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The life of an orc is destined to be short. The Orc appeared on the continent at a time similar to the humans, but no one is sure how they arrived because their arrival was more scattered and less centralized than the humans. Some may have even arrived via the same boats carrying humans. This is the point their stories begin to diverge though. Orc society is a hegemony divided into @orc which are individually ruled by matriarchs. Each clan will send a representative, sent by the matriarch to a meeting every 5 solar years to decide a new leader of the clans. At first, this meant there was a milieu of competing domains of Orcs, each one competing to be the chief Orc kingdom. Many clans banded together over millennia of conflict only briefly punctuated by times of peace. Cities were not common among the Orc, but feats of athleticism, horse riding, and martial prowess dominated the society.   Currently, there are six great clans of orcs left. Each one is led in name by a matriarch. However, the matriarch now rules each due to yearly elections and with the support of a council made up of both tribal leaders and notable craftspeople and merchants within the clan. Orc have begun to found cities and the lifespan of Orc has started to increase. Traditionally, Orc have been skeptical and somewhat xenophobic of non-Orc. They have chosen to become mercenaries, bodyguards, and labor intensive workers for other races at times due to their tremendous strength.   Storyteller - Orc  are one of the few positions granted a religious type significance within Orc society. This is the one way a warrior orc will become part of the leadership of a local tribe and then possibly a clan. Warriors who do not die in battle after 5 years have an opportunity to be elected by merit to positions such as cartography, logistics, and officers. They will then serve another 5 years and may assume a higher command. After their third tour, this time as high ranking battlefield officers, the orc can retire as a storyteller. They will tell their tribe of the conquests and lands they have seen. Storytellers have been the primary reason for the gradual shift in orc society valuing new art and for contact with other societies. Due to their influence, Orc society has now become more egalitarian. Orc recruitment into different positions - warrior, crafts, business are all by lottery which are approved by the matriarch and local ruling council of each clan. In some clans, the lottery is more ceremonial and in others it is more pragmatic.   Since there are still 6 major clans, Orc society has not yet reached equilibrium as none wants to be absorbed into another one which would cause a major balance shift. Orc society is built around the number 5 and many Orc see the eventual joining of one clan into another as necessary for the continuing progression of history. The delicate balancing of political strength and honor has provided enough impetus for the ongoing conflict between Orc clans, but once the equilibrium is reached it is likely Orcs will settle into a new era of prosperity and growth.   The Orc have a reputation for being evil, but this is propaganda spread by the Vergar priestly classes and Orc isolationism. Although their battles are known to be huge and brutal, Orc have a high sense of duty, honor, and loyalty. Orc customs may not be familiar to outsiders, but they do not attack others without justification or cause. Historically, orc may participate in ritual cannibalism after battle but even this was accompanied by ceremony and honor tokenism where defeated tribes were absorbed into their new tribe without prejudice. One of the few places this consistently still shows up is ritual consumption and burial of the orc who led the clans and died of natural causes. Their story is then added to the other leaders present. Orc are naturally curious and appreciate great art and craftsmanship although they eschew what they might describe as lethargic or opulent among themselves.   Typical Appearance: 1.8 m to 2.4 meters Extremely muscular - skin is earth tones from greens to blues to browns. Meticulous appearance adorned with tattoos significant to their tribe, region, and trade or battles. Every Orc has a story that is intertwined with the family, tribe, and clan. All Orc are trained in battle and the lottery for apprenticeship begins at age 10. All Orc are considered adults and ready for full immersion into society at 15. Elder Orc are 30. Life span - usually 50 to 60 years. Orcs heart attacks are a common reason for death as are other joint and lung related ailments and diseases. Very few Orc will live past 70, and none are ever known to reach age 100. Dress is utilitarian but covered with ornate stitching which indicates clan and occupation. Rank is usually only perceived through age and contextual deference.

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