Within ten years of their initial appearance, humanity knelt at the precipice of extinction. Lacking the innate talents enjoyed by elves, dwarves, and other creatures, humans faced a grim future in a cruel, hostile world. Legend holds that Eruer, God of Creation, forged a series of magic blades and gave these mighty weapons to humanity’s surviving heroes. Each of these swords, known as runeblades for the sigils etched into their steel, possessed different powers. The heroes who wielded the first runeblades went on to carve their sagas across the pages of history, and humankind flourished.
Although most runeblades have vanished or been destroyed, a handful yet survive. When fate or some hidden power intervenes, one of these potent weapons finds its way into the hands of a new hero. The warrior entrusted with a runeblade faces a dangerous—and often brief—life, for he carries in his hands the power to change not only his destiny, but the destiny of entire civilizations. Each blade possesses unique powers, and it is said that the runes provide magic to suit the individual wielding it. Whether these legends are true, one cannot deny the raw power and deadly combat magic of a runeblade wielder.