The known homeland of most sentient species & considered the cradle of modern society, the continent of Odrinara is land filled with vast wilderness, a large desert, dozens of lakes & rivers, with a large mountainous tundra spanning its upper portion. Most under the control of the Kratocracy Empire, large portions are still unexplored even after 3,500 years of civilization reemerging due to the Titan creatures that exist, the slowly increasing dangers from the Bleak & Blight Zones, and the amount of Undead that still seem to rise from those that perished in the time before the GodFall and the intervening years of harsh survival. With the Wrathful Seas to the West and the East part of the continent being a vast unexplored desert that few expeditions have returned from, only the passing of time will determine what is in store for the land itself as Valnoagawa continues to exist.
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