
A tradition of unknown origins, homeblessing is performed whenever people move into a new home, or if they renovated their current one. It has people coming over to celebrate with the home owners, with either a small or a large party. In case of nobility, this oft comes with a lavish feast. There also is a moment of humbleness, as people ask for a divine blessing to the household. Sometimes this includes an actual cleric or priest performing said blessing.   According to the Ravenmight Institute, the tradition is multiple centuries old but the origins are uncertain. The holy aspect was stressed more in the past, said to keep away evil spirits and negative influences. More practically, when water is used in the blessing, it helps expose any leaks so they can be repaired before rain exposes them instead.   While for the rich, a Homeblessing is a way to show off their wealth and hospitality, normal folks are a bit cheaper. The host may carry responsibility for food and drinks, but guests will all contribute, either with more of that or with useful items for the new household. Especially useful after a couple moves in together, as they will need a lot of items that they didn't think of yet.  


Spoilers ahead, this bit will be censored later

  In the current status of the valley, the blessing part has become more crucial. For now, people simply flock through holy blessings in the idle hope that they can stave off the Corruption. Over time, perhaps an actual solution might become part of this habit. For example, if we can get an efficient enough warding system available, the homeblessing may involve installing a keystone and connecting it to the main Ward. Only time can tell whether this will be both possible and necessary. We pray for the first, and pray it will no longer be needed one day. Perhaps this applied in the past as well.


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Aug 19, 2024 21:45 by Deleyna Marr

Lots of potential there for story development!

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