Known also as the Ending of the Old World, The Downfall, and the Rebirth; The GodFall is the single most known mythological/cosmological event to have ever occured. Most known Pantheons & other deific realms suffered massive cataclysmic destruction and shifts that resulted in them breaking apart and shunting their inhabitants, along with portions of the realms/planes themselves, into other realms of existence. Meanwhile, Valnoagawa suffered a drastic upheaval of the sentient life and its ability to support it resulting in a collapse of all society. Most of the history during this time is unknown and long forgotten as the survivors became more focused on survival.
Common knowledge that has slight variations based on the culture and regional differences.
Cultural Reception
Nearly every modern culture can trace its origins back to the survivors from this event that started their current culture and civilzations.
In Literature
Several books across the planet have been written on this subject. They range from books of fiction and heroic struggles to theological/scientific discussions.
Date of First Recording
Date of Setting