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Weird bunch of people in their mansions and yellow bathrobes, and most of them don't like to talk to anyone else. It's like the rest of the world doesn't touch them, and they're always so cheerful and content. But I mean, who wouldn't be when you can live locked away in your palace?
— Resident of Ivran
  The Lokkaidians are a semi-religious group who live in the walled Lokkai district of Ivran. They are known for worshipping Evarios the Golden and possess the only and largest temple to Evarios in the world. They are most well known for standing against the many of the common activities in the rest of the city such as drinking, gambling, debauchery, and hedonism. By comparison, they lead simple and prudish lives and are quite content to remain behind their walls. Their god preaches against partaking in the "ailments of the world". Smoking is permitted within the community, but it's deemed an adult activity and not permitted in public spaces or around children. When they leave their enclave, they are most recognizable by their yellow or orange robes for adults and long tunics for children. Lokkaidians tend to be very wealthy, so expensive fabrics are also a common marker.   All it takes to become a Lokkaidian is to own property in Lokkai. For most people, the property is passed down through inheritance. Newly wealthy individuals can buy property in the district as a way to be around other members of the social and political elite. Worship of Evarios isn't mandatory, but his teachings govern how the district is run. Refusal to follow community rules can lead to snubbing or being blacklisted. For Lokkaidians who don't live in Ivran year round, many opt to rent out their homes. Renters must be carefully vetted and agree to all the rules. For those looking to increase their standing, it's a fair agreement.   They value kindness, generosity, and believe that children are inherently innocent and good. Though they can come off as aloof, Lokkaidians who earnestly follow Evarios are known throughout the city as being extremely generous to businesses and organizations they agree with. They're also well known for Duugath races which is family friendly entertainment. Duugaths must be wild caught and released after the racing season. For the kids, they're treated as pets, and many families take great pride in having winning Duugaths.
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Cover image: by DigitalCurio


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