Eastern Pines

The Eastern Pines sit north of the Piercing Hills and brush against the eastern walls of Umra. The boundary of the wood is patrolled regularly by security forces of the city, and it is well-cultivated by slaves and some of their masters. All of this protection and effort put into its health have led to bounties of food being available year-round.   Some of the methods for growing food were called into question upon several reports of chimera-esque animals, but the rumors circulated only a short while before being silenced.   Due to Umra's reliance on the Pines for food, visitors need a writ to get in.  
Between requiring a writ and the guards patrolling the place, it's an entertaining thought experiment to consider why Umra would want to protect the Pines from outsiders that much.
Forest, Boreal (Coniferous)


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