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Zyanya Mondragón (a.k.a. Vampire)

Forged in the heart of Mexico, Reyna dominates single combat, popping off with each kill she scores. Her capability is only limited by her raw skill, making her highly dependent on performance.   Reyna takes what she wants when she wants it, no matter who is standing in her way. She has a strong dislike for technology and thrives on the enemy's misery, and loves to compete with fellow Radiants to see who is the most powerful.

Physical Description

Body Features

Reyna's heart seems to be made of radianite and it emmits a faint pink glow that can be seen through clothing. Reyna also has tattoos or markings that seem to run from her left wrist all the way up her shoulder, perhaps going all the way to her Radiant heart. Her markings glow pink when she uses her powers

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Reyna has a dislike towards technology, believing Radiants to be the true future for Earth.   Karina Altamirano revealed in an interview that Reyna had a little sister who was killed but the killer remains a mystery
  Reyna and her sister grew up poor, each being born with the small radiant power to sense souls, but they were different. Their powers grew as they did, but it did not appear that way. Reyna and her sister were both diagnoised with heart cancer from a relatively young age. Reyna prioritized her younger sisters' health over her own, and her sister ended up being signed up in an experimental program run by Kingdom Corporation. Kingdom were doing experiments on Radiants and had recongized that the sisters' "heart cancer" was in fact living radianite growing in their hearts.   Reyna's sister was killed when Kingdom attempted open heart surgery on her to try to understand the radianite that was growing in her heart. The manufactured radianite the machienes Killjoy invented for the task responded badly to the living radianite in Reyna's sister's heart and caused an explosion, which killed Reyna's sister. Reyna has hunted down and killed many people involved with this, and was located on the primary Earth because she jumped at the chance to kill Viper.   After Reyna's sister died, Reyna came in to her powers and began to use them to fight back. Reyna's fondess for Raze, despite her not being a Radiant, lies in no small part because Raze was also a rebel back in her home country. Using her Radiant powers, Reyna became a fearsome force and began to gather followers of her own, largely Radiants. She came to basically rule over a city eventually, one she now considers hers and is very protective over. She spends a lot of her time still in her city when not on VP missions, likely the most of any agent to spend time outside of VP's multiple bases and headquarters. This has not an insignifigant amount to do with that Reyna's city is very loyal to her and would fight to protect her, insuring safety for her while away from VP.


Contacts & Relations

Reyna dislikes the moral direction that Brimstone takes with his leadership.   Some of Killjoy's machines affected Reyna's life in some way. Whatever happened causes Reyna to show much hatred towards her. Although Reyna is know to dislike technology overall, Killjoy notes that Reyna always seems to be after her personally.   Reyna has known a little girl who is very special to her   There is possible animosity between her and Viper, which may be as a result of something that happened between Viper and the small girl Reyna knows. Viper notes that Reyna seems to be after her.




Towards Reyna




Towards Astra


Quotes & Catchphrases
"They have no idea how heartless I am" "Adiós" "The hunt begins!" "Ah, back where I belong" "It doesn't matter what this place used to be. Now it's just another graveyard" "Ah, what hope do these criaturas have? I almost pity them" "Are those our enemies? Huh. This won't take long" "I've stood over so many corpses. A few more, does not matter" "This enemy's nothing special. Still human, still mortal" "I will drain the life from our pray. That's all they're good for" "I have lied, beaten, killed to survive. I will kill again and again if it means one more day" *sighs* "This poor place. It clings to life. A city after my own heart" "As much as this world hurt's mine...and I will kill to defend it" "The enemy only looks composed. Their hearts tell a different story" "I'm the last thing they'll see before they die. Lucky them" "They're just batteries...and I need a recharge" "Their lives are so meaningless. Might as well give them to me" "Look your enemy in the eye. It helps with accuracy" "Stay alive! I want their life, not yours" "They don't have a single life worth saving" "Deep breaths everyone. Your hearts are pounding" "My city needs me. I can't be away for long. Let's end this quickly..." "Ah, the symphony of death. Don't worry, you get used to it" "If you've never seen a massacre, this is what it looks like" "They're losing heart. I can feel it" "They're starting to panic. I can feel their pulse quickening from here" "I get what I want" "Take everything" "Take control" "I will rip their hearts out" "Bleed them dry" "For you, hermanita" "No prisoners" "Cower, run!" "We win, we survive" "Don't worry, your life won't go to waste" "All dead, *scoffs*, and I'm still hungry" "Hello darling" "Bow before me!" "Thank you. I was starving!" "Die meaningless" "What can I say. When I want something, I take it" "I was not meant for this climate, let's go!" "If I act superior, it's because I am" "Today is a gift to Radiants. We're finally free to use our power!" "Oh, do your little machines need help? Take your time. We Radiantes will start without you" "You could never hope to match a Radiante!" "Enough of your technology! The future is Radiant!"    


"I like the way you work, Breach. Violento. Me gusta"    


"Brimstone, if you must lead, then lead well. Where do we go?" "Ugh, I can't deal with the morality of yet another Brimstone! The hipocresía! I'll silence him" "I'll show that Brimstone true power!"


"I don't like your toys, Cypher. Don't spy on me"    


"Jett, you're very talented. Aim for the neck. Easy kill"     "Okay, Jett. Time to fly"     "Oh Jett, I remember being so young. It's good that you'll die before feeling old like me" "Their Jett is playing hard to get. Alright, I'll play"    


"I remember the machines Killjoy made. What they did to-...never mind, it does not matter!" "Enough with the robots, I want their maker" "Killjoy is an offense to my Radiance. I'll break her apart!" "I don't care how bright you are! You'll never be a Radiant!"    


"Omen, shall we see who cuts quicker? No harm in a little competition" "Okay Omen, you won that round" "Happy hunting, Omen"    


"See you on the front lines, Phoenix. Save some enemies for me" "Light the way, Phoenix" "The sun is so bright. Don't worry. I'll kill him"    


"Raze? Good. Never lose your voice"    

Enemy Reyna

"My reflection is here. Do me a favour, cariño. Kill her" "Parasite"    


"Reyna, there are better ways to survive than your path"   "Oh I'm so ashamed(!). Pobre de mi, how will I live with myself(?)" "Sage, we are the perfect pair. You give life. I take it" "Gentle Sage is not so gentle after all" "Ay corazón"    


"Skye. This is just the beginning of your power" "Be strong, Skye"    


"Sova, be a dear and find them for me" "I'm impressed, Sova. Even with blood on your hands you're keeping control" "Who's the hunter now?!"    


"Ah, Viper, must you always play with your food?" "Their Viper is terrifying. I love it!"     Yoru "He won't fool me"
Aligned Organization
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