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Kirra Foster (a.k.a. Guide)

Hailing from Australia, Skye and her band of beasts trail-blaze the way through hostile territory. With her creations hampering the enemy, and her power to heal others, the team is strongest and safest by Skye's side.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Skye grew up in a farm in Nimbin, Australia   Skye was recruited into the Valorant Protocol by Sage


Contacts & Relations

Skye initially was unsure of joining, not wanting to leave her homeland unprotected. However, when Sage revealed there were many rifts across the world, Skye realized that the fight was bigger than just her home territory, and finally answered the call




Towards Skye




Towards Astra


Quotes & Catchphrases
"Alright! Where's the fight?" "Remember everyone, if we survive, woodworking class tonight in the mess hall. Nimble hands, nimble minds..." "Not used to working with humans. Usually just me and my pack. I guess it's worse if you guys get shot, yeah?" "These guys keep taking our Earth. Let's kick 'em out and get back to our lives" "Anyone I catch slacking off has to join my morning run tomorrow. Wake up's at four, sound good?" "Everyone good if my pets run around out here? I don't do leashes. Should be alright" "I can feel what this place used to be. It's dying! What a damn shame..." "I'm no doctor, but I can patch a bullet hole or two. Let me know if you need healing" "If you see one of my creatures, it's a good thing, alright? You'll figure out what they do eventually" "Just some good old hard yakka, standing in between us and victory" "These parasites aren't gonna take one step past this place" "I feel something over there. Can't place it.... Like us, but...different..." "We move as a unit, okay? Last thing I need is some hero messing things up" "Tell you what. A day working the farm, would do these fellas good" "Make sure to follow my pack in. They'll lead us right to the enemy" "We know what we're doing. Trust each other and we'll be fine" "We're not equals. Let's go!" "In the words of our Sova, "the pack survives"!" "Anyone up for a cuppa at Cypher's place? Wherever that is..." "How did I get this powerful?!"    


"Breach, you big beaut, get up here. The front line's got room for one more animal" "Breach, I'm thinking I'll hit the gym later. You in?"   Breach icon.png "So long as it's leg day!" *laughs* "You and me, Breach. Let's go!" "Shame their Breach is against us! I really need a gym buddy..."    


"Brimstone, you old dog! I respect that you've still got some bite! If you break a hip out there, I got you covered"    


"Cypher, I knew you were a legend from the start. Great work mate!"    


"Skye. Ever though thought about making other summons? Like, uh, lions. Or...ooh, dragons!?"   "Tried once. It was...not...pretty" "Jett, don't slow down for us. My creatures move fast, they'll keep up" "Jett, you little ripper, that was insane! Keep it up, love!    


"That Killjoy thinks a few bots will keep her safe? Give me a break!" "What's so special about that Killjoy's tech? I've got visual sensors too. They're called eyes!" "Great inventions(!) I'm so impressed(!)"    


"Omen all that slinking around makes you hard to track. Glad you're on my side, eh?" "Omen, when you teleport, I don't know. Sometimes...I lose you. Does...that make sense?"    


"Phoenix, you're killing it out there!"    


"Raze, I love the destruction! Just keep it on their side, yeah?"    


"Reyna, I know that look. I've lost people too. Let's do this for them" "Reyna, still hungry? I'm sure my pets can chase out some game for ya" "Reyna that was savage! How d'you learn to hunt like that?!"    


"Sage, I'll teach you how to control my seekers if you teach me how to raise the dead. Fair trade I reckon" "Everyone give Sage a break! Crying over every bruise...I'm here! You can bother me" "Sage, let's keep everyone alive"    

Enemy Skye

"Two of us?! *laughs* This place is gonna be a zoo!"    


"If that Sova's arrows come anywhere near my pack? He's dead!" "That Sova's gonna put his eye out with all that tech. Mhm. His other eye I mean."    


"I can't believe their Viper's dumping all that shit in the air. I'll kill her!"    


"Hey, flower girl. I found some leaves. Do you want them?"   "I've got enough, thanks. But call me flower girl again, I'll break your nose"
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