Berdain Thunderfist Character in Valentcia | World Anvil
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Berdain Thunderfist

From the pre-dark ages some records still hold names lost to history. Berdain Thunderfist as well as the rest of his clan are notable entries in such lore. This clan of dwarves were known for their working of fine metals, and construction of advanced frames to house the Tinkerjin Gnomes' ingenious clockwork machines. There are rumors that entrances to their great forges and workshops still exist within the Ashib Mountains.   Berdain in particular was king at the time of the Great Calamity, it seems he was often away from his throne during the final days, and some accusations that he was sneaking off to be with some mistress.  Knowledge in the history books likely came from within the libraries of the The Order.  This is because as heretofore no source has ever been cited for Berdain or his clan, leaving some scholars to question whether they existed at all.


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