Noble Lands Humans
The indigenous people of the Noble Lands, they travel in tribes all across the continent. Each one consist of several families that are made of Hunter-Gatherers, with rough population of each tribe being around 2-300 people. They have resided on the continent for 8,000 years according to many of the historical signs and traditions that they hold. Each tribe has a preset path they travel along that takes three years to complete, though some can taken longer. Most of live to be 300 years old and are usually much taller than humans from Odrinara due to the hardier life they undertake.
Major language groups and dialects
- Common
- Dwarvish
- Elvish
- Halfling
Culture and cultural heritage
Each tribe maintains and nurtures a Giant Sequoia, known as the Sacred Heritage Tree, that is hidden deep within the largest forest of the Noble Lands. Every three years a tribe will check on their tree to magically nourish it and to perform carvings into the barks of historical events to the tribe itself. The Tree's themselves are carved by the tribe elders with each tribe having it own way of assigning what becomes carved into the bark of the tree; several tribes may go through similar or the same experiences in the same year with only one considering any of the events to have importance. The death of a tree by any reason is a devastating loss to a tribe as destroys their existing history with most tribes disbanding after a loss to join others. If a tree is merely damaged, the tribe does not engage in events to create history and merely continues to subsist until the tree starts to grow again.
Average technological level
Most tribes seek to maintain Hunter-Gather status, though several of them do understand agriculture & horticulture which they use to cultivate seasonal plants as they travel their routes. These plants are left to grow and continue through their lifecycle so that when the tribes come back to the area later they are able harvest the crops.
Common Dress code
Clothing is a mixture of various cottons, wool, and leathers to help insure proper covering for the season and the weather.
Art & Architecture
Basket weaving and carving are the most ubiquitous art sources in the tribes. The use of pigmentation varies from tribe to tribe and what knowledge has been deigned to be important to their own tribe.
Coming of Age Rites
Each member of the tribe engages in a designated quest that has a significance to the tribe based on where they are located in the path they travel.
Funerary and Memorial customs
Once a member of the tribe passes, the body is buried with it possessions it had at the time. Only certain items are passed to other members if they have been bequeathed to these people or are deemed by the elders of the tribe to be a possession of the tribe; the latter one happens infrequently as the elders do not wish to leave the departed with nothing when they move on to the next world.
Beauty Ideals
Not really having any makeups or techniques to enhance natural beauty, they instead weave intricate patterns of feathers into their hair. They also undergo symbolic tattooing that reflects the deeds they have accomplished and the wisdom gain in their long life.
Gender Ideals
Both genders share equal in the workload. Task are assigned by how efficient the individual is and not by any specified roles for each gender.
Courtship Ideals
Individuals wanting to engage in a relationship need only to request from the aforementioned party if they would wish to engage in such a relationship. During this time, both parties explore the others interest, ideals, and goals to see if they would be compatible for a long term relationship
Relationship Ideals
Three types exist in the society that arise courtshipping. The first is a coupling that is only superficial with no feeling but is entirely physical in the ultimate goal of it; during this time both parties still work on the relationship and most end with an amicable split where they remain lifelong friends and confidants. The second is
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