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Blumery is a massive city in the heart of the Redal Dynasty. It used to be a capital city with smaller towns and villages around it, but in the last couple of centuries the capital city has grown so much that it now also encompasses the previous towns and villages. One thing that is noticeable is that the city does not have any places of worship. The citizens are allowed to pray to any deity, within the privacy of their own houses.


Blumery is a metropolis city, which holds the most amount of people. It is a city that holds roughly 1.550.000 citizens. The most common race in Blumery are, by far, the Tieflings. The next big race are the humans and last the Gnomes. The rest is a mix of all types of races from all over the world, though lately Blumery has also seen an influx of people that try to flee the Supis Empire and have made it through the desert.
Tiefling: 60%
Human: 20%
Gnomes: 10%
Others: 10%


Blumery is controlled by a King, who is called the Emperor and his Queen, the Empress. The Emperor creates laws, with the help of his advisors.
Then come the Prince/Princess. These are the children of the Emperor and Empress and usually the first born son is the successor.
Then comes the title of Duke/Duchess.
Then comes the title of Marquess/Marchioness.
Then comes the title of Count/Countess.
Then comes the title of Viscount/Viscountess.
Then comes the title of Baron/Baroness. This is the last title of the aristocracy.
Then comes the title of Knight. The previous titles are all hereditary titles or titles that can be acquired through marriages. A knight can be given to anyone, no matter where they come from, as long as they are able to get through the matches that are set up.
After this you have the Upper Class. These include certain jobs like barristers for example.
After this you have the Middle Class. The vast majority of the citizens of Blumery fall into this category, such as shop owners, white-collar professionals (literally those who wear a white collar like businessmen and office workers), teachers, journalists, nurses and the list goes on.
After this you have the Working Class. Basic low level unskilled or semi-skilled workers, such as those with no university or college education. This includes occupations such as factory workers and labourers.
The last of the classes is known as the Lower Class. This is a term to describe the long term unemployed, homeless, prostitutes etc.

The Laws

As judged by the eyes of the local lawmaster, appointed hands of that lawmaster, or the Law Bearer herself, any criminals discovered and/or convicted of crimes are subject to punishments befitting the crime. All fines and punishments for crimes against a Upper Class member are doubled. All fines and punishments regarding crimes against an Aristocrate are tripled.
Treason is punishable by death.
Murder: Exectuion or 8 - 15 years incarceration and a fine of 6000 gp.
Assault with intent to kill: 250 days incarceration and/or a fine of 1,800 gp, or execution.
Assault with intent to injure: 30 days incarceration and/or a fine of 350 gp.
Kidnapping: 60 days incarceration and/or a fine of 800 gp.
Damage to Emperor property: 15–60 days incarceration and a fine of twice the worth of property destroyed.
Damage to private property: 5–15 days incarceration or a fine of twice the worth of property destroyed.
Failure to pay taxes to the Emperor: 5–30 days incarceration and a repossession of property equal to the amount owed.
Trespassing: 12 days incarceration and/or a fine of 215 gp.
Ownership of another intelligent humanoid creature: 12–20 months incarceration and a fine of 1,800 gp.
Stealing: 5–10 days incarceration and/or a fine of twice the worth of the stolen goods.


Taxes are collected at every last day of the month. Taxes are 10% of the overall earnings.


Blumery uses many different types of defences. It has ground troops, airships, flying creatures, mechanical weapons and weapons that have been infused with magic. This is just to name a few. Furthermore the city is build in rings. The most outer ring is known as the Lower Wards, the lowest of the lowest can be found living here, as well as the factories. The next ring is known as the Middle Ward, this is where you can find most of the shopkeeper. The third ring is known as the Upper Class Ward. The Palace District is the final place which is located on top of an island in the middle of the river. Two bridges lead from across the river the the North and South side of the Upper Class Ward. The Palace District is also walled off. Every wall has its own towers and defences to keep the enemies out.

Industry & Trade

Blumery is, technology wise, one of the most advanced. They have been tinkering with magical assets combined with metal technology. It is still very new, but shows great promise. Since the Supis Empire has started to expand more and Blumery is afraid that they might be the next, they have started to share their knowledge and technology with some of the other nations on Creil Drua and Hjálmarr.


The residence of Blumery have built great structures that hold many things. It is also one of the most industrial cities on Valerouros. To be able to get from one place to another many mains of transportation have been invented, like elevators, trams and skyships. Blumery also uses several flying creatures to quickly get from point A to point B within the city.


Because of the vastness of the metropolis of Blumery, messengers in all shapes and sizes can be found. Most street corners have boxes known as post boxes in which letters and small packages can be put, an address written on it. In order to send them one needs a special mark, which can be bought in the postoffices. For larger packages one has to go to the postoffices for it to be send.
Poststamps x10 50 cp
Letter 5 cp
Small Package 50 cp
Large Package 6 sp - 5 gp

You can also use the messenger boys that can be found on many streets. These are usually Kenku, who have a reputation of being very skilled and quick messengers. They typically cost between 5 cp to 5 gp, depending on how big the message is, how far they will have to travel and if they have to get to another ward.
The last messengers that can be used are the flying gargoyles that can be seen flying over the city. These messengers are the most expensive ones, but they are very fast. To deliver a letter or small package one has to pay 5 gp.


Blumery is made out of different wards, each wards having their own districts. These wards are called the Lower Ward, this is where the factory workers live and work, you can find shady inns, crooked dens, prostitute houses and more. Then comes the Middle Ward, where most of the people live, like shopkeepers, police officers and more. The third is known as the Upper Class Ward, this is where the Upper Class lives and where you can also find the justice halls. The last ward is also known as the Palace District, this is where most of the aristocracy live and in the middle if the palace of the emperor. All off these wards are surrounded by walls. Outside of the city you can find farms that go all around the Lower Ward Walls. The city is also build in blocks and the houses, appartments, stores and other buildings have their own numbers. They can either be indicated by numbers, such as 102 or 302, the first number showing what floor its on, the second number being the actual room number of that floor. Some houses/appartments also use A, B or C, which is mostly found in the lower wards where bigger houses have been cut into smaller places of residency.


Blumery used to be the capital city of the Redal Dynasty. It was surrounded by small hamlets, villages and towns that in turn also grew larger as the Redal Dynasty was thriving. Because of this ever expending the different cities and towns grew closer and closer to the capital city until everything became one metropolis city. To this day the metropolis keeps growing, but in some parts one can still see the older style homes. Most of these have been destroyed, and apartment buildings have been built in its place to create more residences.
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