azarian III raises a holy army (which would eventually become Croqesni’s Chosen) and launches the first in a series of crusades in an attempt to reclaim the lost lands of the Chultan Peninsula from the Empire.

  • 1012 BCE

    The Second Great Empire of Orin is formed

    Orin II sweeps back in from exile, reclaiming the throne and bringing order to the chaos by way of heavy-handed martial law.

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  • 1001 BCE


    The Invention of the Printing Press
    Technological achievement

    Asfrisg Faridotr (Dwarf/female) invents the printing press.

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  • 1001 BCE


    The Cold Uprising begins in the Second Empire of Orin

    Bolstered by the invention and proliferation of the printing press, rebellion quickly spreads.

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  • 999 BCE

    5 Frostmoot

    Emperor Orin II is assassinated by political dissidents
    Life, Death

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  • 999 BCE

    6 Frostmoot

    Orin III is crowned Emperor of the Second Great Empire of Orin
    Life, Achievement/ Win

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  • 999 BCE

    12 Frostmoot

    The Second Great Empire of Orin is reformed into the Third Great Empire of Orin
    Political event

    Acknowledging the complaints of the populace, Orin III vows to reform the Empire; under his leadership, the Empire makes significant strides towards becoming a more egalitarian nation.

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  • 985 BCE

    Emperor Orin III decrees the dismantling of the Dwarven caste system
    Cultural event

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  • 670 BCE

    Brode Akillson invents Gunpowder
    Technological achievement

    While researching alchemy, Brode Akillson (Dwarf/male) discovers gunpowder. Shortly thereafter, he designs the first crude gunpowder weapons.

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  • 668 BCE

    Emperor Orin III forms the Imperial Guard
    Military action

    Wary of the power of the new gunpowder weapons, Emperor Orin III reforms the Empire’s military, transforming the highly-divided and combative Clan armies into the monolithic Imperial Guard.

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  • 555 BCE

    13 Palesun

    Emperor Orin III dies of natural causes
    Life, Death

    Emperor Orin III dies in his sleep without a direct male descendant.

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  • 555 BCE

    14 Palesun

    Thomir Emberfall is crowned Emperor
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Thomir Emberfall, cousin of the now-deceased Orin III, is crowned Emperor.

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  • 223 BCE


    Emperor Thomir Emberfall dies of natural causes
    Life, Death

    Like his cousin before him, Emperor Thomir Emberfall dies without a direct male descendant

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  • 223 BCE


    Dalkam Emberfall I is crowned Emperor
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Dalkam Emberfall I, cousin of the now-deceased Thomir Emberfall, is crowned Emperor.

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  • 177 BCE


    Dalkam Emberfall I changes his name to Orin Emberfall IV
    Life, Identity

    After several competing claims to the throne are made, Dalkam Emberfall I changes his name to Orin Emberfall IV and decrees another restructuring of the Empire.

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  • 177 BCE


    The Third Great Empire of Orin is reformed into the Fourth Great Empire of Orin
    Political event

    The newly-renamed Emperor Orin IV announces his determination to continue and expand the reforms initially instituted under Orin III.

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  • 175 BCE

    Emperor Orin IV decrees the abolition of the Dwarven caste system
    Cultural event

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  • 167 BCE

    162 BCE

    Emperor Orin IV signs the Official Decree Regarding Self-Determination into law
    Political event

    Emperor Orin IV decrees that any of the 143 formerly-assimilated Dwarven clans can, by intra-clan referendum, choose to transition to being an Imperial vassal, or even outright secede from the Empire. Of the 143 clans, 95 announce immediate referendums.

    The Decree is extremely divisive among Imperial leadership, and it is eventually revoked in 162 BCE. However, following referendums by 141 of its 143 clans, the Empire retains only 71 of its assimilated clans. Another 47 clans choose to secede, and the remaining 23 elect to become semi-independent vassals. While the vassals are (of course) bound by their obligations to the Empire, almost all of the newly-independent clans elect to retain close ties to the Empire.

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  • 165 BCE

    The Ash Mountain Clan is formed

    Fragments of several clans which decided to remain Imperial vassals break away and take up residence in the Greater Rorack Range. One of these clans renames itself the Ash Mountain Clan and begins construction of Ulzharrag Proper.

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  • 112 BCE

    The Fourth Great Empire of Orin is widely considered the first Great Power on Valeguard
    Political event

    Despite having lost direct control over close to 50% of its lands and populace in the referendums, the Fourth Empire has forged strong ties with many of its neighbors and grown into the region’s mercantile, diplomatic, and military powerhouse. Several clans have voluntarily rejoined the Empire.

