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Mon 16th Sep 2024 03:58

Session 41: Delver’s Square

by Spook

Some of our efforts to gain more information have started to bear fruit. Scar received a rather informally toned letter from Lady Violentia of The Grave regarding intelligence on the Umbral Enclave. She provided information on various members, including
Viltho Delmourne, the leader
Vorcan, a sorcerer and protector
Lady Morwenna Voss, a rogue and spy
Thalorn Greyscar, a scholar and expert in things arcane
Aradelle Rin, a diplomat and negotiator
We further learned that the Hall of Veils was an area under Ptolus connected to an undercity market and sewers. It is an area protected by obscurity, as well as by enchantments, and perhaps even a guardian of some sort, the Veilkeeper. We also learned that the Inverted Pyramid was another group who had some associations with the Hall of Veils, using it for its protection from scrying and other magical means of observation.
We spoke to members of the Inverted Pyramid, who were still investigating the Ringwell, mainly in more mundane pursuits, as best we could tell. Fortunately, it also does not appear that they have pushed into any of the dangerous parts of the Ringwell that are immediately accessible. We learned that, while they had not been there themselves, they were willing to point us in the right direction, to the Delver’s Square, as city market that also had an entry to the Undercity Market.
On investigation of the Undercity Market, Scar and Grace seemed to wander off to another section of the market, a side market where darker things were peddled. We found a slaver, a purveyor of necromantic scrolls, and a seller of entrapped fiends.
Scar decided to buy all of the slaves available for sale, declaring them free and asking them to be delivered to the Barracks. His somewhat impulsive move was one that perhaps could have been thought out a little more. We had to make sure that these people were truly free to choose their next lot in life, meaning that we could not abandon them, without money or job in the middle of a city. We also needed to make sure that they were checked for disease or other ailment before taking them into our barracks. Lastly, there was the concern that we had just given slavers almost a thousand gold, securing their business stability for quite some time.
I was surprised to see Grace’s reaction to the situation with the slaver. He was asking for permission to kill them. I don’t think I have seen such a response from Grace about anything of the sort. The slavers had withdrawn before any actions could be taken, but I assured him that they had just received a huge windfall from Scar, and that he had encouraged them to find more “willing” people that he might “free” from slavery with the option to join the Scales. I’m not sure this tactic has set well with anyone else, but we will see. Grace was still interested enough that he wants to discharge some of our vampire troops to find more about them. I had expressed a concern that Wagner was known to use slaves, and that we may be crossing into other territories by being involved with them.
The amulet seller was another interesting find, offering us a bound Marilith for the sum of 250,000 gold. A tempting offer for such a fearsome creature, but we finally opted against taking such a big risk with about half of the Scales’ treasury. Despite its potential uses, we had no idea whether or not this creature could break its bonds and turn on us.
Leaving these dark markets, we found ourselves entering a shop by a back passage. They claimed to deal with “Scouts, Guides, and Porters” for delving. We also learned more about the Delver’s Guild, which offered such perks as access to their maps, libraries, and secure waypoints, as well as discounts at a local outfitter, Ebert’s. We agreed that all should join for future exploration of this area. There was even something at higher seniority about placing claims on newly discovered areas. The library and maps rooms were fairly disorganized, I suggested that Archive review all of the material and organize it properly in the future.
While wandering these markets I received a missive in the diplomat pouch addressed to Bait. It included details about an attack on Stormhaven by Wagner’s forces. This is the first I have heard specifics of Bait’s past. Apparently, his former community was strongly associated with Zeus and his following.
Soon after leaving the Delver’s Guild, we were met by Creeps, who led us to a remote area, and offered a guide to help progress to the entrance to the Hall of Veils. Matt, the guide, was able to lead us for a couple miles underground to a sealed passageway. He could lead us no further, but the invitation Points had opened the way for us. We had previously determined that the invitation had some kinds of enchantments on it, which possibly would help us pass certain obstacles to the Hall of Veils.
Going through the passageway, we arrived at a large room with multiple columns and statues. As soon as we set foot in the room, 5 of the statues began to move to attack us. It seemed the Points, bearing the invitation, was allowed passage, but the rest of us drew the ire of the golems. After a difficult fight, including Scar falling more than once, we were able to cross the room to the far set of doors. Set set forth onward in our search for the Hall of Veils, hopefully finding a place to recover a bit before any other challenges find us.

