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The government is a reflection of who the people feel most protected by, mages. The strongest mages are put at the head of the council and lead the city of Bryn Shandar, and the nation of Ozbiard, together. They are given the title of "Iceborn". The strongest of those mages is seen as the head of discussions and the council's figurehead. They are also the one to make announcements and often are given the most credit, or blame when appropriate. When an Iceborn is taken down by a lesser mage they are seen as unfit and must step down. The current Iceborn are: Samantha Hallaw, Brise Taller, Darduik Redminer, Fhaornik Ianlee, and the strongest iceborn Theodre Erwarin.


The Ozbiardians are an ever divided people. Tribes fight for dominance for what little resources are available, while those in the larger towns have the protection of the Iceborn. The tribes deeply value battle and battle scars, which are known as a sign of strength, courage and battle experience. The people within the towns value magic, intelligence, and have much more modest lifestyles in comparison to the tribes. The Iceborn are known to try to keep peace with the tribes but the tribes often don't want anything to do with the city folk. There is a long history between the tribes and the colonizers coming from Brybgard. Ozbiardian clothing is made to withstand the harsh environments of the land. Warriors are typically clad in fur-lined armor and leather,  though some remain bare chested to show off their hardiness to the cold. Tattoos are designed in simplistic geometric patterns and mostly worn by warriors as a symbol of strength. Iceborn and their descendants are able to withstand lower temperatures so some of them can be seen wearing very little or no insulating fabrics. Some say there is some sort of magic potion they are given when chosen to be Iceborn. The Harvest Festival is the largest celebration of the year, which happens right before Winter. Ozbiardians gather around pubs, taverns, and brothels to celebrate another year of harvest. If there was a word that would best describe the architecture, it would be enduring. The houses are built to withstand harsh winters. Most tribal homes have roofs that connect directly with the ground. From simple huts, to lavish long houses, modern architecture uses a variety of wood and stone material. Ancient architecture was built of stone and other magical objects.


In the days of the first tribes, wild magic ran rampant. The tribes came to create the finest tools, design the sturdiest structures, and brew the tastiest ales the world had ever known. Over time, Brybgard and Szorrith both had their eyes on the frozen land of Ozbiard. Wars broke out, and Szorrith used the opportunity to invade Brybgard while their armies were in Ozbiard or on the waters. Brybgard was almost defeated but decided to form an alliance with Ozbiard to defend their lands. They fought off the vampire lord and his armies, but the destruction had been done. Ozbiard was full of people from those foreign lands, no longer inhabited by only it's own people. These new people took to the cities and towns rather than the tribal camps. Overtime, this caused Ozbiard to split between the new melting pot of people in the major settlements, and the old close to their roots in camps and hamlets.

"One Cannot Stop an Avalanche!"

Geopolitical, Country
Head of State
Government System

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