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Kernian isn't about where you're from but what you've been through.
  The Kernians were originally from the Ker region of Dutan which borders the Zenerem Forest. Historically, humans and catfolk dominated the region. The primary industry was farming and animal husbandry, and there were large towns but no cities. However, the Yellow Plague decimated the region, and entire villages died due to the illness. Those who remained were forced to flee for their lives. They followed the roads north and eventually founded Rekkert. They were joined by the Blind Mage who later became the patron of the city after becoming a demigod. More people flocked to the city due to the epidemic, and the Kernians became the identity of everyone who was displaced from their ancestral homes due to the pandemic. There's an intense sense of identity around being displaced due to the epidemic, and people who were displaced for other reasons are distinctly not Kernian.   They are well known for being welcoming towards strangers, and they place a high value on bodily purity. Bathing is a ritualized practice, and they now refuse to eat any meat or fish raw. Prior to the epidemic, the Kernians consumed the highest quantity of raw meat in Dutan. Most Kernians are humans, but there's a significant number of catfolk and dwarves who were displaced and then settled in Rekkert. Men and women are regarded equally with the same rights to citizenship and property ownership. Family units are seen as extremely important, and intergenerational housing is common. There is a distinct Ker dialect, though it's more commonly known as the Rekkert dialect with the Ker dialect referring to a more archaic form used only by those who originated from the Ker region.   After the epidemic, some people tried to resettle the Ker region, and new inhabitants moved in. Some attempt to claim to be Kernian using the historic definition of people who are from the Ker region, but this is rejected by the people of Rekkert. Instead, the term Kerish is used to describe the modern people who live in the Ker. Today, the Kernians are thriving and live in a prosperous metropolis. There aren't any strong efforts to return to the Ker due to their belief that the entire region is unclean due to the pandemic.
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Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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Aug 6, 2024 12:37 by Han

> There's an intense sense of identity around being displaced due to the epidemic   ah, something we know well... These poor folk. That trauma's shaped them so much. Do they ever have folk who try to argue against bodily purity because the plague is in the past?

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Aug 14, 2024 16:03 by Elizabread

Yep, though it's more common amongst young people and the new inhabitants of the Ker region. The conflict over who's Kernian is something I want explore more when I expand on this article.

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