Spook's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Session 1: Flight and a New Beginning
    27 Mar 2023 11:50:36
  2. Session 2: Arrival at Ptolus
    27 Mar 2023 11:52:03
  3. Session 3: A Noble’s Party and a Hag
    27 Mar 2023 11:53:44
  4. Session 4: Under the Sea
    27 Mar 2023 11:54:16
  5. Session 5: An Old Temple and a Mad Celestial
    27 Mar 2023 11:54:46
  6. Session 6: Finding the Ringwell
    27 Mar 2023 11:55:31
  7. Session 7: The Black Iron Pact in the Ringwell
    27 Mar 2023 11:56:08
  8. Session 8: Brother Gabadon
    27 Mar 2023 11:58:08
  9. Session 9: The Library, Red Falcons, and Twelve Dragons
    28 Mar 2023 12:00:10
  10. Sessions 10 & 12: A Challenge from the Sapphire Sky
    28 Mar 2023 12:01:28
  11. Session 11: The Defense of Dragon’s End
    28 Mar 2023 12:04:05
  12. Session 13: The Brood Ball
    28 Mar 2023 12:05:25
  13. Session 14: Hoard of the Blue Dragon
    28 Mar 2023 12:06:30
  14. Session 15: An Item of Sentimental Value
    28 Mar 2023 12:08:11
  15. Session 16: Taking on the Web
    17 Apr 2023 12:13:36
  16. Session 17: The Dragon and the Glass Ghost
    08 May 2023 03:43:12
  17. Session 18: Closing the Mortiz Contract
    30 May 2023 10:32:46
  18. Session 19: The Road To Keep Everwinter (I)
    08 Jul 2023 08:43:41
  19. Session 20: The Road To Keep Everwinter (II)
    16 Jul 2023 11:57:47
  20. Session 21:Keep Everwinter (I)
    08 Aug 2023 09:56:03
  21. Session 22: Keep Everwinter (II)
    02 Sep 2023 04:23:01
  22. Session 23: The Lighthouse
    05 Sep 2023 01:34:52
  23. Session 24: Into the Mists
    18 Sep 2023 02:13:37
  24. Session 25: Within the Misty Borders
    03 Oct 2023 02:38:46
  25. Session 26: The People of Glauer
    12 Nov 2023 01:21:17
  26. Session 27: Shadowkeep
    19 Nov 2023 11:05:34
  27. Session 28: The Fortress
    27 Nov 2023 02:39:42
  28. Session 29: Through the Portals
    24 Dec 2023 05:41:03
  29. Session 30: Bloodlord Varrox
    15 Jan 2024 05:46:29
  30. Session 31: Interlude
    24 Jan 2024 03:14:38
  31. Sessions 32-40: Catching Up
    16 Sep 2024 03:57:22
  32. Session 41: Delver’s Square
    16 Sep 2024 03:58:45

The major events and journals in Spook's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 41: Delver’s Square

Some of our efforts to gain more information have started to bear fruit. Scar received a rather informally toned letter from Lady Violentia of The Grave regarding intelligence on the Umbral Enclave. She provided information on various members, including ...

04:00 am - 16.09.2024

Sessions 32-40: Catching Up

I return to recording my thoughts after a tumultuous time. I do not even rightly recall everything that has happened since I last recorded in this journal. I find that the changes enacted by the Infernal Chancellor has have a wider effect on me than I ...

03:58 am - 16.09.2024

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Spook.

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