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Amir El Amari (a.k.a. Gumshoe)

Cypher is constantly gathering secrets, information, and intel, to the point of managing to retrieve the passwords of everyone in the Valorant Protocol. He keeps most of this information to himself, making sure that no one ever discovers them and only revealing anything he knows for a price.   While Cypher has a history of being a killer, he has shown to have warmer ties with some of the agents in the Protocol, to the point of referring to them by nicknames. He is also known to be rather cheeky, and tends to take parts or tools from his fellow agents whenever he needs them, often informing them later on that he has done so rather than asking them if he can use them beforehand.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cypher's real name is 'Aamir', an Arabic name which means "Prince" in English.   Cypher is from Rabat, Morocco, where Bind is also located.   His Thrifty quotes imply that he may be poor, or was at one point.   Cypher intentionally keeps his face and true identity hidden.


Contacts & Relations

Cypher knew someone called Nora, who was likely a family relation to him. Cypher's quotes imply that Nora and other members of his family were killed.   Cypher knows many secrets that he keeps from his fellow agents. Because of this, some of them find it hard to trust him. One such agent is Sova, whose values of honesty and openness conflict with Cypher's secrecy.   In his email sent to Brimstone, Cypher is shown to be untrusting towards Chamber as he validated the French agent's work history. He has raised suspicion over the fact that the latter has no criminal record or incident report of any kind, pointing out to Brimstone that Chamber may be "very good at hiding the truth."



Coworker (Important)

Towards Cypher




Coworker (Trivial)

Towards Astra




Astra seems to like Cypher, but she doesn't like the way he hides himself away.

Quotes & Catchphrases
"For a moment...I saw them!"     "I must survive to protect my family. I can't lose them. I can't feel that pain again..."     "Let's see what I have to use. Pictures of their children? Wow, way too dark"     "The back alleys, or the streets of war. There is no difference. Just nicer toys"     "What has Kingdom done to this town?! However pretty their lies are, they're just sucking my city dry!"     "Ah, I've always wanted to pry my way in here. Don't mind if I just leave"     "One of my cameras is broken!...Oh, wait...okay. It's fine"     "Now remember, wipe the prints from your guns. It's just good crime scene etiquette"     "That radianite must be ours!"     "I am Prometheus! And you are just...a god"     "Nora, I will see you again..."     "Ugh, I hate visiting underground doctors..."     "I'll try to be even more poor next time. It'll be hard, hmm, but I'll try"     "You think I don't know how to get by without money?"     "My truths stay hidden for one day more"     "You're lucky I'm generous. Or else your families would be next"     "Back to my workshop. Still much to be done"     "Get out of my city!"    


"Breach, Breach. I took a servo from your arms, for my tripwire, don't be angry. Breach..."    


"Let me see if I can hack into that Brimstone's bracer. If he's anything like our Brimstone, he won't know how to fix it!" laughs    

Enemy Cypher

"I honestly don't know who the Cypher on their side is. [sighs] A real mystery..."     "أبوه سادم عليك" ("Yes, peace be upon you")  


"Fly, my wind assassin. Do what you do best"     "That wind girl is so jumpy! So annoying! My poor tripwires"    


"Cypher, can you show me round the dark web one of these days?" "Oh, oh dear no sweetheart! We must protect you"    


"Omen! I have the information you asked for. But my price! My price hasn't been paid yet"     "Goodbye to you...and your secrets"    


"Phoenix! Our little star, keep that furnace burning, okay?"    


"Ah Raze, don't tinker with my gadgets! I don't need exploding cameras again! *sighs* The cleanup was so messy..."    


"Reyna, jeez! Leave some for the rest of us!...or don't!...*laughs nervously*...I'm...I-I am sorry"  


"So, Sage. You can bring people back from the dead? Anyone?! No constraints?! Interesting..."    


"Between you and me, Sova? There's nowhere they can hide! Hmhmhm, how fun!"    


"Viper, who's birthday is March 20th? I found it when, uh...*chuckles*...okay, okay. I have everyone's passwords"     "You know, Viper, the name Sabine really fits you" "Never call me that again! If you do though it's Doctor Sabine, get it right"     Yoru "Remember, the rift walker is over there. Never think you're safe"
Aligned Organization
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