

Session 41: Delver’s Square

Some of our efforts to gain more information have started to bear fruit. Scar received a rather informally toned letter from Lady Violentia of The Grave regarding intelligence on the Umbral Enclave. She provided information on various members, including Viltho Delmourne, the leader Vorcan, a sorcerer and protector Lady Morwenna Voss, a rogue and spy Thalorn Greyscar, a scholar and expert in things arcane Aradelle Rin, a diplomat and negotiator   We further learned that the Hall of Veils was an area under Ptolus connected to an undercity market and sewers. It is an area protected by obscurity, as well as by enchantments, and perhaps even a guardian of some sort, the Veilkeeper. We also learned that the Inverted Pyramid was another group who had some associations with the Hall of Veils, using it for its protection from scrying and other magical means of observation.   We spoke to members of the Inverted Pyramid, who were still investigating the Ringwell, mainly in more mundane pursuits, as best we could tell. Fortunately, it also does not appear that they have pushed into any of the dangerous parts of the Ringwell that are immediately accessible. We learned that, while they had not been there themselves, they were willing to point us in the right direction, to the Delver’s Square, as city market that also had an entry to the Undercity Market.   On investigation of the Undercity Market, Scar and Grace seemed to wander off to another section of the market, a side market where darker things were peddled. We found a slaver, a purveyor of necromantic scrolls, and a seller of entrapped fiends.   Scar decided to buy all of the slaves available for sale, declaring them free and asking them to be delivered to the Barracks. His somewhat impulsive move was one that perhaps could have been thought out a little more. We had to make sure that these people were truly free to choose their next lot in life, meaning that we could not abandon them, without money or job in the middle of a city. We also needed to make sure that they were checked for disease or other ailment before taking them into our barracks. Lastly, there was the concern that we had just given slavers almost a thousand gold, securing their business stability for quite some time.   I was surprised to see Grace’s reaction to the situation with the slaver. He was asking for permission to kill them. I don’t think I have seen such a response from Grace about anything of the sort. The slavers had withdrawn before any actions could be taken, but I assured him that they had just received a huge windfall from Scar, and that he had encouraged them to find more “willing” people that he might “free” from slavery with the option to join the Scales. I’m not sure this tactic has set well with anyone else, but we will see. Grace was still interested enough that he wants to discharge some of our vampire troops to find more about them. I had expressed a concern that Wagner was known to use slaves, and that we may be crossing into other territories by being involved with them.   The amulet seller was another interesting find, offering us a bound Marilith for the sum of 250,000 gold. A tempting offer for such a fearsome creature, but we finally opted against taking such a big risk with about half of the Scales’ treasury. Despite its potential uses, we had no idea whether or not this creature could break its bonds and turn on us.   Leaving these dark markets, we found ourselves entering a shop by a back passage. They claimed to deal with “Scouts, Guides, and Porters” for delving. We also learned more about the Delver’s Guild, which offered such perks as access to their maps, libraries, and secure waypoints, as well as discounts at a local outfitter, Ebert’s. We agreed that all should join for future exploration of this area. There was even something at higher seniority about placing claims on newly discovered areas. The library and maps rooms were fairly disorganized, I suggested that Archive review all of the material and organize it properly in the future.   While wandering these markets I received a missive in the diplomat pouch addressed to Bait. It included details about an attack on Stormhaven by Wagner’s forces. This is the first I have heard specifics of Bait’s past. Apparently, his former community was strongly associated with Zeus and his following.   Soon after leaving the Delver’s Guild, we were met by Creeps, who led us to a remote area, and offered a guide to help progress to the entrance to the Hall of Veils. Matt, the guide, was able to lead us for a couple miles underground to a sealed passageway. He could lead us no further, but the invitation Points had opened the way for us. We had previously determined that the invitation had some kinds of enchantments on it, which possibly would help us pass certain obstacles to the Hall of Veils.   Going through the passageway, we arrived at a large room with multiple columns and statues. As soon as we set foot in the room, 5 of the statues began to move to attack us. It seemed the Points, bearing the invitation, was allowed passage, but the rest of us drew the ire of the golems. After a difficult fight, including Scar falling more than once, we were able to cross the room to the far set of doors. Set set forth onward in our search for the Hall of Veils, hopefully finding a place to recover a bit before any other challenges find us.

Sessions 32-40: Catching Up

I return to recording my thoughts after a tumultuous time. I do not even rightly recall everything that has happened since I last recorded in this journal.   I find that the changes enacted by the Infernal Chancellor has have a wider effect on me than I had anticipated. My doubts, my roles, my positions on things seem to have shifted, often through a strengthening or crystallization of prior thoughts and beliefs. Have I become more of what I was before? Or is this a different kind of change? I do not know for certain.   Our return to Ptolus was, in some ways, a return to normalcy. Our concerns about the politicking and factions resumed. Our attempts to secure a better position, including propping up Rags as an heir of the Prince’s line. Our recruitment efforts also need to improve. And we identified the need to perhaps contact the Lords of Ptolus / Council of Twelve.   We also learned that Higara was still resistant, but had lost key ports,and that its fall seemed imminent.   We received copies of flyers that Wagner’s forces seemed to be distributing. I must admit that some of these flyers have given me pause as to what side I should support. I am torn between mistrusting the word of a conqueror and seeing the possibility that someone, even a conqueror, might be better for some. I have never heard any members of the current ruling class even claim to be concerned about education or the environment. Are our current leaders any better than a possible future conqueror who at least claims to care about some things? Is what I have seen in Glauer indicative of the possible promise of an “evil” leader bringing bounty, satisfaction, and even loyalty to a people? Or do Wagner’s methods, including slavery and possible delusions of divinity disqualify him from being accepted as a leader?   We planned a trip to the Higara region, including following up on a Druid circle that may give us access to the Feywild to follow up on Grace’s information. While we did plan this venture, we did not follow through on the journey. This also means that we did not gather further information about current events in Higara.   While in Ptolus, we have recently had a strange occurrence. We found that we had a contract that no one could recall details about, aside from what was listed in the contract, with the name of a girl we could not remember.. Further, we found a soldier’s kit that belonged to a member of the Scales that no one remembered. We did also recall the name of Baelin Dalimothan in relation to the contract, and a connection to an inn on Mercy Street. While trying to follow up on this, we were attacked by some Shadar Kai for unknown reasons. They seemed to focus on Points for some reason, and left a strange stylized Raven symbol behind after being defeated.   Returning to the barracks, we tried to track down any other leads relating to these shadowy elves. Points was able to scry to a limited extent, but no real information was gained, aside from the name Vorcan, who was able to cancel the scry after noticing.   Our outreach among the Prolus elite did produce an audience with House Dallimothan, where we met with the patriarch’s son, who indicated a friendly relationship with House Nagel, as well as a desire to place his son, Baelin, with the Scales to “tutor” him where others have failed to give him direction and purpose. In exchange, they agreed to give us access to their piece of the Ringwell cypher.   Our investigations brought us back to Mercy Street to further investigate the area. We were directed to seek a Viltho Delmourne at a temple in the region, as well as our interest in further investigating the inn.   Approaching the inn first, the innkeeper asked us to investigate rats in his basement. Given that we were interested in gaining access to other parts of the inn, Commander accepted the charge.   Going into the basement, we found no rats, but a myriad of mimics, leading us to sewer with even more mimics. Following the trails, we eventually found a ladder up, which lead us to a grand mimic, masquerading as an entire alleyway. After a dangerous fight, I which Grace was almost eaten, we defeated the mimic. We noted that as it was starting to eat Grace, we started to forget him. Our memories returned as Grace was extricated from the monster.   While recovering from the battle, we were once again set upon by the shadow elves. After another combat with them, we found a letter for Points, signed by Viltho Delmourne, inviting him to a meeting in five days at a place called the Hall of Veils.   Returning to the barracks for rest, Bait has some sort of dream and was notably disturbed in the morning. He did not seem to want to discuss what had happened in his dream, I feel like we have to see if anything happens with him.   Also after the rest, Baelin Dalimothan arrived by carriage, along with another puzzle box. He seems as untrained and undisciplined as we were lead to believe. We will start him with the Days under some of the junior officers, probably Pops, to get him acclimated.

