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Dougan's Hole

Dougan’s Hole is the smallest official settlement of Ozbiard. Its residents aren’t fond of visitors, and inbreeding has caused the population to dwindle in recent years. It also has given rise to often-seen physical deformities, including but not limited to small, misshapen ears and slightly pointed teeth. The hamlet is a small cluster of dwellings perched on the edge of the water that is too small to support any industry—not even scrimshaw. Local fishers have hauled their smaller boats onto the shore and resorted to cutting holes in the ice to catch knucklehead trout, which they depend on for survival.   Dougan's Hole is one of the settlements affected by Destruction's Light. Half the hamlet was destroyed and they lost 17 people. They currently are trying to rebuild some of the homes and morn the loss.


Human 74%
Halfling 7%
Dwarf 6%
Elf 4%
Other 9%


Speaker Edgra Durmoot (neutral human scout), a plainspoken trapper, speaks for the townsfolk. She seldom attends meetings held in Bryn Shandar.


There is a policing presence in Dougan's Hole, but it is more for outside intruders rather than the population inside.

Guilds and Factions

The Hook'n Cloak

The Hookelin Cloak is a guards watch. Those that breach the laws can expect hard labor, incarceration, or sometimes public execution. Crime is an ugly stain on humanity, to be punished. It's ruled by Vonbin Loderr, who was the strongest of the group. Membership requires referral by an existing member, and costs a single gold piece.

Points of interest

Twenty Stones of Thruun

The only truly interesting feature in Dougan’s Hole is the ring of megaliths known as the Twenty Stones of Thruun. Standing at the southern edge of town, nineteen of these crudely fashioned granite menhirs are arranged in a rough triangle, with a single stone at the formation’s center. No one knows who built this structure or why; the townsfolk maintain that the stones were there when the town’s founder, Dougan Dubrace, first happened upon this fishing spot. Scholars have tried to research the origin of the structure’s name, but all they have found are allusions to a creature named Thruun in the oldest legends of the northern folk. Some speculate that Thruun was a god, while others believe it’s a destructive elemental spirit bound to this location by ancient druidic magic.  

Aenglo and Family

A shabby general store with a planked roof and is extremely messy. The front counter is cluttered with bottles of over-ripe wine. You notice all of the walls are painted a pumpkin orange color. Aenglo Hume is the owner and he manages the place with his family.
Owning Organization

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