Become What You Eat

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The king of Dutan who we now know as the Bear King journeyed out in the woods alone at night. On his trip, he found himself rather hungry and came across a deer carcass half eaten and abandoned by some other predator. In his hunger, he ate the deer consuming its flesh and organs. He ate them raw, and something remarkable happened. His hearing became keen, and he heard every rustle of leaves. He became swift and bounded through the woods on renewed energy and strength. And so it lasted when the sun rose until it fell again. The next night, he found the carcass of a boar that his men were hunting. It finally succumbed to its wounds. He ate its flesh and organs, and like before, something remarkable happened. Fire rose in his chest, and he possessed a great strength and keen sense of smell. He charged through the woods, and even the trees were no match for his new strength. And so it lasted when the sun rose until it fell again. On the third night, the king brought a bow and shot down an eagle sleeping in its nest. He ate its flesh and organs, and something remarkable happened. His arms became wings, and he could see a drop of water from a mile away. He soared above the trees and as high as the peak of the Gellach. And so it lasted when the sun rose until it fell again.   The flesh and organs give every creature life. They are unique to each kind. We become what we eat, and so, when we need the instincts of our wild neighbors, we can eat them raw as the Bear King once did. But it must never be cooked or all the magic is lost. And you must give thanks and honor the creature's life. If you don't, the meat will sicken you or kill you.   For the king's youngest son was arrogant and loud. He boasted that he was better than his father and would be a greater ruler if he could ascend the throne. He challenged the eldest brother to a duel to the death for the birthright of inheritance. But the youngest son wasn't a fool. He knew that his older brother was a great warrior and hunter. So the youngest son ventured out into the woods the night before the duel and slew a boar. He ate its flesh and organs until he could eat no more. But the boar was large, and he abandoned more than half of the kill to be picked apart by scavengers. When morning came, he was powerful and angry. He fought with the strength of the boar, and spears shattered against his skin. In his fury, he eviscerated his brother and bellowed in triumph with the crown prince's head held high. He donned the bloody crown himself and declared that he would be the next king of Dutan.   But the boar sought vengeance even in death. The prince suddenly choked and fell to his knees vomiting. He had to be carried off to his chambers, and fever wracked his body. He shook and sweated and was plagued with nightmares that no herbalist could heal. Eventually, he died in the night, but when his body was found in the morning, it was already mostly rotted. His bloated hand held the broken tusk that was engraved with the words "Revenge without honor". The Bear King was saddened by his sons' deaths, and he issued a decree to find the boar missing a tusk. He buried the boar with royal honors beside his eldest son while the youngest son was thrown into a pauper's unmarked grave.

Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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