Session 31: Interlude

The battle was done, we were still in the aftermath of the fight for the ruined fortress and the chase through the portals. And there were still so many questions that would not stop racing through my mind.   As we rested in the ruins of the fortress, I tried to make sense of my companions, my fellow senior officers. We had been through so much together in the past months, but we knew so little of each other at the same time. The traditions of the Scales said that our life before the Scales did not matter once you joined. It was something so many of us clinged to, a port in the storm that let us move forward, instead of remaining mired in the past. Or did it?   Our first order of business was to answer the riddle of Reaper’s return from death. Unfortunately, there was little he could offer to solve that puzzle. He had died. He heard a voice he could understand. He was offered the helmet, which he claimed, and then was returned to us. The problem was, his other body was still present. That wasn’t how resurrections were supposed to work.   Bait tried to Raise the other body, the new Reaper appeared to be pulled by the spell, but resisted. Absent any other revelations, we are just holding on to the other body for the future.   I did mention that this made for two mysterious resurrections during pressing battles (this and Scar’s raising while we fought Mari, the red dragon).   Discussion then turned to what to do next. The two most prominent topics were investigating the troubles in the Fey, something closely related to Grace, and further progress into the Ringwell.   I tried to point out that we had lacked contracts for either of these endeavors, and that even our arrangement with von Glauer may put us in a position we did not want to find ourselves in.   We talked about Scar’s goals of conquest and establishing something different in Ptolus, we spoke of Grace’s connections to the troubles in the Feywild. St. Wagner appeared to be making a play for dominance on more than one plane.   Grace had some resistance to opening up about his past, per the Scales’s traditions, but I argued that if we were to start doing more things off contract, act more as independent powers as opposed to mercenaries, that we needed to understand more about the reasons and risks we were taking. Grace did give some information about his past, his relationship to the Fewwild.   Grace also attempted to contact his father to get an update on the situation in the Feywild, but received limited information for his efforts, except that he apparently knows the aspiring ArchFey that is apparently being supported by St. Wagner. He also told us that the House of Eiluned was no more, whatever that means. We were also directed to a Druid Circle as a possible transfer point into the Feywild.   I tried to ask about folklore I had heard about the Feywild, about what was true of the stories telling of the dangers of the plane and its inhabitants.   As I tried to inquire as to others motivations, many were cagey, but I did get some insights I had not previously enjoyed.   Grace seems to be motivated by some goal of gaining enough power to return to the Feywild and raise his name and noble house above its current station.   Points seems to be motivated by some notion of Justice. He felt that the Scales contracts had allow him to pursue this in some way. I suppose he has been satisfied with the honor of the Scales and the choice of contracts to date.   Scar seems to follow his Oaths of Conquest, yet he was not more forthcoming about what that might mean in a solid vision, except for gaining strength.   Reaper, I knew, had motivations not unlike my own, with a strong desire to protect his brothers in arms. There was some new information about his past, being a soldier in another company before the Scales.   I still could not get a read on Pyre, and Bait, while alluding to a greater detail about his past (a storm, and a seaside village smoking), did not give a lot of detail.   Overall, I am still torn. My instincts and my Oaths tell me that we are not prepared for the steps that seem to be ahead of us. I have fears that we will wake a sleeping giant with our actions, and I don’t know why we are seriously considering some of these goals. Perhaps I have grown too cautious, too analytical of our weaknesses and vulnerabilities, but I cannot shake these feelings.

Session 30: Bloodlord Varrox

As we considered the next move at the open statue portal, Grace and Pyre joined us After a brief discussion, we decided that pressing on quickly was more important than resting.   Jumping through the portal, Scar was immediately met with enemy attacks. As the rest of us came through, we witnessed some of the enemy warmages completing the ritual to summon forth a Slaughter Demon on a large altar.   As the battle raged, Grace found himself in hand to hand combat, Reaper was taking damage across the field after charging in. Reaper, having already been significantly injured in the previous fight, eventually fell to the Slaughter Demon, which seemed to immediately kill him.   After finishing off the enemies, we flocked to Reaper’s body. Neither Bait nor Pyre had their revive spells prepared, and we started to determine how we could take care of our fallen brother. Soon after, however, there was a bright light, and a figure appeared on the altar. None other than someone who bore an incredible resemblance to Reaper, but wearing a helm that seemed to match his magical gauntlets. This person claimed to be Reaper, even though we still had his dead body among us.   We were not sure that we could trust this new arrival, but we also knew this could not stop us from completing our mission. Examining the pillars around the altar, I did not find anything that seemed to relate to Reaper’s return, but I did note a supplicant form in front of an archway portal.   Scar immediately took this as the way forward and knelt in front of the archway at the head of the altar, opening yet another gateway.   As we filed through the archway, we finally found the Bloodlord Varrox and more of his troops. We joined the battle quickly. The Bloodlord was a difficult foe, surrounding himself with eldritch flames which damaged us with every hit. Scar and I harried him, though, channeling smites into him to make each hit count. Eventually, Varrox attempted to flee through the portal we used to access his space. We pursued, and I was able to slay him with a couple more hits. As his body disintegrated with the final blow, the whole area shook with his demise.   The battle finally over, we examined the rest of his tent, finding a couple of interesting items, most notably a magical sand table and a compendium of battle strategies apparently authored by the Bloodlord.   Afterwards, I raised the question of our plans moving forward, of the Commander’s desire for carving out a region of his own. I asked the others of this versus remaining a more simple mercenary company, and the perils of becoming a player in the power struggles of the region and the world at large. It seems that most were inclined to follow Scar in the path of conquest, although I think that this and other things may bear some deep reflection and discussion.

Session 29: Through the Portals

The clue “Who Acts in Stillness finds the Way” was a bit of a mystery for us. We tried all sorts of different things, from meditation, to acting, to wandering about. Eventually, a pair of portals opened, one seemingly leading back to the tent, another to a space with a winding path. Commander chose the portal leading to the path, and the rest followed.   We found exactly what we saw, a winding path amidst tall grass on both sides, leading to an archway of twisted branches. The space was enclosed by a shadowy wall encircling the area. We also observed some imp-like creatures flying through the grass, one of which was carrying a malachite stone as it went through the arch, disappearing through another portal and dropping the stone.   Combat ensued with many of the other creatures. At its conclusion, we took turns entering the archway while carrying the malachite “key”. On the other side of the passageway, we found an enemy encampment, with a host of creatures readied for attack. Scar entered first, followed by myself and the others. The battle had some surprises, like one of the enemies being able to punish us for spellcasting in some way, but we were able to prevail.   Enough of our resources somewhat drained, we opted to rest briefly in the tents. When we were ready to move on, we further examined the area and found another inscription engraved in the stone circle about the fire – “Light the Way Ahead”. Commander found a pentagram in the fire that seemed to fit a slot in the stonework, which opened another portal.   Passing into another space, we found a lone tent with a forge. After quickly dealing with the creatures tending the forge, we opened another portal with the clue “Forge Ahead”.   The next space housed another single tent and a strange garden. We were able to sneak about without alerting the troops within. The garden carried the phrase “The Fiend’s Fruit opened the Path”, and we were able to find a plant called the Devil’s Blossom which, when crushed in a mortar and pestle opened yet another portal.   The portal led to another space, this one with a long banquet hall, we could tell there was a large number of enemy troops within, carousing and eating. We launched a surprise attack, dropping the smoking bottle into the main hall, with hopes of gaining advantage. The strategy worked, but not as well as we anticipated. Reaper overestimated the protection the smoke would provide at one point, as did I. We finished off the last of the enemy troops, except that we believe that one of them was able to escape through a portal in the back of the room. The portal was triggered by the phrase “Keep your soldiers fed” in Goblin, “feeding” the statue seemed to work. Now we face the next space, possibly with foes alerted to our advance. We have spent a large amount of our healing powers and items to bring Reaper back from his bloodied state.

Session 28: The Fortress

Our time at Shadowkeep slowed for a while, while we waited on our reinforcements before taking on the Bloodlord Varrox and his fortress ruins.   We spoke some amongst ourselves. Bait was still mysterious about his powers and deity. Reaper indicated that his goals were to protect his “family”, something that I can relate to very strongly. And Scar is still clearly focused on his notions of conquest.   I turned inward somethat to my thoughts and goals. I had returned the Rod of von Glauer, and in turn returned the Count von Glauer to his lands and people. I still feel the need, akin to Reaper, to protect this found family of the Scales and watch for threats as we navigate new waters of Alliance and establishment, instead of simply fulfilling contracts. The amorality of the contract is far different from the morality of choices made in Alliance.   I thoughts turned to the contract we had been gifted by Count von Glauer. I have been finding myself lacking in the role I want to play in the Scales. I have been finding that my prior abilities were ill-suited for many of the situations we found ourselves in. In my mind, I needed a change, an avenue to rededicate myself to the cause of protecting the Scales.   The contract was a simple one, power for power, it seemed. Invoking the scroll summoned Infernal Chancellor Lazibos, a devil who held the keys to my remaking. After a brief conversation clarifying the terms of the contract, I signed. I don’t know what the Night Demon thought of this exchange, it seems he still gifts me in small ways, and many of my powers still seem to draw on the Darkness. The change was subtle, quick, painless. Something I did not expect from such powerful magic.   I still remember my early days as a thief in the streets of Quorsiir, and still recall the training and rights of the Twilight Hand, but the abilities are hazy and elude my grasp. Instead, however, I was filled with a sense of other newfound power, an ability to further tap into magics born from my Oath of Vigilance and a bonding to the Infernal Chancellor.   My preternatural elusiveness and movement was gone, and I could no longer do things such as draw the shadows to cloak movement or skip along the darkness as easily. I donned armor for the first time in years, far heavier than I had previously used. And I adjusted my weaponry to better suit my new abilities.   My transformation completed, all of our thoughts turned to the ruined fortress where Bloodlord Varrox based his forces. Reconnaissance of the fortress was a bit more difficult without my ability to cloak our movements – had I made a wrong choice? This armor was also much more difficult to move in quietly, no surprise.   It was clear that von Glauer was eager to have his lands rid of the Bloodlord and his demogoblins, and once Lady and our forces arrived, we quickly enacted a plan of attack, our forces attacking the broken walls of the south side of the fortress, while we approached from the north to seek the leadership.   Our approach went well, and entry into the fortress was perhaps too easy. With most of the forces rallied to the defense of the fortress, we found no resistance until we made it to the center of the fortress. We found a commander, a horde of demogoblins, and a huge demon of some kind. The battle was relatively decisive, as we stuck down the center’s forces. Beyond the freshly killed bodies, we found a command tent, radiating magic, indicating a transportation enchantment. Scar moved decisively into the tent, and we followed quickly behind.   We suddenly found ourselves in a vast, desolate plane underneath a twilight sky. Some of our group felt that there were links of this place to the seven Cities of Hell. A skeletal hand with an upraised finger intrigued Pyre enough to try to dig it out, finding skeletal remains with a shining helm upon its skull. As Scar attempted to determine the nature of the helmet’s enchantment, we were visited by a small devil, introducing himself as Mixlix, who offered a bargain to get us out of this place, in change with one of our abilities for three days. None of us were inclined to take this offer at the moment, so each decline, and Mixlix went on his way.   We noted an odd inscription in the sand as waited for Scar to complete the Identification. We recognized the language as Infernal, but none of us could read the script. I jokingly predicted that the Helm would allow us to Comprehend Languages. Soon after, Scar completed his spell and told us that it could do exactly that. Upon donning the helm, Scar read the words “Who Acts in Stillness find the Way”. We all took the words in, and puzzled about them. Would we be able to discern the meaning and escape this desolate place? Or would we need to call on Mixlix, and hope that his price had not gone up in the interim?