    By this time, the Imperial Guard's variety of traditional melee and ranged weapons were augmented by several gunpowder weapons, which included incendiary arrows, rockets, fire lances, early cannons, and a variety of explosives.

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  • 75 BCE

    The Imperial Guard fights the Battle of Ewer Stronghold, marking the start of the Shield Wars
    Military action

    The Imperial Guard fights the Battle of Ewer Stronghold. Marking the start of what would be later known as the Shield Wars, this battle is the first of numerous smaller campaigns and battles fought by the Imperial Guard to defend Imperial vassals and allied independent clans from opportunistic neighbors.

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  • 72 BCE

    Ilik Emberfall is born
    Life, Birth

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  • 52 BCE


    Ilik Emberfall takes command of the Chasm-forgers and wins the Battle of Falcon Hill
    Life, Publicity

    During the Crimson Campaign, General Herrick Stoutbraid, commanding officer of the Imperial Guard army Chasm-forgers, and the majority of his command staff are slain during the Battle of Falcon Hill. Ilik Emberfall, a junior officer and nephew of the Emperor, takes command and swipes victory from the jaws of defeat.

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  • 52 BCE


    Ilik Emberfall is promoted to General of the Imperial Guard
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    When the Chasm-forgers return home victorious, Ilik Emberfall gains notoriety and is promoted to General in command of the Chasm-forgers.

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  • 7 CE

    The Imperial Guard wins the Siege of Fretteson’s Delve, marking the end of the Shield Wars
    Military action

    The Pyrrhic victory by the Imperial Guard Chasm-forgers at the Siege of Fretteson’s Delve marks the end of the Shield Wars. While the Shield Wars were largely successful at protecting Imperial interests, the Siege of Fretteson’s Delve exposes how exhausted and depleted the Imperial Guard has grown. Amid a growing divide between the civilian and military leadership, General Ilik Emberfall publicly blames his uncle, Emperor Orin Emberfall IV, for the nation’s struggles, citing the earlier referendums allowing clans to break away from the Empire.

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  • 17 CE


    General Ilik Emberfall renames himself Orin Emberfall V and declares himself Emperor
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    When General Ilik Emberfall renames himself Orin Emberfall V and declares himself Emperor, the majority of the Imperial Guard follows his lead. His uncle, Emperor Orin Emberfall IV, flees, requesting (and receiving) amnesty from the Ash Mountain Clan.

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  • 17 CE


    The Fourth Great Empire of Orin is reformed into the Fifth Great Empire of Orin
    Political event

    The newly-crowned Emperor Orin Emberfall V begins restructuring the Empire around the New Order of Valeguard, a fringe system of belief arguing that Dwarves are the master race. The New Order postulates that since Dwarven civilization is obviously superior to other civilizations, then the Dwarves themselves were superior to all other races, and should thus be entitled to lead all of Valeguard for its own good.

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  • 150 CE

    Dorin Emberfall I is born
    Life, Birth

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  • 266 CE


    Emperor Orin V dies of natural causes
    Life, Death

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  • 266 CE


    Dorin Emberfall I becomes Emperor of the Fifth Great Empire of Orin
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Dorin Emberfall I is the protege and chosen heir to Emperor Orin V.

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  • 335 CE

    The Dwarf and Orc Clan Security and Non-Aggression Pact (DOCSNAP) is created
    Diplomatic action

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  • 345 CE

    The Dwarf and Orc Defensive Entente (DOCDE) is created
    Diplomatic action

    In order to counteract redoubled Imperial expansion, High King Hemandrian Velle IV of the High Kingdom of Tashalar offered any willing dwarven or orcish clans entry into the Dwarf and Orc Defensive Entente (DOCDE). Several dozen join.

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  • 353 CE

    North-South Understanding signed
    Diplomatic action

    The Fifth Great Empire of Orin and the Eternal Kingdom of Valleriath sign the North-South Understanding, which pledged complete non-aggression between the two powers, and set up an exchange of Imperial scientific, industrial, and military equipment and expertise for valuable rare elements and raw materials, as well as elven magic knowledge.

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  • 361 CE

    376 CE

    15-year Stay of Aggression Treaty (SAT) sign
    Diplomatic action

    The Fifth Great Empire of Orin and the High Kingdom of Tashalar sign the 15-year Stay of Aggression Treaty (SAT).

