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Storyteller - Orc

Orc storytellers hold a unique position in society.  They hold and shape the history of both Orc and their encounters with other races. For this reason, they are able to help create new directions for the orc tribes. They also maintain the traditions and memory of orcs.     The best storytellers fit the common tongue of the orc into a rhythmic pentameter of poetry and song which can be passed from generation to generation. Although orc writing exists, only scribes who have mastered the oral tradition are allowed to write down the history.  History is kept in great scrolls which are only replaced when when they are in need of repair.  Care is given by the storytellers to ensure that the scribe copies the manuscript exactly.  All orc children learn to write by the age of 10 since they live in an egalitarian society where any orc may hope to become a storyteller and revered elder in the tribe.    Storytellers may or may not personally believe in the stories of Fel, but they are dutiful in passing the stories of Fel's creation of the world.

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