Session 27: Shadowkeep

After another day’s travel we met again with Severin Blackthorne, this time at the base of Draken Peak, where the Shadowkeep, another name for Castle von Galuer, lay at the summit. Blackthorne warned us of the ascent we would need to undertake, and also of the “Devil’s influence” on those within the castle. He requested that we attempt to spare his brothers and sisters within, if possible. He also informed us that the path to von Glauer lay within the floor of the main chamber. He told us to beware the Bone Organ in that room, but nothing more.   Our ascent was uneventful as we climbed up through the dark clouds above. The path was clear, however, and led us more or less directly to the keep entrance. Outside we did encounter a curious old woman who crawled out of a demogoblin corpse’s ear before addressing us. “Putrid Agnes”, as we would come to know her, was a bizarre thing who would talk of beets and sing a strange lullaby.   We chose not to investigate other paths, choosing the front doors for expediency. The doors opened as if to welcome us on approach. Upon entrance, we were set upon by four vampire spawn. We are eventually able to subdue all four, mainly because Bait could turn away a few of them to make the battle more manageable.   That room led directly to the main chamber, with a massive organ at one end, with the face of an angel as its main decoration. As Scar entered the room to investigate the organ, one undead dragon appeared, quickly followed by another. One blue and one green, they pushed the four of us to our limits to defeat them, Scar and myself falling after landing near lethal blows, to have Pyre finish the last of them off. After besting them, we found a passage through the floor in the center of a pentagram symbol. The passageway led downwards to a statue of an angel without a face. The statue appeared to be the top of a sarcophagus which upon opening, revealed a body with hands crossed in front of it, open, as if to accept an object.   Without hesitation, I placed the Sceptre of von Glauer into the hands of the long dead corpse. The rod crumbled to dust, releasing a wave of necrotic energy. Soon thereafter, we witnessed the form of Rhodar von Glauer, renewed, floating over the sarcophagus.   He greeted us and gave thanks for delivering his artifact back to him. He offered some gifts as reward for our actions. I received the Essence of Shadowkeep for bearing the rod back to him. He also offered a shield, which Bait took up, and a contract that would allow one to “remake” themselves. The encounter quickly turned to talks of Alliance with the Scales.   His realm is still occupied by the Bloodlord Varrax and his army, and this will be the first test of our new alliance.

Session 26: The People of Glauer

Continuing on to the town, we encountered no more resistance. We did, however, note the howls of wolves seeming from all directions. Once within the seeming safety of the town, we set upon making contact with someone who could provide more local information and guidance.   We did not anticipate, however, that the people of Glauer would have such long memories. Their looks at our colors and Company insignias immediately told us that the people here did not forget the mercenaries who were central in their leader’s demise hundreds of years ago. Soon, we found the town square empty, and the doors to even common buildings sealed against us.   A lone urchin caught our eye and beckoned us to follow. With wariness for traps or ambush in mind, we followed him to an old cathedral, seemingly dedicated to an unknown, ancient sun god. Strange in such a place of eternal mists and twilight. Within, we found a lone figure, waiting for us near the altar.   He welcomed us, and introduced himself as Severin Blackthorne, the count’s former advisor. Speaking to him, we found that the lands are largely claimed by the Bloodlord Varrox, a vassal of St. Wagner. We also were told that Varrox commands from the ruined fortress we saw, and not Castle von Glauer. The castle, supposedly, remains unoccupied by Varrox, perhaps held at bay by other beings within. Elara von Galuer was apparently the Count’s mistress, not of the blood of the family, her exact situation not known to Severin.   Severin was able to give us directions to the castle, and a more discreet point of entry, two days’ travel from the town.   We also discussed the irony of a member of the troop that dispatched von Glauer being called by him to return his legacy to the land, whatever that may mean/ Severin was clear that he did not know what to expect within the castle, or how the Rod of von Glauer and my connection to it would play out.   After departing, despite efforts to throw off trackers, we were attacked by a horde of wolves and werewolves on the first night.

Session 25: Within the Misty Borders

Our initial survey of the lands beyond the mists revealed a farm and windmill on separate paths to the village. Past the village, we could barely see a fortress in the distance, and separate from that, the castle. The overcast and misty conditions never seemed to abate throughout the day, the light constantly filtered down, even at midday.   We thought it best to try to acquire more information before heading directly into more potential conflict, so we made our way to a nearby farmstead, hoping to find people, and, more importantly, information.   The farmstead ended up being more of a winery, with a central build which appeared deserted. Investigating within, we found no people. In the upstairs offices, we found some ledgers with records from about 50 years ago, but other signs seemed to indicate that the winery had been used within the last five to ten years, with some possible more recent activity.   With nothing else to find within, we decided to stay the night in one of the upstairs bedroom, setting watch, and hoping for a restful night.   I was shaken awake by Reaper, immediately hearing yells from the first floor, Commander Scar urging us to wake to arms. Stopping at the top of the stairs, I could hear more sounds of fighting, and prepared to join in, as two ghostly figures crossed my sight at the bottom of the stairs. Soon, the battle was joined, as hordes of different types of undead poured into the building, through the walls and doors, two larger skeletal beasts breaking in as well.   As we cut down the undead creatures, two or three at a time, we felled the larger skeletal owlbear and minotaur, only to see Commander engaging with a deathly armored foe outside the building. Commander ignited a fireball on top of himself to clear a huge number of undead seeking to overwhelm him. A mighty blow almost dropped the commander, as Bait came forth to take those wounds onto himself. I raced outside, throwing daggers to clear more of our foes. The knight burst forth with a blast of magical energy, knocking me down and damaging many of the others. The knight attempted to follow up on me, speaking in some dark tongue and gesturing to me. I slashed out with daggers again, striking true. As my final blow hit home, the deathly knight and his belongings burned away into the night air, and I could swear I felt a warmth from the Rod of von Glauer at my side.   We were able to settle in and complete our night’s rest without further incident. The next morning, we decided to move on to the village, again looking for more information as to the happenings of this strange land.   Our approach to the village found us skirting the edge of a graveyard, when I sensed something from within. Suddenly, the ground burst forth, or rather raised up. Dirt and roots and various tomb markers all in motion to attack us. As we sprung into action our strange opponent flung dirt about, blinding many of us. It trapped some of our weapons as they struck its dirt and stone body. As I moved about, I noted that the creature seemed to have taken a particular focus on me, striking with a rapid succession of blows that I was fortunate enough to deflect with a magical shield. As it loomed over mre, poised to strike again, I took a chance, switching to the Rod of von Glauer, and commanding the animated graveyard to yield. As I did so, we watched in amazement as the creature sunk back into the cemetery ground, leaving us be.

Session 24: Into the Mists

After our return to the barracks, we took a brief time to receive reports from the Junior Officers, finding most things unchanged in Ptolus since our departure. The city continues to stand on the threshold of open hostility, but remaining precariously balanced for now. We also heard reports of both pro and anti Wagner propaganda circulating.   In the downtime of us settling in from our journey, many of us were able to complete our training in various new skills.   I was finally able to retrieve the dagger from Emerald. I believe Grace was able to pick up some new armor on the trip as well. Reaper and I did some trading of other items, with me giving him a magic longsword and cloak of protection, and him giving me the Scimitar of Sharpness. I will miss that cloak (again), but I can only make use of so many items. Grace was a little shocked when I bound the scimitar with the shadows, he always seems to raise an eyebrow at some of my abilities. I also gave Bait my old Dagger of Blindsight, as I have plenty of other daggers to fit my brace.   I opened the letter that had arrived by courier. Sealed with the signet of von Glauer, it was an invitation of sorts from a Lady Elara von Glauer, suggesting a meeting with Severin Blackthorne, an advisor of the former Count. This man must be over a hundred years old at this point, either through magical means, or perhaps he is of mixed heritage.   As senior officers met to review our situation and next steps, we discussed many things.   We found out that the Siege of Higara, to the far east, has been going poorly for its defenders, meaning that Wagner again is probably growing in power.   Closer to home we discussed the management of the apartments in the lower quarter, the old temple in the Warrens, and continued efforts to gain advantage and information among the other noble houses. We discussed that the remaining houses of Dalimothan, Sadar, Rau, and Khatru still are likely to hold the other keys to the Ringwell, and that we needed to find more influence or connection with them if we want to solve that particular riddle.   There was also the matter of a message Grace received from someone in the Feywild. Supposedly, Wagner has turned his interest to parties on that plane, as well. The details were sparse, but he feels that we need to find a way to the Feywild to assist, or find work there, in some way.   After full discussion, we chose to pursue the von Glauer message first, as this could give us valuable resources or access to other influences in the world. We departed on the Somnium Tenebrous, planning to travel by the Astral Sea to cross the world in a fraction of the time. During the uneventful trip, Bait attempted to get more information on the mirror that held Vitaea. He found that this mirror had been crafted by Vitaea, but somehow altered by the wizard Mortiz to trap him within. We all wondered if Mortiz were actually dead, or if the Black Iron Pact restored him after we were allowed to complete the contract.   The Somnium Tenebrous exited the Astral plane not too far from the coast, and we were able to come to shore in short order. We found a small fishing town, one which used to benefit from the influence of the old Count von Glauer, but had fallen on harder times since his passing. I counted it a small favor that no one seemed to connect the Scales of the present with our predecessors, who had been instrumental in the Count’s demise.   We quickly purchased some mounts and began to make our way into the mountains in search of the Glauer lands. As we made our way closer, the mists began to thicken, shortening vision and deadening noises. As we passed through, we were set upon by a pack of Displacer Beasts, which we drove off after killing a few of their number. After progressing deeper into the mists, we came upon a wall with an opening blocked by a group of reddish hobgoblinoid demihumans. Commander Scar detected no fiends or fey among them, but our attempt to speak and gain passage was quickly rebuffed. They declared that the lands were under the rule of the Bloodlord Varrox, and that we should turn around and leave.   We did turn around, but then decided to scale the wall a ways down and try to find out more of what was happening within Glauer. After cresting the wall, we began to walk, but found the mist began to thicken even more, robbing us of direction or a clear path. As I reached for the Rod of von Glauer, the others became more lost. Reaper began to wander. Bait turned in circles, and Commander stood stock still, trying to find his way. The rod, however, was able to give me clear sight of my companions, and I ran to fetch Reaper before we lost him to the mists. The rod also showed me a clear path through the mists, a path we could follow through to a break in the heavy shroud, where we could see our first glimpses of the town I had seen in my visions, and a hint of the Castle von Glauer in the distance.

