••• Witch's Gaze Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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••• Witch's Gaze

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - Ordo Dracul
This power is the Vedma’s sanguine manifestation of the archetypal curse of a mad witch — the Vaskania or “evil eye.” With just a look, the Vedma can curse a subject, dooming him to suffer a terrible setback, grievous injury or awful malady. The Vedma may inflict a particular curse upon the subject by proclaiming her intent for the subject to hear, or she may simply lay a baneupon him to attract bad luck.


Dramatic Failure: The subject is not cursed and cannot be cursed by the character again for the rest of the night. The Willpower point spent to invoke the curse is wasted.
Failure: The curse fails to take hold, but the character may try again in another turn. The Willpower point spent to invoke the curse is wasted.
Success: The character wins the contested roll against the subject, and may choose to curse one of the subject’s Skills or the subject in general. To curse a specific Skill, the Vedma must suggest the Skill to be cursed with a proclamation (for example, “You rely too much on your guns, fool!” indicates the Firearms Skill, while “Damn your cherished tongue,” might indicate Socialize or Persuasion), and the player must specify the Skill exactly to the Storyteller (possibly in secret). The subject has no means of determining which Skill has been cursed other than the character’s proclamation. The next time the character fails at a serious attempt to use the cursed Skill, he suffers a dramatic failure instead. The Storyteller is encouraged to discount actions specifically designed to “absorb” the curse; the subject may attempt such actions, but they should not trigger the curse’s effect.
The duration of a Skill-specific curse depends on the Vedma’s dice pool. The default duration for a Skill-specific curse lasts until the next sunset. Each –1 penalty the character voluntarily applies to her dice pool extends the curse by one more day, assuming she wins the contested action to invoke the curse.
If the character curses the subject in general, he no longer benefits from the 10-again rule for the rest of the scene.
Exceptional Success: Similar to a normal success, but the effects of a general curse persist for the rest of the night. An exceptional success affords no additional benefit to a Skill-specific curse.
Material Components
Cost: 1 Willpower
Gestures & Ritual
Dice Pool: Presence + Intimidation + Zagovny versus subject’s Resolve + Blood Potency
Related Discipline
Effect Casting Time
Contested; resistance is reflexive.
Applied Restriction
The character may affect the subject with only one curse at a time.
This power requires the character to make eye contact with the subject. If the subject is not standing still or otherwise immobilized, the roll to invoke this power suffers a –1 penalty. If this power is turned on a vampire with whom the character has a blood tie, a +2 bonus applies to the user’s roll.

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