Home to several large continents with a few interspersed bodies of water, the planet of Valnoagawa is still in the process of recovering from the GodFall, a calamity that shifted every known aspect of life. Though not much seemed to have survived through the event itself, the four thousand years that have occurred since then has seen the rise of several new civilizations, with the largest & most long lived the Kratocracy Empire having control of the landmass called Odrinara. Several other nations have also sprung up during this time and have also laid claim to lands and waters having joined up under common banners in the hopes surviving & prospering in the years to come.
Natural Resources
- Abundant natural resources in Valnoagawa allow for settlements and civilizations to survive
Experiencing grand calamity over 4,000 years ago, the world faced great upheaval that left no facet of the planet untouched.
Alternative Name(s)
Material Plane
Included Locations