Session 23: The Lighthouse

We were able to enjoy the hospitality of Keep Everwinter for a couple more days before the Commander determined that it was time for us to leave.   During that time, I had heard from Creeps that the situation in Ptolus had not changed significantly, only growing more tense with time.   We spoke to the locals regarding Pyre’s giant Ice Crab, it turns out that there are legends of such a creature in the area. Many seemed to indicate that it was some kind of queen or “mother” crab that was important to the maintenance of the local population of ice crabs, a delicacy in the region.   We were able to secure some more horses and sleds to hasten our journey down the mountain, and Scar wanted to investigate the strange lighthouse we had observed from afar on our way to the keep.   On arrival to the lighthouse region, we saw that it was on some rocky landings raised above an icy lake. AS we approached the first landing, two huge insect-like creatures burst from the ice in rapid order, attacking our group. The creatures burned whenever we contacted them, and were large enough to swallow Bait whole. As we finally dispatched them, with me landing the final blow on the first, and Scar and Bait combining to finish the second as it tried to flee, we spied some other giant shapes lumbering towards us.   The undead remains of some giants approached us in waves, Bait was able to turn the first few, so we were able to take them on in a more focused manner, but, again, as we finished them, a hag of some sort flew out of the lighthouse, attempting to cast a spell at us, which Grace was able to counter. Along with the hag, we were also faced with a giant yeti. The yeti was almost the end of both Scar and myself with its paralyzing gaze and lethal follow up attacks.   After finally besting all of the monstrous attackers, we were able to investigate the lighthouse towerf. Most of the bottom floors were rather nondescript, but the top floor gave way to the light platform, which also contained a broken mirror.   We were able to determine that the mirror was missing a piece of glass, a shard which matched the one we found in a puzzle box long ago. Also in that box was a strange crystal which, when placed in the light housing, revealed a teleport circle.   THe mirror itself was a mystery that took some investigation, and not a little of pain, to sort out. After many painful attempts to peer into the mirror, we found a man on the other side. Only after we were able to Mend the mirror magically, did access to him stabilize. We could see each other, but not talk.   Bait used a Sending spell to communicate with the man. But the limited interaction provided by the spell gave us scant information.   His name was Vitaea, and he had been trapped for so long that he could give us no clues as to how to get him out. Scar recognized his name. He was the wizard advisor to the good King Omenson, the Wizard of Grey Haven, which was the first city taken by St. Wagner in his conquest of Valorian. We also recalled that King Omenson was the father of Lady Sherna, the noble who had contracted us previously in actions against St. Wagner.   Having no other information or leads to act on at the lighthouse, Grace teleported us back to Ptolus via the Necropolis Cemetery, and we were able to return to our Barracks..   After arriving at the barracks, we had a brief greeting with some of the junior officers, and I was told a letter had been delivered for me.

Session 22: Keep Everwinter (II)

After some discussion and monitoring of the doors exciting the room, we decided to chance a brief rest. Unfortunately, our previous activity, or perhaps our continued noise, attracted the attention of a jelly creature, which dropped from the ceiling. The creature was tough, resistant to many attacks, splitting itself when sliced. After the battle, it was even more apparent the we needed to rest.   During our rest, reading more of the journal that Reaper had found revealed a recipe book, trying to create the ultimate holiday candy creation.   Our investigation of nearby by rooms found a locked door leading to a candy pantry of sorts. Among the various sweets, I found a magical candy cane sword. Among the other candies hid a huge candy hand monster. In the other direction, we found a young woman being guarded by a pair of fudge monsters, relatively easily dispatched. The young lady was Holly Kobuzev, daughter of the Count. From her, we learned that the mage Keeble Constantine had been fired for his increasingly irrational behavior. After which time, he cast the spell that changed the castle into its current form.   Further exploration revealed a prison where the Countess was being held. She was sick from trying to eat her way out of the candy prison. While I was opening the lock, another of the jelly creature dropped from the ceiling, attacking. After defeating this creature, we were able to reunite mother and daughter, who refused to leave until we could find the Count.   As we made our way about the castle, we ran across a gingerbread man who implored us to come in and help entertain some of the candy guards. Scar took the lead in a play about the true meaning of the winter solstice holiday. We supported him as best we could, which (surprisingly) seemed to placate the creatures, allowing us to bring the Count to safety.   The throne room was occupied by the mage K. Constantine, and Scar once again stepped forward to parlay, actually able to talk the mage into being reasonable, avoiding a bloody conflict.   On reuniting the mage with his former patron, he was quite contrite, wanting to make amends for his misdeeds. Somewhat surprisingly, he was accepted back in his role as court mage, and a celebration was called, only to be interrupted interrupted by a series of powerful tremors, as a huge candy monstrosity arrived outside the castle, uncontrolled by the mage, and declaring “Must eat flesh!”.   We sprung to the defense of the castle, each of us armed with a candy cane sword. The monster swallowed, and nearly killed Grace, but after a hard fought battle, Reaper was able to land the killing blow as it tried to reposition itself.   Once again, we were thanked by the Count and his family for coming to their rescue. The mage stated that we could keep the curious candy cane weapons. The castle and lands now secured, our thoughts turned to our next steps, return to Ptolus, or perhaps investigate some of those things which we had earlier bypassed.

Session 21:Keep Everwinter (I)

After defeating the attacking beasts, we once again put our minds to crossing the chasm with our mounts. As the others continued to deliberate on methods of flying or otherwise traversing the obstacle, Points and I set upon to scout the chasm to the left and right of the small bridge. After a way, we found a much more substantial bridge, connected to a road that had been obscured, to what end we could not determine. We were soon able to cross the chasm safely and resume our journey. During this part of our trek, we noted an eclipse of the sun, lasting only about an hour before passing. There was a brief conversation among some members of our troop convinced this was some kind of bane, but I choose to believe that Akta was making his presence known, even during the hours of the day.   We made camp for the night, during which time, we were apparently visited by some blue, crab-like creatures. Pyre and Reaper chose to follow them while we broke camp. They returned with wild tales of an ice cavern with more of those crabs and a giant mammoth frozen in ice. Reaper had broken off one of the tusks, attesting to the size and truth of his tale. Although we all wonder if they were embellishing the tale with stories of a giant ice crab creature within the caves, as well.   Heavy clouds hung across the sky as we eventually came to the first signs of our destination, a series of villages along the road as we caught our first sight of Keep Everwinter.   Passing through the final town before the keep, we found stabling for our mounts and cart before heading towards the keep. Upon reaching the keep, we were greeted with the most curious of sights. Keep Everwinter had the appearance of a giant, gingerbread castle, complete with candy decor and a chocolate drawbridge. As we approached closer, we found the drawbridge guarded by what appeared to be gingerbread statues, which animated and attacked as we drew close. After a brief fight, we attempted to gain entry to the castle. Pyre was able to melt the candy portcullis, allowing us entry within. Unfortunately, the next chamber was trapped with cotton candy and peppermint spikes. After retreating from this entry, I scouted the rest of the castle, finding a hole in the candy roof shingles.   Further exploration of the hole showed us what appeared to be a kitchen of sorts, the walls lined with three large gingerbread men, and a giant gingerbread man was “cooling” in the middle of the room. A battle ensued as we attempted to enter, with us dispatching the animated baked goods, but taking enough out of us to consider resting before pushing forward.

Session 20: The Road To Keep Everwinter (II)

Further examination of the attackers revealed very little in the way of usable equipment or goods, but did reveal that this band of gnolls carried the symbol of St. Wagner. To what end he has aligned himself with these bandits could not be further determined.   Before leaving the town we had just delivered from the gnolls and demon, we found there had been a couple of traveling merchants who had been trapped by the threat of the raiders.   The first merchant was a young woman, running a shop called the Taste of the Planes. Her wares included a multitude of curious ingredients, many from extraplanar or other exotic sources, with rather curious effects. While I had little interest in these reagents, Bait spent quite a bit of time examining the goods, coming away with an interesting selection of substances. The young lady could not tell us much about how her master procured such materials, and did not have any information regarding the need for assistance in collecting more. Her master was not with her, on his own sales route.   The second wagon was owned by a pair of Dwarven brothers who managed Artisanal Armaments, a variety of custom made weapons of various materials and enchantments. Scar procured a very interesting Lion’s Head shield with a strong enchantment protecting him from attacks. I was able to locate a dagger made of Platinum infused with Quicksilver which would make me harder to hit when wielding it.   With shopping done and the cart and horses set, we resumed our journey to the Keep Everwinter. Our first day of travel went smoothly, allowing us to increase our pace somewhat. The next day brought us an encounter at a bridge with a large group of trolls, led by a giant troll. They basically wanted a quarter of use as food, which obviously was not to be. After dispatching them we collected some treasure and continued on our way.   The 6th day of our journey came with a change in elevation, the terrain beginning to transition to mountains. We spied an area off the path with two frozen bodies and tracks going deeper into the forest. Wary of our remaining time to travel, we decided against further investigation. That night, our watch noted a lighthouse light in the forest.   The 7th day was accompanied by colder weather as we ascended. We spied the lighthouse structure to the east, but again decided against investigation in the name of keeping to our travel timetable. We also saw a large herd of caribou, with some of our members toying with the idea of hunting or capturing some for food or mounts. Instead, we headed further up the mountain towards the keep.   The next day, the 8th of our journey, we came to a chasm with an unstable bridge spanning it. We would not be able to easily cross with our horses or cart. As we deliberated on possible solutions, our party was so focused on the problem of the bridge, we did not pay proper attention to an approaching wolf. A battle ensued after the large animal attacked one of our horses. It also became apparent that the wolf was not alone, as we suddenly came under attack by small flying elemental beings.

