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Erik Torsten

Breach, the bionic Swede, fires powerful, targeted kinetic blasts to aggressively clear a path through enemy ground. The damage and disruption he inflicts ensures no fight is ever fair.   Breach's main gimmick is the ability to use all of his abilities through the geometry of the map, whether it is through walls, roofs, or terrain. His abilities also seem to reward an aggressive playstyle despite most of his abilities being crowd-control based.   If there's anyone who knows the risk - and the thrill - of their job as a VALORANT agent best, it's probably Breach. This bionic man has hinted at having a long history of being in the battlefield, and any shootout is always fun for him. He treats his current occupation in VALORANT as nothing more than another post wherein he drops into the fight, wins, and gets paid. However, he's also looking for excitement and will not hesitate to wreck havoc along the way.   According to Sova in his voicelines, Breach lacks patience and tends to rush into fights while leaving his team behind. The Swede has also earned the ire of Yoru for being a loudmouth who doesn't shut up. With his gimmick for aggression, Breach believes in getting the job done quick, and when the guns are being held up on his face, that's when he knows that it's just another Tuesday.

Physical Description

Body Features

Breach is a double congenital amputee, meaning he was born without arms   Breach's mechanical arms are made from carbon steel with titanium plating   Breach originally built his arms himself but got some major upgrades from Raze   He is known to have done some "bad things" before joining the VP, though the records have been sealed

Mental characteristics


Likely mutisexual, likes to flirt with everyone


Breach was likely a mercenary before joining the VALORANT Protocol, and he still has contacts from his previous work.


Contacts & Relations

Breach's quotes hint that he knew Raze before joining VALORANT   It's possible Raze and Breach worked together as mercenaries   Raze sometimes calls Breach by a nickname, "Breachy"   It's possible Raze and Breach joined or were recruited into the VP together as they are VP agents 12 and 13, and VP's agents numbers are assigned in the order that they joined the organization   Breach was recruited into VALORANT by Viper, though it was not a smooth affair   There may be friction between Breach and Brimstone, with Breach suggesting that Brimstone has reasons the prefer not working with him, though Brimstone appears to deny some of these claims



Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Breach




Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Astra




Breach and Astra met through the Valorant Protocol. They don't know each other very well, but Astra believes Breach should be more respectful of certai things.

Quotes & Catchphrases
"Guns in my face? Just another Tuesday"     "The faster we do this, the faster I get paid"     "Been pulling jobs like this for years. Risky? Sure. But never boring"     "I don't need these arms to fight, but they're fun. Might as well use 'em"     "Look at this place! Kingdom has more money than they know what to do with! I wonder where they keep it..."     "Just swapping in new fusion cells...okay, my arms are good! We can go"     "I've been itching for a fight"     "Never been in a knife fight, have you?"     "Job's done! Pay up"     "Ohh, I've missed the cold! This was great!"    


"It could be worse, Brimstone! Instead of working together we could be facing off! Or maybe you'd prefer that..."     "Brimstone, the corporate sellout! Here to look out for Kingdom's special interests?"     "Leave some fight for the rest of us, old man!"    


"Don't aim that camera at me, Cypher! Save it for the enemy"     "Cypher, stop bugging my gear with microphones! You're worse than Interpol!"    


"Damn, Jett, have you ever considered a life of crime? I have contacts. Let me know"    


"Killjoy, your inventions are too fragile. See these arms? Carbon steel with titanium plating! That's what you need!"    


"Omen! That scared the shit out of me!"     "I'm gonna run my fist through that Omen's face. Can you even punch a ghost? Who cares, I'm doing it!"     "Freak!"    


"Phoenix keeps bringing the fire, it's like a Viking funeral!" laughs    


"Raze! Huh. Together again and we're not even breaking the law!"     "Raze, don't wreck this place all on your own! Hehe, save some demo for me!"     ""Mandou bem", Raze! How's that for pronunciation, huh?" *laughs*     "It's you and me, Raze"    


"Reyna, I think I'm in love!" *laughs*    


"The enemy Sage thinks she will slow us down. Haha! That's cute"     "That monk thinks she's an angel. Let's clip her wings"     "Their Sage is a coward hiding behind walls. Grow a spine already!"    


"Breach, I'm thinking I'll hit the gym later. You in?" "So long as it's leg day!" laughs    


"Just tell me where they are, Sova. I'll take it from there"     "That pretty boy Sova sure looks the hero, I'll give him that. I'll still kill him"    


"You never stop fighting, Viper. No matter what"     "It was never personal, Viper. Just business"
Aligned Organization
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