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  • 379 CE

    2 Redfall
    479 CE

    2 Redfall

    100-year Suspension of Aggression Treaty (SAT-2) signed
    Diplomatic action

    The Fifth Great Empire of Orin and the High Kingdom of Tashalar signed the 100-year Suspension of Aggression Treaty (SAT-2).

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  • 401 CE

    Dorin Emberfall II is born
    Life, Birth

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  • 478 CE


    Emperor Dorin I dies of natural causes
    Life, Death

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  • 478 CE


    Dorin Emberfall II becomes Emperor of the Fifth Great Empire of Orin
    Life, Achievement/ Win

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  • 479 CE

    3 Redfall
    523 CE

    20 Firemoot

    The First War of Dwarven Coalescence
    Military action

    The Fifth Great Empire of Orin launches coordinated strikes against most of the Dwarven nations and city-states on Valeguard. The resistance effort is spearheaded by the High Kingdom of Tashalar (led by High King Hemandrian Velle VI) and the Ash Mountain Alliance, composed of the Ash Mountain, Stoutfist, Jadehunter, Truehammer, and Tharhak dwarven clans, and the Mataktar orc clan.

    The war ends after the Imperial Guard fails to capture Alentum, capital of Tashalar, despite a prolonged siege. Most of the free Dwarven nations are now under the control of the Empire.

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  • 551 CE

    Dorin Emberfall III is born
    Life, Birth

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  • 699 CE


    Emperor Dorin II dies in personal combat
    Life, Death

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  • 699 CE


    Dorin Emberfall III becomes Emperor of the Fifth Great Empire of Orin
    Life, Achievement/ Win

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  • 701 CE

    772 CE

    The Second War of Dwarven Coalescence
    Military action

    The Fifth Great Empire of Orin begins the Second War of Dwarven Coalescence, determined to bring the remaining free Dwarven clans to heel. The primary targets of the Fifth Empire are the Northern Exiles, the Free Dwarven Consortium, and the High Kingdom of Tashalar (led by High King Hemandrian Velle XIII).

    The Second War of Dwarven Coalescence ends after the second failed siege of the Tashalari capital, Alentum. While almost all of the last remaining free Dwarven nations are now under the control of the Empire, a few scattered Dwarven city-states, such as the Ash Mountain Clan, remain.

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  • 946 CE

    Bjorni Hrandison invents dynamite
    Technological achievement

    Bjorni Hrandison (Dwarf/male) accidentally invents dynamite. He is awarded the Dwaling Chemistry Prize posthumously.

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  • 1104 CE

    Iderdg Olafsdottir successfully harnesses steam power
    Technological achievement

    Iderdg Olafsdottir (Dwarf/female) successfully harnesses steam power.

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  • 1767 CE

    Astrid Mundidotr pioneers powered flight
    Technological achievement

    Astrid Mundidotr (Dwarf/female) pioneers powered flight.

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  • 1777 CE


    The High Kingdom of Tashalar is destroyed
    Military action

    Tashalari rebels and Imperial troops overthrow and execute King Hemandrian XXIX.

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  • 1777 CE


    Exodus from Tashalar
    Population Migration / Travel

    Most of the Velle bloodline flee the ruins of the High Kingdom of Tashalar with the remaining supporters of King Hemandrian and the Followers of Croqesni.

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  • 1777 CE


    Aelnon/Sirisea Arms Race begins
    Political event

    With Tashalar's military scattered and defeated and the Fifth Great Empire's resources spent, the Aelnon Hierarchy and the Dominion of Sirisea begin a frantic arms race.

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  • 1801 CE


    Creon Thold unlocks the secrets of Arcanium
    Scientific achievement

    Famous inventor Creon Thold (Human/male) unlocks the secrets of Arcanium.

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  • 1801 CE


    Aelnon/Empire of Orin form science and technology alliance
    Diplomatic action

    With Arcanium in short supply in the Aelnon Hierarchy, the Fifth Great Empire of Orin offers their expertise in steam power to bridge the technology gap.

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  • 1824 CE

    Mogel Militis creates the first (non-Dwarven) mass-producible rifled firearms
    Technological achievement

    Inventor Mogel Militis (Human/male) creates the first (non-Dwarven) mass-producible rifled firearms.

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  • 1837 CE

    The Hemoclysm
    Disaster / Destruction

    A large-scale cataclysmic event which lead to the destruction of the Ash Mountain Clan.

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