Session 19: The Road To Keep Everwinter (I)

After a night’s rest, we have finally begun our trip to Keep Everwinter for the Winter Solstice Celebration at the invitation of Countess Nadezhda Kouzev.   We have decided to go on horseback, eschewing faster, and more costly, modes of transport, and Commander determined that a rapid pace for the first couple of days would be good to give us some time on the road, in case there were delays.   Our first day of our journey was uneventful, weather favoring us, and our camp made easy by a magical dome provided by Grace. Our second day progressed with similar ease and efficiency, near the end of which, we found a small shack in a clearing with the odd details of a cast iron stove within.   It was decided that this would make a good location for the night, with Bait applying his talents at the stove for a meal. After some discussion, Grace and Points took watch, with their Elven ancestry limiting their needs for a full night’s rest. At some point in the night, with our two guards unaware, our mounts were attacked by a band of beasts.   We found signs of feline predators and scattered mounts and equipment outside in the morning. After attempting to track down the missing horses, we were able to locate two, but the rest were seemingly lost to the beasts, or the surrounding wilds. This was the same thing, as far as we were concerned.   Without additional mounts, there was no way we would make the celebration on time. After some counsel with Creeps via the Diplomacy Pouch, we located a likely town where we might acquire new mounts for the journey.   After a half-day’s travel, we made the outskirts of a small town. The people of the town seemed very shy and frightened, not surprising given our group’s rough appearance and ample weaponry, but it soon became obvious that we were not the source of their nerves, or at least not for the reasons we would have thought.   A speaker for the town announced himself and told us we should leave straight aways. Commander attempted to parlay, seeking information about replacement mounts. The townspeople were so eager to be rid of us that they offered a couple horses and a wagon if we would simply leave immediately – without compensation. Apparently they feared the return of some humanoid raiders (gnolls) and their pet demon. Commander attempted to offer our services in exchange for the horses and wagon, but they were not interested. However, as the conversation continued, that point no longer mattered as the raiders attacked, announcing their presence with the appearance of a huge tusked demon. Obviously, our senior officers were much more than the raiders anticipated for resistance. The tusked demon was a ferocious opponent, but was ultimately felled by the combined efforts of our group.   Having killed all of the members of the raiding party, we continue our travels, now with a couple horses and a wagon more to quicken our pace.

Session 18: Closing the Mortiz Contract

Our return trip to Ptolus from the dragon’s lair went roughly as planned. Grace was able to open a Teleportation Circle to the target provided by Marcelus. It turns out there was a very good reason why we should use that circle sparingly – it was located in a crypt in the Necropolis.   The target circle didn’t look like other circles I have seen, not that I have extensive experience with these types of magic, but it had more symbols than expected, perhaps providing other functionality than merely being a destination target. I copied down the sigils as well as possible, and we decided to be good guests, and try to leave disturbing as little as possible on the way.   After exiting the crypt, it appears that we would not be able to make a quiet exit, as we found ourselves in the midst of what could only be described as a horde of zombies. Making as much haste as possible, we fought our way to the gates, which were opened for us by a caretaker, with only a word about how much noise we had made in our exit. I hope this doesn't reflect poorly on us in the future with Lady Navanna of House Valdaam. We were even able to get the strange, lobster-like machine out safely, with Grace and Scraps within.   Upon returning to the barracks, we were all finally able to get a good night’s rest.   The next day, we made final plans to operate the Helm Street Inn as a front, providing presence in the Docks district. As we started making preparations to depart for the Winter Solstice Party at Keep Everwinter, the Master of Jackals decided to pay us another visit, this time with information on how we could finish the contract with Mortiz, and end our contractual opposition to St. Wagner and the Black Iron Pact. He provided two sticks which he told us would bring us to the wizard and back safely.   Despite my reservations that this may be some kind of trap or set up, we decided that it was important enough to take this opportunity to close the contract.   Snapping the first stick, we found ourselves brought to a relatively open field, with Mortiz in sight. No other forces were around, and he seemingly was caught unawares.   We took the initiative and struck at the mage.   I have never fought such a powerful mage user, and in this fight, I think there were many lessons to be learned.   The first of which, he was not entirely unprepared, as he seemed to have magical defenses raised preventing many spells from landing on him. Second, we did not have Grace, so his ability to neutralize other magic spells was frustrating as well. Third, his shielding spells worked quite well, and his offensive spells were quite harrowing. We were lucky to have Reaper make himself a target for some of these spells, as I am quite sure many of the rest of us would have fallen, perhaps with finality.   Also, I found that I did not think ahead enough to fight well against this wizard with so many options. I think there were other options I had which I will have to think on and remember for future fights. There were other things that I tried which did not work so well on such a powerful mage. Although the most important thing we may need to remember is to bring Grace along for such fights.   Despite these troubles, we did end up victorious, although I think we needed everyone to contribute, from my initial poisoned strike, to Reaper’s toughness, to Scar’s final blow with a divine smite. At the end, the Master of Jackals made another appearance on the battlefield, collecting the mage’s body before we could search it, and disappearing. I hope they do not plan on raising him, or working some magics that will cause us to regret this action.   We attempted to send word regarding the closed contract via Diplomatic Pouch, but did not receive a response. The second stick did bring us home safely, and now we have almost run out of time if we want to get to Keep Everwinter conventionally.

Session 17: The Dragon and the Glass Ghost

Mari is dead, and the Glass Ghost curse seems to be a thing in our past, finally.   After securing information about a sigil we could use to return to Ptolus from the Sapphire Sky, Grace transported us to a distant mountainous region, high up. A quick glance around showed us the way into a cavern with a deep pit of lava and a magical barrier which the manipulation of some status to pass. This lead us into another chamber with a passageway to a piece a ground with odd runes and a pressure plate.   After some experimentation, Scar finally just stepped on the plate, which appeared to engulf him in flame, but he was not harmed. After stepping off, Grace agreed to try, since he could Misty Step away if things changed. Fortunately they did not, as we later realized that Grace could not have seen a target space to move to. As Grace bravely stayed in the flames, we noted that a lava pool on the side drained to reveal a hatch leading below.   Making our way into the trapdoor and down a long passage, we entered a huge space with lava pools of various sizes. Also in this cavern were elemental creatures, which engaged with us quickly. The first elemental was dispatched with a wave of water from Pyre. The other required more conventional attacks. During the battle, our junior officer, Nails, seemingly disappeared from the fight.   As the last one remained, it retreated closer to the largest lava pool, out of which emerged Mari, the red dragon. A furious combat ensued. Mari blasting and clawing at us, with the cave itself rising to participate in the attacks. Scar finally managed to bind Mari to the ground with the chains we had forged previously, allowing more focused attacks. But he fell to the dragon’s lashing about. A barrage of arrows from Points, lightning from Grace and Bait. And finally, a killing blow from more lightning struck from my ring ended the beast, it’s body nearly disintegrating into ash.   As Mari’s smoldering remains settled, Nails returned from nowhere, Scar was raised from the dead, and the final elemental disappeared. What was the source of these events? No one seems to know. More mysteries and interventions of powers beyond our understanding or control?   Nails had no recollection of his time away from the battle, insisting he had been there all along.   Points scoured the area, for there was no obvious treasure to be seen. He found hints of a passage beneath the large lava pool. We endeavored to drain the pool, finally creating enough space that I could comfortably move through as a bat. Within, I found a king’s ransom in gold and platinum, as well as an odd artifact and three suits of magical armor.   We will have to find a way to recover all of this treasure, but we think it is safe from most other hands, as its location is not only secret, but quite challenging to get to.   After collecting what we can, we prepare to return to Ptolus. Some of us can finally get a good night’s rest.

Session 16: Taking on the Web

As we took some time to recover from the fights in the top floor of the temple, we were joined by Grace and Pyre to bolster our strength for the continued investigation of the Web’s headquarters The rest of the rooms on this ground level yielded and armory with standard weaponry, and one magical dagger, which I claimed for use. Our search also revealed a set of stair descending into a room with spider idols which would light up and somehow create a webbing throughout the room. Navigating this room was difficult for some, with the webs grabbing and pulling at each step. Grace seemed to feel bold enough to open the door leading out of the chamber before the rest of us could get set.   On opening the door, we found four Drow performing some kind of ritual. Grace used his arts to lock on of them with an electrical blast, who then rushed forward, attempting to cast a harming spell on Grace, which was magically countered. The room we were in, however, also sprung into action with bladed mechanisms attacking us from the floor.   Combat ensued with Scar taking the battle to the two nearest priests while I stepped through the shadows to the priests in the rear. Fortunately, we were able to dispatch the Drow before they could complete whatever ritual they had begun.   We found more items with spider symbols, including a suspicious looking suit of plate armor.   Searching the room also revealed a secret door which, unfortunately, was protected by some kind of magical glyph, which caught most of us in its effect. This room would not be opened until later by the insight of Pyre, who thought to use the priests’ robes to bypass the security (which also ended up being the key to avoiding the traps of the first room. This secret room contained a magical chime and ring.   The last door leading out of this room was opened by Reaper this time. Also before the rest of us were in position (we really need to work on that). Combat started with the web thrown into the space around the door. We found the cult leader, Latrodectus, a humanoid/spider and swarms of small spiders all assaulting us. Scar and I ascended to battle with the Drider as the others contended with the swarms of demonic spider. After a difficult battle, with Scar falling, we emerged victorious as I was able to land the killing blow after Scar had done significant damage with one of his empowered strikes. Searching the area revealed the amulet we were sent to retrieve, supposedly something associated with the Demon Lord of Oozes. We also found a magical mantle, a wand, and a magical longsword. There was a large altar in the final room, but we did not know if there was anything to do with it.   Having completed the goal of our contract, we left the temple and delivered the object to Lady Lazbi. Did we just aid one demonic cult against another? Spiders or Oozes, I don’t know which is worse.   The next day, we were able to meet with Emerald to retrieve objects we had on order. More equipment to prepare for our eventual conflict with Mari. Will any of this actually help?

Session 15: An Item of Sentimental Value

We find ourselves, again, in an odd situation regarding the Glass Ghost and Mari, the red dragon. We are at a standstill, knowing that we cannot face the draconic beast head on, but also knowing that the time the Glass Ghost gave our comrades to be free of his nightmares is rapidly coming to a close.   As we continued to deliberate on our options, our new stronghold was, once again, approached by someone seeking our services.   A certain Lady Lazbi, of no particularly notable connection to any of the Great Houses, offered a 5000 gold reward for the retrieval of an amulet of significant “sentimental” value. She claimed that this amulet was now in the hands of a small criminal group known as the Web.   This “Web” does not have a profile of any specific note, according to Creep’s and my own sources. Research did, however, uncover that they are primarily Drow, and have connections to the “Lady of Spiders”.   Bait did not have any information on this “Lady of Spiders” as a diety, but he states that his own connection to divinity is not a conventional one, and that he does not have particular training or familiarity with other religions.   After locating the temple the Web had occupied, it became clear that they were not concerned with remaining unnoticed, with spider imagery on the doors and active guard patrols around the building.   First, we attempted the direct approach, with Scar speaking with one of the guards. They were obstinate about knowing nothing about the Amulet, and the situation rapidly deteriorated into a standoff, with many more guard appearing.   After withdrawing, we attempted a stealth, with Reaper, Points and myself ascending the bell tower and gaining entry this way. The entry went very well, with only Points having trouble during the climb. Coming back down inside, however, only placed us on the other side of the room we could have accessed from outside. With active patrols, we decided to take on the guards we could see, with hopes that the others could handle the outside guards and that we could bar the other door to prevent reinforcements. This only worked partially. We were able to overpower the guards in the room, and Scar’s team was able to handle the two outer guards with a wall of fire. Barring the door, however, did not work out as well as hoped. Very quickly, that door was broken open, and we were facing a large amount of forces from the other side. A bloody combat ensued, with Reaper and Scar falling, requiring the heroics of Bait to maintain our front line.   During this fight, we discovered how useful, and detrimental, Baits new shield was, as his presence dramatically changes the ability to fire into melee near him.   Finally, we emerged victorious, taking scant rest before pressing on to clear the rest of the floor. We found many spider creatures in the main part of the temple, and another, shorter combat took place. With the help of our junior officers, Treble and Bell, we were able to defeat the monsters.   The only thing of value we have found is a set of keys on one of the leaders of the guards. Now, we must secure this floor, and find the doors to these keys, and hopefully the Amulet, as well.

Session 14: Hoard of the Blue Dragon

We found ourselves in the aftermath of the Brood Ball, still somewhat numb from the events and ensuing combat. Going through the mansion, we found books on Necromancy and Botany, with notes somehow combining them. We could find no other connection to Von Glauer, but did find a crystal ball, which explains how they found me, at least to some extent. But how did they know to seek me out? After collecting the rest of what was valuable in the house, we left this whole episode behind us, hopefully for good.   On awakening, we had a visit from an emissary from the Black Iron Pact. He identified himself as the Master of Jackals. He appeared to be a monk by training, and it seems that news of our prior run in with their other agents has not gone unnoticed. If he truly is a Master, then he is no one to be trifled with. But his mission was not one of violence or conflict, but of understanding our contractual obligations and other affiliations. He seemed to consider the relative value of the St. Wagner’s pet mage against our position of control and strength concerning access to the Ringwell. He left without commitment, but he seemed to be taking things under consideration.   After his departure, we received an invitation to a Winter Solstice celebration, scheduled to happen in about 2 weeks’ time. The travel to this noble’s holdings would take as many as 10 days. We do not know this Countess Nadezhda Kobuzev. We discussed this trip for quite a while, ultimately judging that we needed to complete matters with the Glass Ghost and Mari before embarking.   Going after Mari, or whatever her real Draconic name is. That still seems like suicide. Definitely it something we would do without Reaper or Bait available.   Instead, we heard of an odd arrangement another dragon had set a small distance from Ptolus, basically inviting people to try to raid their treasure for the chance to hunt them. I suppose even ancient creatures need to find their amusements in different ways. Having no other prospects for immediate action, we agreed to give the contest a try.   Racing around with a blue dragon hunting us is not my idea of good decision making, but our crew was going, so I contributed. Perhaps we could find something of use against Mari. The chase was harrowing, contending it only with a burrowing dragon, but also with a variety of traps. Scar was amazing, calling the dragon out and facing its breath multiple times, buying time for others to move about. I was able to make use of magic enhanced speed from Grace to collect a huge haul of potions and other interesting items, but almost getting caught by the dragon when others were far away. I really need to reevaluate all these tussles with dragons, two of the last three times, I was one mistake, one slight change, away from death. And the other time, we only really escaped death on Mari’s choice to escape.   We return to the city all intact, although Points required resuscitation during the dragon run. We now will further prepare and examine our plans for facing the red dragon, and hopefully ending the Glass Ghost’s curses. I hope we will survive what will be a fourth encounter with a great dragon in such a short time. We really are pushing our luck with this, and I also hope that the teleportation symbol does not lead us to her lair. We must also think how to keep her engaged and not run, as she seems wont to do. If we use our expendables and she runs, we will be even farther from being able to defeat her.

Session 13: The Brood Ball

Reaper had another Glass Ghost dream, he actually talked, for once, before swinging. It seems that the stories of the ghost are mostly true, but that the innkeeper in question was none other than the red dragon, Mari. He seems to think that the only way for us to be rid of the Glass ghost for good is to defeat Mari. A tall order, seeing how she is so powerful a foe, that nearly killed all of us in an instant. Reaper also received a teleport signal that appears to be linked to the dragon, and most of the Scales officers seem up for such a task. I am not so sure.   Dreams are odd. I had a dream about flying above a town with a populace existing a dull reality. I get the impression this is related to von Glauer in some way. A message, perhaps.   More related to von Glauer, we (I) received an invitation to the Brood Ball, being held by a socialite, the invitation addressed to the heir of von Glauer. I don’t pretend to understand everything that happened, but we became involved in some sort of blood ritual, and one of the participants entreated me to surrender the Rod so that they may bring von Glauer back. I am not sure if they were actually able to due such a thing, or were simply coveting the artifact. The battle was bloody, literally, between two of these vampiric hulks and our party. Pyre died at the hands of one of the fiends, requiring raising by Bait. At the height of the battle, something overcame me, causing me to become a blur on the battlefield, killing one of the hulks, and gravely wounding the other, before coming to my senses. The power was intoxicating, but the lack of control over my actions was worrisome. Von Glauer, I think, somehow invested more power into me, he didn’t seem to like the idea of us losing to the vampiric beasts. Now, I must seek to master how to tap into this power and control it, if it is to help the Scales.

Session 11: The Defense of Dragon’s End

After returning from the trials from the Sapphire Sky, we were approached by a young noble, Tomlin Abanar, from the House of the same name, who was desperate to have us ride to the rescue of his aunt, a knight defending the town of Dragon’s End from the wrath of a green dragon named Urax, and his draconic army.   After sealing the contract, we teleported to the town, via scroll, only to find it already under attack. After a brief set of skirmishes, the enemies withdrew. One captured kobold happily proclaimed our doom at the claws of Urax, a descendant of the original dragon who was killed, giving this town its name.   After meeting with the town leadership, we found that there were many preparations we could make before the final attack, which was supposed to happen in about 36 hours. We tasked our junior officers with training of troops and construction of defenses, including barriers and ballistas while we ventured out to some mines to procure a rare ore to construct other weapons against the dragon.   The mines held dangers in the way of mind influencing ghosts, but did not pose significant challenge to our gathering of enough ore for our needs. Within the mine, we curiously found an old chest, which was apparently from Sapphire Sky with some of our requested items, including a magical dagger and a gem of elemental summoning. There was also a Tome of Clear Thought. I was granted the dagger, which has blindsight abilities, and we destroyed the elemental, finally empowering my ring of air elemental command.   On our way back, we were able to find a hut with a elderly lady, who was able to direct us to an altar we has also heard of from the townsfolk. Her directions significantly shortened our travels to the site, allowing us to cut precious time from our preparations. At he altar,we were challenged to deal with three trees, requiring meditation, trimming, and music. During these attempts, we were attacked by four Dragonborn. The fight was challenging, but not too long, and almost ended up damaging on of the trees significantly. In the end, we were able to satisfy the altar, giving us a variety of boons and a troop of elven archers to help defend the town.   Upon returning to the town, building defenses and training was completed, we created a defensive strategy and set to wait for the attack.   The battle was fierce, with our forces holding off not only the draconic army, but also suffering from intermittent attacks from the dragon, as we could not keep it from strafing at times. Our battle was equally harrowing. We were all severely wounded in the battle, bringing the dragon to the brink of death as well. Points had trouble overcoming his fear of the dragon until nearly the end. I foolishly saved the power of my boon, which may have ended the battle a little faster. As it was, everyone from the Scales was out of the battle, and the lady knight who we came to save initially was the only one left standing to strike the final blow. Somewhat poetic that she should get the final blow.   We have taken what we could from the dragon’s body and other spoils and prepare to return to Ptolus. Richer. Perhaps more wise. And with access to another of the ancient Emperor’s gifts to the great houses.    

Sessions 10 & 12: A Challenge from the Sapphire Sky

We started our time trying to solve the issue Reaper, Points, and Grace are having with nightmares of the Glass Ghost. Unfortunately, our motley crew proved itself to be highly ineffective in the interrogation of the innkeeper. After initial failures by Scar in questioning, things rapidly deteriorated with Reaper trying to rage scare her, and Pyre threatening to feed her to the ship. Things went downhill from there.   I’m not sure why I didn’t step in, I was trying to let our leader, Scar, do his leader things, and the others just kind of jumped in without a further plan. We got kicked out of the inn, and appear to have made an enemy of the innkeeper. As an afterthought, we should have applied one of our many charm abilities on this person to get the information she seemed to be hiding.   Reaper and Points are getting weaker as the Glass Ghost stalks them in their sleep. I suggested we all try to sleep at the inn to confront the ghost together, but others refused that idea. Now, I’m afraid that option is not nearly so simple as the innkeeper is not exactly inclined towards us at this point.   We visited the Ringwell with the new part of the cypher, but it rapidly became clear that we do not have enough information to make use of it.   On returning, we were presented with an invitation to a challenge by the Sapphire Sky. I’m still not clear on exactly what we are proving in accepting this challenge, but I suppose we have accepted.   On entering a magical portal, we found ourselves in a series of rooms.   The first was a banquet hall, seemingly with two groups of people, one to elicit bragging, the other to elicit compassion. We ended up serving both and acquiring two keys to pass on. I hope the bragging didn’t set us up for some kind of a judgement later.   The next room was a combat arena. We were invited to participate to prove our worth in combat without resorting to dishonorable actions (apparently, calling on an available external source of power).   We dispatched a set of unicorns first, and were offered passage out of the room, but also enticed to further combat and rewards. Scar was clearly taken by the arena combat and harkened back to other days of glory. We agreed to a second match against some knights and clerics, which we also won handily, receiving a small reward. After discussion, including my expression of doubt about the wisdom of continuing, it was determined that we press on with combat, against some flying opponents and an ogre. We also defeated these and received a reward, but I gro more concerned about continuing. We are resting now, and have come to a choice to leave or continue with the combat. I am more of the position that we should leave to complete the trials. First, some of our members have exhausted some of their power. Reaper can no longer rage. Bait has used many spells. We don’t know what other challenges there will be in the coming rooms. Also, I feel that our character is somehow being watched or tested, and that further combat does not speak well of us.   (session 12)   We held a vote to go on in the combat. While it was close among senior officers, we pressed on.   We faced two mages with a coatl creature shielding them. After a concerning start, we were able to take advantage. I do note that we were not in concert regarding tactics and target selection, some taking on the snake first, others aiming for the wizards (but hitting the snake, ironically).   Regardless, we triumphed, and we’re allowed to pass on in the trial. After deciding against facing a gold dragon for the last arena combat, thankfully.   We faced our final foe, an angelic being who was the representation of judgement for this trial. Again, a dangerous start, but we were able close out the fight and gain the prize for a successful trial.   After returning to Ptolus, we tried, again, to make progress in resolving the issue with the glass ghost. Scar and I entered the inn, which was now abandoned. Bait utilized and location spell and found that the inn owner was on a boat in the harbor. After collecting the rest of the officers, we sailed out to the boat, finding the innkeeper, Mari alone on a ship.   To say that she was uncooperative would be putting it lightly. She offered other things like the deed to the inn and a nearby tower, but would not engage in speaking directly about the ghost. Reaper, again, lost his cool, this time striking the woman with his fist. Big mistake. She transformed into a huge red dragon, and proceeded to dismantle us easily with her fiery breath and claws. We only live now because she chose to leave, instead of finishing us off.   We did find some gains on the ship, a ledger attached to some accounts. But we do not have any more idea of how to solve this problem with the ghost.  

Session 9: The Library, Red Falcons, and Twelve Dragons

We met with Ilthilwyth, from the Courier’s Guild and continued negotiations towards finding the courier and scroll for their “project” for House Nagel.   In the meanwhile, we attempted to track down Brother Gabadon. Reaper is particularly interested in finding this man, and any other leads to other pieces of this armor. No one at the Temple of Vulcan knew of his location. One priest had said he heard of “Gabadon the Galant”, but nothing else of him. We also inquired with Emerald, who also knew nothing of this man. She offered to send out some feelers. While we were there, I gave her 4 vials of Purple Worm blood for keeping towards future costs of goods and services.   Ithilwyth has come through for use, securing an old barracks as compensation for the task, as well as conveying a mystery box from Lady Nagel, who seems to have an interest in us keeping the Ringwell secure, as well as investigating it further.   Reaper and Bait were the ones to solve this box, finding a companion to the piece we found before, forming some kind of cypher key.   We proceeded to the island with the library and easily gained access to the catacombs below. Tracking the scroll down was interrupted by some undead and a gelatinous cube creature, but we finally found the injured courier, who still had the scroll. As we prepared to exit the catacombs, we learned that both the Red Falcons (the Prince’s police on the island) and some elite forces from House Dallimothan, The Twelve Dragons, had plans to intercept us.   After conveying the scroll to Creeps via the Diplomat Pouch, we decided that talking was the best option. The Red Falcons actually seemed to be quite accommodating, merely wanted to escort us off of the island for bringing unlicensed weapons with us. The Twelve Dragons, however, were much less friendly. It is unclear exactly what their interest is with us, but it appears that they believe the Scales are trying to enter the game for the Prince’s lands by claiming the island – it’s a good thing we did not chose that as the reward for this task.   It did appear that we were going to have a conflict, with a Blue Dragon on their side, no less, when some more of our wayward Scales showed up. Lady, and a full unit of our elite infantry appeared to back us up, apparently at the intervention of the Navy, therefore House Khatru.   The Twelve Dragons backed off, not wanting a full scale battle, but they occupied the lands around the library.   We were allowed off of the island by the Red Falcons, and were given badges denoting us as Knights of the Prince – I’m not sure if this is a good thing, but at least there is no Prince or Regent who we are actually beholden to, odd arrangement, to say the least.   So now we have an old barrack in the Temple District to occupy, and the Ringwell for further investigate with this cypher.   We are clearly at least seen as pawns in the Game for the Prince’s power. House Khatru believes they have used us in some way on the island. House Dallimothan believes we strive for power for ourselves, or as a pawn. We step into further into dangerous tides.   We have engaged Creeps to look into Gabadon sightings, as well as Worms to search for more information on the artifacts of Zevadon.   I also think we need to see if Creeps can install spies into the households of Khatru, Nagel and Dallimothan, at the least if not others (if he hasn’t already done so).

Session 8: Brother Gabadon

While we were exploring under the butcher shop, Scar and Grace had an encounter with a possible new patron, a Marcellus Scipio, from the Sapphire Sky. They appeared to have more information on the Ringwell, and Scar seems to think they are trustworthy.   In meeting Marcellus for myself, he seems to have a negative attitude towards the Inverted Pyramid (“not altruistic”), and views the church’s involvement with the Ringwell as “problematic”. They are clear enemies of the Black Iron Pact, which automatically raises them to some extent. The Sapphire Sky has also offered to procure other magic items for us and requested a list.   The Sapphire Sky was able to provide a Psionic crystal dragon scale, which emanbled us to breach the prison of Lady de Ellezana. She provided us with some additional information on the Ringwell, after which, she took her leave of us. I was able to secure a contact with a Diplomacy Pouch associated with her, in case of future needs.   Also in this trip into the Ringwell, we were able to breach the barrier around the rod. Bait was brave enough to cast a translation spell on the plaque, and I remembered some research from the Chronicles which provided the password to claim the rod.   In this time, we were approached by another prospective employer, Brother Gabadon, claiming to be from the Church of Vulcan. He entreated us to track down a devil, Kevail, who apparently had stolen pieces of the Armor of Zevellon. He promised us magic items in return for this task, which was accepted fairly eagerly. Unfortunately, Brother Gabadon, who was already in possession of one piece of this armor, had actually made a deal with this devil to offer us as sacrifice in exchange for the gloves. I believe the devil had other ideas, and Brother Gabadon ended up disappearing, leaving us to fight the devil. After a tough fight, one in which I, again, struck the final blow, we were able to retrieve the gloves from the devil. Unfortunately, his body disappeared before I could harvest its eyes for Miss Emerald.   I am once again irked by the lack of a magical weapon to bring my full skills to bear for this fight. I also only have 3 magic arrows left, which will soon see me without good options to deal with certain monsters, except for my own monk abilities.   After some discussion, Reaper claimed the Grasps of Zevellon, mainly because he attuned to them and would not give them up afterwards. These also were armor and would hinder many of my abilities. Too bad, as the power they offered to augment my attacks would have been substantial, otherwise.   Reaper continues to mystify me as a barbarian who seems drawn to magical items. But these things are making him a more powerful companion, so this will be beneficial in the long run.   On return to the city, we were contacted by another potential employer, the Honorable Perisivant Ithilwyth, who claimed to be a member of the Royal Heraldric Society, trying to obtain paperwork to connect a client to his rightful claim to title and deed of lands. We have initially agreed to the job with the promise of a boon from the house he represents, but would not name.   Later that evening, a new member of our network, a beautiful woman named Orlandria de Guetti, contacted me with information from Creeps, that our new client is perhaps not so legitimate in his business, but does have associations with House Nagel. I assume we will still take the job, but that is for the Commander to decide. It does appear to likely involve undead in a mausoleum.   Initially, we were going to ask for land and a base of operations, but House Nagel is one of the houses with a potential key to the rest of the Ringwell, and perhaps we can secure that item instead. I mentioned this to Scar before turning in for the night.   Then again, perhaps this is not the best course of action, as we may be telling them they hold something of value to us that they did not realize previously.  

Session 7: The Black Iron Pact in the Ringwell

Commander Scar had business elsewhere, and he honored me with command of the group to further explore the regions under the butcher shop.   Before leaving, Creeps sent me a curious magic item, a Diplomat’s Pouch, to send messages between us more quickly.   Our sortie into the depths below the shop proved to be challenging and lengthy, including a fight with a Purple Worm, yielding us blood and poison from its corpse. We also encountered an Iron Golem within the Ringwell taking luck and skill to defeat. I was fortunate enough to deal the killing blows to each of these creatures.   We discovered Lady Orozivaar after dealing with the golem. After some convincing, she agreed to help us clear other rooms in the Ringwell area, including exploration of various chambers with horrible contents, like the Autophage, the Cauldron of Xorannon, and others. We also found one of the paladin’s quarry trapped in the psionic prison. We were unable to free her, even with Lurk’s help.   We also found a room past some vampiric mists that housed a magic rod behind a magical seal. Unable to bypass the seal at the time, we left it. We believed it had something to do with the Vampire Lord von Glauer, which we had Worms research in the Chronicles.   After returning to the top with Lady Orozivaar, and collecting on both contracts, I was outvoted for us to take one more trip to look at the rod.   Unfortunately, when we returned, we found that more members of the Black Iron Pact had teleported into the Ringwell. In the ensuing combat, I made sure to strike finishing blows on the monk after he fell. We also think we finished the fighter, but an assassin and mage were able to teleport away.   Beaten and bloodied, we returned to the surface. The monk had a curious magical ring and some magical oil and a potion.   I know that most of my comrades do not see the threats as clearly as I do. They are not prepared.

Session 6: Finding the Ringwell

We have begun our investigations into the whereabouts of Lady Orozivaar and the Ringwell. After some dead ends, we traced our way back the butcher shop, which was the site of the start of the magical chaos of the previous day.   Within the butcher shop, we were attacked by a Drow, not too difficult to dispatch. We found him with a curious Black Iron ring. After locating a trap door leading beneath the shop, we began to explore the tunnels underneath. After encountering some subterranean creatures (including one fight where I fought without sight to avoid umber hulk confusion effects), we located the entry to the Ringwell.   Within the Ringwell, we found a chamber with a giant, brittle, diamond-like crystal sphere, which was broken. We found evidence which seemed to indicate this was the prison of the celestial we encountered above.   In this room was also a door we could not pass, but as we investigated it, we were attacked by a strange creature which seemed to control elements of time itself. We were a small party, and were almost finished off by the strange being, if not for the last ditch efforts of Bait.   After returning to the surface, we set the junior officers and days to securing the entrance to the tunnels below.

Session 5: An Old Temple and a Mad Celestial

I give a summary of Creep’s report and my own findings to the Senior leadership, emphasizing that we have been taking jobs without paying attention to the political repercussions of the loyalties we may be displaying along the way.   I have become nervous about the instability of this city, and how we may trigger the ire of a powerful house without even knowing it. Even more nerve wracking is the information that there are supporters of St. Wagner within the city power structure.   I begin to see eyes all about us, and grow uncomfortable with our open ways. Commander assures us that we need to stay visible in order to grow our troops and secure jobs. I am afraid our ignorance will land us in places we do not want to be.   We have begun to establish our Days and Junior officers at the Ghostly Minstrel, while the officers have chosen to take residence at The Griffon, a more upscale establishment not far away.   A small job, finding the father of a young woman, leads us to an old temple within the city. Abandoned, except for strange statues, we found that there was a large idol within that would petrify anyone in the courtyard. Commander Scar found that break plaques would free the petrified victims, and we found a curious puzzle box with a strange coin and crystal within the chamber past the statue.   Freeing the victims did gain us a few new days.   On our way home from the brief job, we ran across chaos in the streets with all sorts of wild magic occurring, including a shape changed black dragon, to which I delivered the final blow, reverting it back to a dwarf. The source of this chaos turned out to be a crazed celestial being, which almost killed me as I tried to slow its path. I’m not sure what came into me for the act of heroic sacrifice, we were not on contract to deal with this being…   The being spoke of wards being broken and the need for the restoration of something he called the Ringwell.   We were celebrated for aiding in quieting the chaos. I suppose you don’t always need a contract for reward, although in retrospect, I don’t think we should make a habit of going into danger without a clear contract.   These actions also drew the notice of two employers. One Jebica Nor, of the Inverted Pyramid, asking us to investigate this Ringwell. The other Brother Thisk, of the Church of Lothian, who wanted us to find a missing paladin, Lady Orozivaar. Commander Scar accepted both of these tasks, as they seemed to overlap in many ways.  

Session 4: Under the Sea

A new day and another job, this time for Duke Marius, of House Nagel. He tasked us with an underwater voyage to discover the fate of some Merfolk allies. We quickly found that the Merfolk King and Queen had been killed, and their daughter, Narida, captured.   Our initial lead brought us to a den of pirates, the Silver Sword Pirate Gang, led by Onyx, who we suspected of the kidnapping. This, however turned out to be wrong, as Onyx was actually in love with the princess, who had been taken by a sea witch to sacrifice in the name of an old rite to satisfy a kraken.   Giving chase, we ended up battling with the witch and the kraken in a temple. Defeating it by collapsing the temple after securing Narida’s safety.   Meanwhile, Creep has been busy collecting information and setting up the network. Creep provides an extensive report on the political situation in Ptolus, which is unstable, to say the least.

Session 3: A Noble’s Party and a Hag

We secured a second job, within the city this time. Because of this, our employers are able to secure Weapons Licenses for some of us, in addition to the Imperial Identifications.   Before this job, providing security for a noble’s party, we made some exploration of the city of Ptolus. I started to try to establish contacts with some of the criminal elements of Ptolus, which is not as clear as other cities, as there is no singular Thieves’ Guild in this city. Creeps is going to assist me with gathering information and establishing a network within the city.   We also came across Emerald Exchange, a magic shop with a colorful proprietor. She does not have any item to provide vision through magical darkness, but may craft a special order with the right materials from an appropriate creature, such as a powerful devil.   Our security job became quite complicated by a relationship the party’s guest of honor had established with a nearby swamp denizen, which turned out to be a Green Hag. We needed to track down the hag and destroy it in order release him from a binding.

Session 2: Arrival at Ptolus

Upon return to our home plane, we continued along our way to our intended destination of Ptolus. The Dark Dream is not rigged for the seas of our home plane, so the trip is slow. The ship asks us for permission to feed along the way, capturing a killer whale and other sea life to satisfy its hunger.   On nearing Ptolus, we are intercepted by a Galleon, commanded by the Marquis de Masko, of House Khatru and the Church of Ares. After a boarding, inspection, and fees, we are allowed to proceed to the port.   After docking, we began to search for information about Ptolus and begin the process of rebuilding the Scales as a fighting force.   We found a job board with postings for various tasks, with which we could begin making connections in the city. We also found that the city proper is separated from the docks and entry was strictly controlled, limited to those who held Imperial Paperwork. We also found that there are strict limits on weapons and magic use within the city limits, without the proper permits.   We found our first job with Amari Vot, a minor noble associated with House Sadar. We were to investigate a secret magic workshop in the nearby mountains that had gone silent. There had been no reports from the researcher, Illamar, for some time.   Within this research facility, we encountered a magical spell assistant, which ended up inhabiting an automaton. After besting it in a “friendly bout”, Commander Scar actually recruited it to our cause. Many of us are not clear on the wisdom of this action, but we will trust the commander, and it is not my place to question.

Session 1: Flight and a New Beginning

I start this journal as we escape the city of Blackbottom, being pursued by St. Wagner’s forces.   I find myself elevated to the Senior leadership, saddened by the loss of our Commander Sparkle and other senior members creating the spot for me. I am humbled by the choice to elevate me to this position, and will serve Commander Scar to the best of my capacity. He does not seem overly bright, but he seems to make for this with valor and earnestness.   Our flight from the city on the Squall Chaser, captained by Capt. Ariane, was complicated by chase given by three fast pursuit boats. Capt. Ariane decided to make for the Maelstrom to escape our pursuers while we tried to fight them off. As we dispatched the attackers, we dipped into the heart of the Maelstrom, passing somehow into the Astral Plane.   Such a serene existence we discovered on the Astral Sea, slowly making our way to another portal back to our world. We encountered a pod of Kindori, whale-like creatures of the Astral Sea, visions of beauty and grace.   The peace of our journey was suddenly interrupted by the appearance of a living, tentacled ship, which we later found out was named the Somnium Tenebrous, or Dark Dream. Crewed by Dueregar, they attacked us from out of nowhere. After fighting off the boarding party, we were able to board the Dark Dream and capture it for our own. We discovered records that indicated that these raiders were sent to pursue us by St. Wagner. We also found an imprisoned Gith warrior and Illithid. We chose to aid the Gith, who promptly killed the Illithid. The Gith warrior, Lurk, accepted a position in the Scales as a junior officer, and agreed to help us by “piloting” this living ship back to our home plane.